Letter 4225a

Tchaikovsky Research
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Date 3/15 October 1890
Addressed to Léonce Détroyat
Where written Tiflis
Language French
Autograph Location unknown [1]
Publication Not published

Text and Translation

Only two brief extracts are known from the publication of this letter in Sotheby's 1988 sale catalogue, which may contain differences in formatting and content from Tchaikovsky's original letter [2].

French text
English translation
By Brett Langston
[...] Ce qui se passe dans "la Georgienne" ressemble si peu sous tous les rapports à la réalité, que cela peut compromettre les grandes qualités de votre œuvre [...]

[...] ne pas mieux que d'appuyer votre demande auprès de M[onsieu]r Wsevolojsky et je Vous promets de la soutenir de toutes mes forces.

Mon adresse à Petersbourg est 24, Fontanka.

Je Vous serre bien cordialement la main, cher Monsieur.

P. Tschaïkovsky

[...] The events of "La Georgiènne" bear so little resemblance to reality, that this may compromise the great quality of your work [...]

[...] do no more than to support your request to Mr Vsevolozhsky, and I promise to support you with all my strength.

My address in Petersburg is 24, Fontanka.

I shake your hand warmly, dear monsieur.

P. Tchaikovsky

Notes and References

  1. The autograph was auctioned in 1986 and 1988 by Sotheby's, London — see their Catalogues of Sales, issue 7480, part 1 (1986), p. 260 (item no. 578), and Music. Continental Manuscripts and Period Books. Science and Medicine. London. 5th and 6th May 1988 (1988), p. 215 (lot 485, addressee incorrectly identified as Louis Gallet).
  2. See also Tschaikowsky-Gesellschaft Mitteilungen, Heft 21/I (2014), p. 91-92.