Bibliography (1913/30)

Tchaikovsky Research
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ContributorsKaufman, Abram Yevgenyevich (1855-1921) (author)
TitleВстречи с Чайковским (из личных воспоминаний)
InСолнце Россий [Saint Petersburg]
PartNo. 44
EditionOctober 1913
Extentp. 15-17
NotesThe composer's tour of Odessa in 1892/93, and the production of The Queen of Spades
Related ItemsReprinted as Встречи с Чайковским (из личных воспоминаний) (1940)
Reprinted as Встречи с Чайковским (из личных воспоминаний) (1980)
TranslationsEnglish translation as A. Kaufman (1993)
English translation as Abram Kaufman (1999)
German translation as Meine Begegnungen mit Peter Tschaikowsky (1994)