Letter 3567a

Tchaikovsky Research
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Date 12/24 May 1888
Addressed to Vadim Peresleni
Where written Frolovskoye
Language Russian
Autograph Location unknown
Publication Tschaikowsky-Gesellschaft Mitteilungen, Heft 19 (2012), p. 105 (original), p. 106 (German translation).
Notes Photocopy in Klin (Russia): Tchaikovsky State Memorial Musical Museum-Reserve

Text and Translation

Russian text
English translation
By Brett Langston
12 мая
г[ород] Клин, с[ело] Фроловское

Дима! Не только не 2 беленьких, а просто одну красненькую. Быть может в конце месяца ещё дам. Теперь я вследствие некоторых обстоятельств очень стеснён в деньгах. Сердись — не сердись, а больше не могу, да и то неохотно. Как скучно, что ты даже в виде исключения никогда не можешь отнестись ко мне иначе как с вымогательством. Надоел. Впрочем, повторяю, в конце месяца дам больше может быть и до беленькой дойдет. Посылаю в простом письме.

П. Чайковский

12 May
Town of Klin, village of Frolovskoye

Dima! Not only do I not have two whites, but merely a single red [1]. Perhaps at the end of the month I'll give you more. Due to various circumstances my funds are currently very restricted. Whether you're angry or not, there's nothing more I can do, even if I wanted to. How tiresome it is that, without exception, you never behave towards me as anything other than a blackmailer. You are a pest. However, I repeat, at the end of the month I may be able to give you more, even up to a white. I'll send it by ordinary letter.

P. Tchaikovsky

Notes and References

  1. The terms "white" and "red" were colloquially used at this time in Russia to refer respectively to the 50 and 10 ruble banknotes then in circulation. Tchaikovsky was replying to a letter from Vadim Peresleni dated 7/19 May 1888, in which the latter asked for "no less than two whites" in order to settle his debts — note based on information from Ada Aynbinder in Vier unbekannte Briefe Čajkovskijs an Vadim Peresleni (2012).