Letter 1862 and Chronology: Difference between pages

Tchaikovsky Research
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|Date=5/17 October 1881
:: ''See also [[Chronological List of Works]].''
|To=[[Nadezhda von Meck]]
|Autograph=[[Klin]] (Russia): {{RUS-KLč}} (a{{sup|3}}, No. 748)
|Publication={{bib|1935/56|П. И. Чайковский. Переписка с Н. Ф. фон-Мекк ; том 2}} (1935), p. 559–561<br/>{{bib|1966/44|П. И. Чайковский. Полное собрание сочинений ; том X}} (1966), p. 233–235
|Original text={{right|''Каменка''<br/>5 окт[ября] 1881 г[ода]}}
{{right|9 ч[асов] веч[ера]}}
Сегодня утром я приехал в Каменку и нашёл здесь письмо Ваше из Триеста, дорогой, лучший друг мой! Как тяжело, как обидно мне было читать те строки, из которых я впервые узнал всю жгучесть испытанных Вами нравственных терзаний. Но, ради Бога, не говорите, друг мой, что они вконец расстроили Ваше здоровье. Я не хочу верить Вам; я убеждён, что отдых и пребывание вдали от мест, где Вы страдали, принесёт Вам полное восстановление сил. Но только, ради Бога, так или иначе, хотя бы и с некоторой потерей, покончите раз навсегда все дела Ваши. Я думал и утешал себя тем, что Вы сели в Москве в вагон с тем, чтобы на время, по крайней мере, вовсе и забыть о делах. Оказывается, что и в Триесте Вы тревожитесь и беспокоитесь. Господи! когда же это кончится?

Я выехал из Москвы 1-го октября в довольно подавленном настроении духа. Кроме грустных чувств от разлуки, я был чрезвычайно огорчён дурными известиями о моей «Орлеанской деве» в Петербурге. Оказывается, что Каменской запрещено под страхом близкого разрушения голоса петь слишком высокую партию Иоанны. Другая «Иоанна», Макарова, так плоха, что её не решаются выпускать в капитальной роли. И вот теперь уже три недели, что опера ни разу не шла, да и всю зиму будет, вероятно, влачить жалкое существование. Это меня страшно огорчает.
The following is adapted from the chronology published in ''[[The Tchaikovsky Handbook]]'', volume 1 (2002), pages xxxi-xli.

В Киеве я провёл 2 дня. Квартира зятя почти совсем готова, и в ней уже живут племянницы Таня, Анна, Тася и племянники гимназисты. Сам Лев Вас[ильевич] был в Каменке, а сестра с Верой и Юрием в Крыму. Сестра чувствует себя хорошо я совершенно восхищена красотами Крыма. Недавно она с обоими детьми ездила в Орианду, и Вел[ики] кн[язь] Конст[антин] Ник[олаевич], увидев их и узнав, что это близкие мне родственники, вышел к ним, сидел с ними в парке и обласкал Веру и Юрия. Сестра от него в восторге.
* 25 April/7 May – Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky is born in [[Votkinsk]], some 600 miles east of [[Moscow]]; second son of [[Ilya Tchaikovsky]], a mining engineer, and [[Aleksandra Tchaikovskaya]] (b. Assier); has an older brother [[Nikolay]] (born 9/21 May 1838) and paternal half-sister [[Zinayda]] (born 1829).

Приехавши сюда, я прежде всего уговорил зятя ехать сегодня же в Киев, чтобы распутать всевозможные затруднения, встреченные неопытной и нервной Таней в управлении всего дома. Кроме того случилось обстоятельство, необходимо требующее его присутствия в семье. Один господин, впрочем, очень порядочный и уважаемый, вздумал в отсутствии родителей сделать Тане формальное предложение. Она не желает этого замужества, но у неё не хватило духа отказать решительно, и теперь без отца она не знает, как поступить в отношении своего претендента и продолжать ли принимать его. Увы! я с грустью сознаю, что она преднамеренно, кокетством довела его да того, что он решился сделать это предложение, — а теперь и не хочет идти за него и ''боится'' отказать решительно, ибо совесть не совсем чиста. До слез обидно видеть, как эта девушка потеряла всякое сознание бесчестности, бессердечности своего отношения к разным вздыхателям. Это совершенное подобие той истории с Вашей Соней, о которой Вы писали мне. Но ведь Соня ещё девочка, и ей простительно шалить и легкомысленно поражать сердца; Таня — уже зрелая и много испытавшая девушка. Увы! опыт ничему не научил её!
* 28 December/9 January 1842 – Birth of his sister [[Aleksandra Davydova|Aleksandra]] ("Sasha").

Брат Модест уже в Риме, в ''Hôtel Costanzi''. Я же должен непременно прожить здесь, по меньшей мере, месяц, чтобы несколько исправить пошатнувшийся вследствие поездки в Москву бюджет, чтобы отработать всего Бортнянского, да, наконец, чтобы усладить одиночество Льва Вас[ильевича], до слез обрадовавшегося моему приезду. Он очень тоскует здесь, вдали от семьи, и теперь, уехавши в Киев на несколько дней, счастлив пи мысли, что по возвращении найдёт меня здесь.
* 10 April/22 April – Birth of his brother [[Ippolit]].

В настоящую минуту (9 с пол[овиной] час[ов] веч[ера]) я сижу один в доме, где прежде было всегда столько движения и суеты. Тишина вокруг меня абсолютная, так что даже немножко жутко и грустно. Но я нуждался после Москвы и Киева в этом отдохновении и спокойствии. Завтра начну занятия, и грустить будет некогда. Ах! если б только мой бедный Алёша мог быть здесь со мной.
* August – With his sister [[Aleksandra Davydova|Aleksandra]], he composes a song "Our Mama in [[Petersburg]]".
* November – [[Fanny Dürbach]] becomes governess to the Tchaikovsky family.

Как я радуюсь за Вас, дорогая моя, думая, что Вы в милом Риме! Но только, ради Бога, забудьте дела, если можно.
* He takes up piano lessons with [[Mariya Palchikova]].

Не буду ждать от Вас писем до того, как Вы поселитесь во Флоренции. Ради Бога, не утомляйте себя.
* He begins to write poetry at school.

{{right|Ваш, П. Чайковский}}
Поклон Юлье Карловне, Влад[иславу] Альберт[овичу], Саше и всем Вашим. Воображаю, как милый Саша рад, что он не в Училище!
* September – [[Fanny Dürbach]] leaves her position as governess, and the Tchaikovsky family moves from [[Votkinsk]] to [[Moscow]].
* November – His family moves to [[Saint Petersburg]], where Tchaikovsky is sent to a boarding school and continues his music lessons with a private teacher.

|Translated text=
* May – His family moves from [[Saint Petersburg]] to [[Alapayevsk]] in the Ural Mountains, where his [[father]] is appointed manager of a metallurgical plant.
* 1 May/13 May – Birth of his twin brothers [[Anatoly]] ("Tolya") and [[Modest]] ("Modya").
* 22 August/3 September – He sees a production of [[Mikhail Glinka]]'s opera ''A Life for the Tsar'', which makes a lasting impression.
* September – He enrols in the Imperial School of Jurisprudence in [[Saint Petersburg]].
* October – He sees a production of Adolphe Adam's ballet ''Giselle'', with Carlotta Grisi.
* September – His [[father]] visits him in [[Saint Petersburg]].
* May – His family moves from [[Alapayevsk]] to join him in [[Saint Petersburg]].
* summer – He sings the soprano part of a coloratura duet from [[Rossini]]'s Semiramide with his aunt [[Yekaterina Alekseyeva]].
* autumn – He takes part in a trio in the Liturgy at the School of Jurisprudence, and becomes an active participant in the School's choir.
* He forms a friendship with his schoolmate [[Aleksey Apukhtin]].
* January – Marriage of his half-sister [[Zinayda]] to Yevgeny Olkhovsky.
* 13 June/25 June – Death of his mother [[Aleksandra Tchaikovskaya|Aleksandra]] from cholera.
* August – The ''[[Anastasie-valse]]'' is his earliest known attempt at written-down composition.
* He starts piano lessons with Rudolf Kündinger.
* While boarding at the boys-only School of Jurisprudence, the first signs of his innate homosexual sensibilities become apparent, and he becomes infatuated with his schoolfriend Sergey Kireyev.
* He makes the acquaintance of the Italian singer and voice teacher Luigi Piccioli, who is the first person to recognize his musical talent and significantly influences his musical development.
* Under the influence of Piccioli, he becomes an enthusiastic admirer of [[Rossini]], [[Bellini]] and [[Donizetti]]. [[Mozart]]'s ''Don Giovanni'' also has a profound impact.
* autumn – He makes his first attempt at conducting the school choir, at the request of singing master Gavryl Lomakin.
* 13 May/25 May – He graduates from the Imperial School of Jurisprudence.
* June – He begins work as a civil servant in the Ministry of Justice.
* While employed at the Ministry of Justice, he becomes a ‘man-about-town', and enjoys operas, theatres and concerts in [[Saint Petersburg]].
* 6 November/18 November – His sister [[Aleksandra Davydova|Aleksandra]] marries [[Lev Davydov]] and moves to her husband's family estate at [[Kamenka]] in the Ukraine.
* spring – He indulges in many homosexual escapades, until the risk of scandal grows.
* July–August – He travels outside Russia for the first time, to [[Berlin]], [[Hamburg]], [[Antwerp]], [[Brussels]], [[Ostend]], [[London]] and [[Paris]].
* autumn – He begins studying harmony in [[Nikolay Zaremba]]'s music classes in [[Saint Petersburg]], opened by the RMS.
* 8 September/20 September – Birth of his eldest niece [[Tatyana Davydova|Tatyana]] ("Tanya"), to his sister [[Aleksandra Davydova|Aleksandra]].
* He enrols as a student in the newly-opened [[Saint Petersburg]] Conservatory.
* The song ''[[Mezza notte]]'' becomes his first published composition.
* spring – He attends all six of [[Richard Wagner]]'s concerts in [[Saint Petersburg]].
* 11 April/23 April – He resigns from the Ministry of Justice to concentrate on studying music.
* 16 May/28 May – He is deeply impressed by a performance of [[Aleksandr Serov]]'s opera ''Judith''.
* summer – He stays with [[Aleksey Apukhtin]] at [[Pavlodar]].
* autumn – He resumes his study of music theory under Zaremba and begins composition classes with [[Anton Rubinstein]].
* winter – He starts to give private piano lessons.
==1864 ==
* June–August – He spends his summer vacation from the conservatory with his society friend Aleksey Golitsyn at [[Trostinets]] in Ukraine. Here he writes his first orchestral piece, ''[[The Storm]]''.
* autumn – He meets the composer [[Aleksandr Serov]] in [[Saint Petersburg]].
* His brothers [[Anatoly]] and [[Modest]] learn of Tchaikovsky's homosexuality from their schoolfriends.
* His father [[Ilya]] marries for a third time, to [[Yelizaveta Lipport]].
* summer – He spends his summer vacation with his brothers [[Modest]] and [[Anatoly]] at [[Kamenka]], where he sketches his [[Overture in C minor]].
* July–September – He translates Gevaert's ''[[Handbook for Instrumentation (Gevaert)|Handbook for Instrumentation]]''.
* 30 August/11 September – Premiere of the [[Characteristic Dances]] in [[Pavlovsk]] conducted by Johann Strauss II (the first public performance of any of his works).
* 30 October/11 November – Premiere of the [[String Quartet in B-flat major]] at the [[Saint Petersburg]] Conservatory.
* December–November – He works on his graduation cantata ''[[Ode to Joy]]''.
* 27 November/9 December – Premiere of the [[Overture in F major]] at the Mikhaylovsky Palace in [[Saint Petersburg]], conducted by Tchaikovsky.
* 29 December/10 January 1866 – Premiere of the cantata ''[[Ode to Joy]]'' at the [[Saint Petersburg]] Conservatory Graduation examinations, which earns him a silver medal.
* January – He leaves [[Saint Petersburg]] to become teacher of musical theory in the classes of the [[Moscow]] branch of the RMS.
* February – He revises his [[Overture in F major]].
* 4 March/16 March – Premiere of the revised [[Overture in F major]] in [[Moscow]].
* May–July – He spends the summer with his sister's mother-in-law and her daughters [[Vera]] and Yelizaveta Davydova, and with his brother [[Modest]] in [[Peterhof]], while sketching his [[Symphony No. 1]].
* July–August – He suffers from physical exhaustion as a result of overwork on the symphony.
* 1 September/13 September – He becomes employed at the newly opened [[Moscow]] Conservatory, with [[Nikolay Rubinstein]] as its director.
* November September– – He works on his [[Festival Overture on the Danish National Anthem]].
* 29 January/10 February – Premiere of the [[Festival Overture on the Danish National Anthem]] in [[Moscow]].
* 8/20 March – He starts work on his first opera, ''[[The Voyevoda (opera)|The Voyevoda]]''.
* June–August – He visits Finland and then spends the summer with the Davydovs at [[Hapsal]] [Haapsalu] in Estonia, where [[Vera Butakova|Vera Davydova]] becomes infatuated with him.
* July – He confides in [[Modest]] and [[Anatoly]] about his homosexuality.
* December – He meets the French composer [[Hector Berlioz]], who conducts two concerts in [[Moscow]].
* 3 February/15 February – Premiere of the [[Symphony No. 1]] in [[Moscow]], conducted by [[Nikolay Rubinstein]].
* 19 February/2 March – He unsuccessfully conducts his [[Characteristic Dances]] at a charity concert in [[Moscow]].
* March – He writes his first music review article, ''[[Regarding Mr Rimsky-Korsakov's "Serbian Fantasy"]]''.
* April – He meets [[Mily Balakirev]], [[Aleksandr Borodin]], [[César Cui]], [[Aleksandr Dargomyzhsky]] and [[Vladimir Stasov]], during a trip to [[Saint Petersburg]].
* 29 July/10 August — He completes work on ''[[The Voyevoda (opera)|The Voyevoda]]''.
* summer – He travels to [[Berlin]] and [[Paris]] with his friend [[Vladimir Shilovsky]].
* September – He becomes romantically involved with the opera singer [[Désirée Artôt]].
* September-December – He composes and scores the symphonic fantasia ''[[Fatum]]''.
* Publication by Jurgenson of the [[Scherzo à la russe]] and ''[[Impromptu in E-flat minor]]'' as his "Op. 1".
* January – He learns of [[Désirée Artôt]]'s marriage to Mariano Padilla-y-Ramos.
* January–July – He writes his second opera, ''[[Undina]]''.
* 30 January/11 February – Premiere of ''[[The Voyevoda (opera)|The Voyevoda]]'' at the Bolshoi Theatre in [[Moscow]].
* 15 February/27 February – Premiere of the symphonic fantasia ''[[Fatum]]'' in [[Moscow]].
* June – Marriage of his brother [[Ippolit]] to [[Sofya Nikonova]].
* autumn – He meets [[Mily Balakirev]] in [[Moscow]], and under his influence writes the overture-fantasia ''[[Romeo and Juliet]]''.
* He begins a passionate friendship with the conservatory student Eduard Zak.
* February – He starts work on his third opera, ''[[The Oprichnik]]''.
* 4 March/16 March – Premiere of ''[[Romeo and Juliet]]'' in [[Moscow]] passes almost unnoticed by the critics.
* 16/28 March – Extracts from ''[[Undina]]'' are performed  at a concert in [[Moscow]]'s Bolshoi Theatre. The complete opera was never staged.
* May – ''[[Undina]]'' is rejected by the directorate of the Imperial Theatres.
* June–August – He revises ''[[Romeo and Juliet]]'', at [[Balakirev]]'s instigation.
* June – He visits his sick friend [[Vladimir Shilovsky]] in [[Paris]], then travels to [[Soden]], and on to [[Mannheim]] for the [[Beethoven]] centennial festival.
* July – He flees to Switzerland following the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian War.
* August – After staying at [[Interlaken]], he visits [[Munich]] and [[Vienna]] on his way back to [[Moscow]].
* 16 March/28 March – An all-Tchaikovsky concert in [[Moscow]] includes the premieres of his trio ''[[Nature and Love]]'' and the [[String Quartet No. 1]]. [[Ivan Turgenev]] attends this concert, but Tchaikovsky avoids being introduced to him.
* June – He visits his sister [[Aleksandra Davydova|Aleksandra]] at [[Kamenka]].
* 2 December/14 December – Birth of his nephew [[Vladimir Davydov]] (Bob) to his sister [[Aleksandra Davydova|Aleksandra]].
* December – He visits [[Nice]] with [[Vladimir Shilovsky]].
* 5 February/17 February – Premiere of the revised ''[[Romeo and Juliet]]'' in [[Saint Petersburg]] has more success.
* February–March – He is commissioned to write a [[Cantata for the Opening of the Polytechnic Exhibition]] in [[Moscow]].
* 20 March/1 April – He completes work on ''[[The Oprichnik]]''.
* 31 May/12 June – Premiere of the [[Cantata for the Opening of the Polytechnic Exhibition]] in [[Moscow]].
* June–August – He spends the summer vacation at [[Kamenka]], [[Nizy]] and [[Usovo]], where he sketches his [[Symphony No. 2]].
* September – He starts regular work as the music critic of the newspaper ''Russian Register''.
* Marriage of his brother [[Nikolay]] to [[Olga Denisyeva]].
* 26 January/7 February – Premiere of the [[Symphony No. 2]] in [[Moscow]].
* February-April — He arranges the vocal-piano reduction of ''[[The Oprichnik]]''.
* March–April – He writes music for [[Aleksandr Ostrovsky]]'s play ''[[The Snow Maiden]]''.
* 11 May/23 May – Premiere of ''[[The Snow Maiden]]'' in [[Moscow]].
* June–August – He visits [[Nizy]] and [[Kamenka]], before travelling to Germany, Switzerland, Italy and France.
* August–October – He works on his symphonic fantasia ''[[The Tempest]]'', suggested by [[Vladimir Stasov]].
* 2 November/14 November – Suicide of [[Eduard Sack]], which has a profound effect on Tchaikovsky.
* 7 December/19 December – Premiere of ''[[The Tempest]]'' in [[Moscow]].
* 10 March/22 March – Premiere of the [[String Quartet No. 2]] in [[Moscow]].
* April – He travels to Italy, visiting [[Venice]], [[Rome]], [[Naples]] and [[Florence]].
* 12 April/24 April – Premiere of ''[[The Oprichnik]]'' at the Mariinsky Theatre in [[Saint Petersburg]].
* June–August – He writes the opera ''[[Vakula the Smith]]'' while staying at [[Nizy]] and [[Usovo]].
* November – He starts work on the [[Piano Concerto No. 1]].
* 24 December/5 January 1875 – He plays through the [[Piano Concerto No. 1]] for [[Nikolay Rubinstein]], who is scathing in his verdict. Tchaikovsky refuses to change a note.
* June–August – He writes his [[Symphony No. 3]] while staying at [[Usovo]], [[Verbovka]] and [[Nizy]].
* August – He starts work on this first ballet, ''[[Swan Lake]]''.
* 13 October/25 October – [[Hans von Bülow]] gives the premiere of the [[Piano Concerto No. 1]] in Boston, USA.
* November – He meets [[Camille Saint-Saëns]] in [[Moscow]].
* 1 November/13 November – Russian premiere of the [[Piano Concerto No. 1]] in [[Saint Petersburg]] by Gustav Kross, conducted by [[Eduard Nápravník]].
* 7 November/19 November – Premiere of the [[Symphony No. 3]] in [[Moscow]].
* December – He travels to France with his brother [[Modest]], and [[Modest]]'s deaf-mute pupil [[Nikolay Konradi]].
* January – He is greatly impressed by [[Bizet]]'s ''Carmen'' in [[Paris]].
* 16 January/28 January – Premiere of the ''[[Sérénade mélancolique]]'' in [[Moscow]].
* 18 March/30 March – Premiere of the [[String Quartet No. 3]] in [[Moscow]].
* April – He completes work on ''[[Swan Lake]]''.
* 24 April/6 May – Premiere of the [[Chorus for the Jubilee of Osip Petrov]] in [[Saint Petersburg]].
* July – He travels to [[Vichy]], France, for the cure.
* August – He attends the premiere of [[Wagner]]'s ''Ring'' cycle in [[Bayreuth]], where he also meets [[Franz Liszt]].
* September – Due to social and family pressures, and alarmed by learning that his brother [[Modest]] is also homosexual, he announces his decision to marry.
* September – He is commissioned to write the [[Slavonic March]] in aid of victims of the war between Serbia and Turkey.
* September–November – He writes the symphonic fantasia ''[[Francesca da Rimini]]''.
* 5 November/17 November – Premiere of the [[Slavonic March]] in [[Moscow]].
* 24 November/6 December – Premiere of ''[[Vakula the Smith]]'' in [[Saint Petersburg]].
* December – He meets [[Lev Tolstoy]] in [[Moscow]].
* December – He receives his first letter from [[Nadezhda von Meck]], and their solely epistolary friendship begins.
* December – He writes the [[Variations on a Rococo Theme]] for cello with orchestra.
* January – He strikes up a close friendship with the violinist [[Iosif Kotek]].
* 13 February/25 February – He nervously conducts his [[Slavonic March]] at the Bolshoi Theatre in [[Moscow]].
* 25 February/9 March – Premiere of ''[[Francesca da Rimini]]'' in [[Moscow]].
* March–May – He makes sketches for his [[Symphony No. 4]].
* 26 March/7 April – [[Antonina Milyukova]] writes her first letter to Tchaikovsky.
* May – He begins to write the opera ''[[Yevgeny Onegin]]''.
* 20 May/1 June – He meets [[Antonina Milyukova]] for the first time in [[Moscow]].
* 23 May/4 June – He proposes marriage to [[Antonina Milyukova]].
* 6 July/18 July – He marries [[Antonina Milyukova]] at Saint George's Church in [[Moscow]].
* 7/19–13/25 July – The couple spend their honeymoon in [[Saint Petersburg]].
* 14 July/26 July – Tchaikovsky and his wife return to their new apartment in [[Moscow]].
* 27 July/8 August – Tchaikovsky leaves by himself for [[Kamenka]].
* 12 September/24 September – Tchaikovsky returns to his wife in [[Moscow]].
* 24 September/6 October – End of his marriage to [[Antonina]].
* October – He travels to Switzerland with his brother [[Anatoly]], settling in [[Clarens]].
* October – [[Nadezhda von Meck]] offers him a regular allowance, which gives him financial independence.
* 18 November/30 November – Premiere of the [[Variations on a Rococo Theme]] in [[Moscow]] by [[Wilhelm Fitzenhagen]].
* January – He travels to [[San Remo]], where he completes the [[Symphony No. 4]] and ''[[Yevgeny Onegin]]''.
* 13 January/25 January – Death of his half-sister [[Zinayda]].
* 10 February/22 February – Premiere of the [[Symphony No. 4]].
* March – At [[Clarens]] in Switzerland with [[Iosif Kotek]], he writes his [[Violin Concerto]].
* May – He returns to Russia and spends time at [[Kamenka]], before moving on to the [[Brailov]] country estate of [[Nadezhda von Meck]], who is absent. Here he writes the ''[[Souvenir d'un lieu cher]]'' as a memento of his stay, and the [[Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom]].
* August – He starts work on the [[Suite No. 1]].
* September – He returns to the [[Moscow]] Conservatory to resume teaching.
* November – He tenders his resignation from the [[Moscow]] Conservatory on health grounds.
* December – He travels to Italy and settles in [[Florence]], where he starts work on ''[[The Maid of Orleans]]''.
* 8 December/20 December – Premieres of the ''[[Sérénade mélancolique]]'', Op. 26 and ''[[Valse-Scherzo, Op. 34|Valse-Scherzo]]'' , Op. 34, in [[Paris]] by [[Stanisław Barcewicz]].
* March – He returns to [[Moscow]].
* 17 March/29 March – Premiere of ''[[Yevgeny Onegin]]'' in [[Moscow]].
* June – Premiere of the [[Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom]] in [[Kiev]].
* June–August – He spends the summer at [[Kamenka]] and [[Brailov]], where he completes ''[[The Maid of Orleans]]''.
* October – While staying at [[Kamenka]], he starts work on the [[Piano Concerto No. 2]].
* 21 October/2 November – Premiere of the [[Grand Sonata]] in [[Moscow]] by [[Nikolay Rubinstein]].
* November – He departs for France and Italy.
* 8 December/20 December – Premiere of the [[Suite No. 1]] in [[Moscow]].
* December – While in [[Rome]], he revises the [[Symphony No. 2]].
* January-February – In [[Rome]], he writes the ''[[Italian Capriccio]]''.
* 9 January/21 January – Death of his father [[Ilya]].
* March – He returns to Russia.
* 1/13 March – The [[Violin Concerto]] was premiered in [[Hannover]] by Georg Hänflein, conducted by Ernst Frank, although the composer remained unaware of this performance
* April–November – He stays mostly at [[Kamenka]] and [[Brailov]].
* November September– – He writes the [[Serenade for String Orchestra]] and the festival overture ''[[The Year 1812]]''.
* autumn – Tchaikovsky is deeply upset when his servant [[Aleksey Sofronov]] is conscripted into the army.
* 6 December/18 December – He returns to [[Moscow]], and hears the premiere of the ''[[Italian Capriccio]]''.
* January-February – He visits [[Saint Petersburg]].
* 31 January/12 February – Premiere of the revised [[Symphony No. 2]] in [[Saint Petersburg]].
* 13 February/25 February – Premiere of ''[[The Maid of Orleans]]'' in [[Saint Petersburg]].
* 14 February/26 February – He departs for [[Vienna]], [[Florence]], [[Rome]] and [[Naples]].
* 11 March/23 March – While in [[Nice]], he hears of the death of [[Nikolay Rubinstein]] in [[Paris]].
* 13 March/25 March – He attends [[Nikolay Rubinstein]]'s funeral service in [[Paris]].
* April – He settles at [[Kamenka]], with occasional visits to [[Moscow]].
* June – He starts work on the opera ''[[Mazepa]]''.
* 18 October/30 October – Premiere of the [[Serenade for String Orchestra]].
* 31 October/12 November – Premiere of the [[Piano Concerto No. 2]] by Madeline Schiller in [[New York]].
* December November– – He visits [[Vienna]], [[Venice]], [[Florence]] and [[Rome]].
* 22 November/4 December – Performance of the [[Violin Concerto]] in [[Vienna]] by [[Adolph Brodsky]].
* December – He sketches his [[Piano Trio]] in memory of [[Nikolay Rubinstein]].
* April – His brother [[Anatoly]] marries [[Praskovya Konshina]].
* May – He returns to [[Kamenka]], with occasional visits to [[Moscow]].
* 21 May/2 June – Russian Premiere of the [[Piano Concerto No. 2]] in [[Moscow]] by Sergey Taneyev.
* 7 June/19 June – Premiere of the [[All-Night Vigil]] in [[Moscow]].
* 8 August/20 August – Premiere of ''[[The Year 1812]]'' at the Arts and Industry Exhibition in [[Moscow]].
* 18 October/30 October – Premiere of the [[Piano Trio]] in [[Moscow]].
* January – He arrives in [[Paris]].
* 19 February/3 March – Premiere of the revised [[Symphony No. 1]] in [[Moscow]].
* March – He is commissioned to write the [[Coronation March]] and the cantata ''[[Moscow (cantata)|Moscow]]'' for the coronation of Emperor [[Alexander III]].
* 15 May/27 May – Premiere of the coronation cantata ''[[Moscow (cantata)|Moscow]]'' at the Kremlin in [[Moscow]].
* 23 May/4 June – Premiere of the [[Coronation March]] at the coronation of [[Alexander III]] in [[Moscow]].
* June–December – He visits [[Moscow]], [[Podushkino]] and [[Kamenka]], where he writes the [[Suite No. 2]].
* 31 December/12 January 1885 – His niece [[Anna Davydova]] marries [[Nadezhda von Meck]]'s son [[Nikolay]].
* 3 February/15 February – Premiere of ''[[Mazepa]]'' in [[Moscow]].
* 4 February/16 February – Premiere of the [[Suite No. 2]] in [[Moscow]].
* 6 February/18 February – He departs for [[Paris]].
* 7 March/19 March – He is summoned to [[Saint Petersburg]] for an audience with [[Alexander III]], who confers on him the Order of Saint Vladimir.
* April–September – He visits [[Kamenka]], [[Grankino]] and [[Skabeyevo]], where he writes the [[Suite No. 3]] and the [[Concert Fantasia]] for piano with orchestra.
* 19 October/31 October – [[Saint Petersburg]] Premiere of ''[[Yevgeny Onegin]]'' at the Mariinsky Theatre.
* November – He visits his dying friend [[Iosif Kotek]] in Switzerland.
* 16 December/28 December – Premiere of the [[Elegy]] for string orchestra in [[Moscow]].
* 12 January/24 January – Premiere of the [[Suite No. 3]] in [[Saint Petersburg]].
* 14 February/26 February – He rents a house in the village of [[Maydanovo]], near [[Klin]].
* 22 February/6 March – Premiere of the [[Concert Fantasia]] in [[Moscow]].
* February–March – He revises ''[[Vakula the Smith]]'' as a new opera with the title ''[[Cherevichki]]''.
* April–September – At [[Maydanovo]], he writes the symphony ''[[Manfred]]'', suggested by [[Mily Balakirev]].
* September – He starts work on the opera ''[[The Enchantress]]''.
* 5 December/17 December – Premiere of the [[Jurisprudence March]] and [[Jurists' Song]] at the 150th anniversary dinner of the Imperial School of Jurisprudence in [[Saint Petersburg]]. Tchaikovsky is absent.
* 11 March/23 March – He attends the premiere of ''[[Manfred]]'' in [[Moscow]].
* 31 March/12 April – He arrives in [[Tiflis]] to visit his brother [[Anatoly]].
* 19 April/1 May – He hears the premiere of the revised ''[[Romeo and Juliet]]'' in [[Tiflis]].
* 29 April/10 May – He leaves [[Tiflis]] for [[Paris]], by way of the Mediterranean Sea.
* May–June – He stays in [[Paris]], where he meets Gabriel Fauré, [[Édouard Lalo]], [[Ambroise Thomas]] and [[Pauline Viardot-García]].
* 19 June/1 July – He returns to [[Maydanovo]].
* 19 January/31 January – He conducts the premiere of ''[[Cherevichki]]'' at the Bolshoi Theatre in [[Moscow]].
* 19 January/31 January – His niece [[Tatyana Davydova]] dies suddenly at a masquerade ball in [[Saint Petersburg]].
* 5 March/17 March – He conducts a Philharmonic Society concert in [[Saint Petersburg]].
* May – He completes the opera ''[[The Enchantress]]''.
* 21 May/2 June–28 May/9 June – He travels on a steam-boat down the River Volga from [[Nizhny Novgorod]] to [[Baku]].
* June – He stays with his brother [[Anatoly]] in [[Tiflis]], where he arranges and orchestrates music by [[Mozart]] to form his [[Suite No. 4]].
* July–August – He travels to [[Aachen]] to see his friend [[Nikolay Kondratyev]], who is critically ill.
* 20 October/1 November – He conducts the premiere of ''[[The Enchantress]]'' at the Mariinsky Theatre in [[Saint Petersburg]].
* 14 November/26 November – Premiere of the [[Suite No. 4]] in [[Moscow]], conducted by Tchaikovsky.
* 12 December/24 December – [[Saint Petersburg]] Premiere of the [[Suite No. 4]], conducted by Tchaikovsky.
* 24 December/5 January 1888 – His first European conducting tour begins with a concert at the [[Leipzig]] Gewandhaus. Meetings with [[Johannes Brahms]], [[Edvard Grieg]] and [[Ethel Smyth]].
* He is granted a lifetime annuity of 3000 rubles by [[Alexander III]].
* 8 January/20 January – He conducts at the Conventgarten in [[Hamburg]].
* 16 January/28 January – He meets [[Gustav Mahler]].
* 23 January/4 February – He meets [[Désirée Artôt]] again in [[Berlin]].
* 27 January/8 February – He conducts a Philharmonic Society concert in [[Berlin]].
* 7/19–9/21 February – He conducts two concerts in [[Prague]], and meets [[Antonín Dvořák]].
* Febuary–March – He conducts three concerts in [[Paris]], and meets [[Charles Gounod]], [[Léo Delibes]], [[Pauline Viardot-García]], and other French musicians.
* 8 March/20 March – He conducts a concert at the Saint James's Hall in [[London]].
* March – He returns to Russia and visits brothers [[Ippolit]] and [[Anatoly]] in [[Taganrog]] and [[Tiflis]].
* 24 April/6 May – He settles in a new house at [[Frolovskoye]], near [[Klin]].
* May–October – He writes the [[Symphony No. 5]] and the overture-fantasia ''[[Hamlet (overture-fantasia)|Hamlet]]''.
* October – He is commissioned by [[Ivan Vsevolozhsky]] to write the ballet ''[[The Sleeping Beauty]]''.
* 5 November/17 November – Premiere of the [[Symphony No. 5]] in [[Saint Petersburg]], conducted by Tchaikovsky.
* 12 November/24 November – Premiere of the overture-fantasia ''[[Hamlet (overture-fantasia)|Hamlet]]'' in [[Saint Petersburg]], conducted by Tchaikovsky.
* November–December – He visits [[Prague]] to conduct the [[Symphony No. 5]] and ''[[Yevgeny Onegin]]''.
* 10 December/22 December – [[Moscow]] Premiere of the [[Symphony No. 5]], conducted by Tchaikovsky.
* 10 December/22 December – He meets [[Anton Chekhov]] in [[Saint Petersburg]].
* January–March – His second European concert tour, with concerts in [[Cologne]] (31 January/12 February), [[Frankfurt am Main]] (3/15 February), [[Dresden]] (8/20 February), [[Berlin]] (14/26 February), [[Geneva]] (25 February/9 March), [[Hamburg]] (3/15 March) and in [[London]] (30 March/11 April). Before travelling on to [[London]] he stays in [[Paris]] (8/20 March-28 March/9 April), where he does not conduct any concerts but gets to meet [[Jules Massenet]] and other French musicians.
* April–May – He travels to [[Tiflis]] via the Mediterranean Sea to visit his brother [[Anatoly]].
* 19 May/31 May – He returns home to [[Frolovskoye]].
* August – He completes work on ''[[The Sleeping Beauty]]''.
* 18 September/30 September – He conducts a new production of ''[[Yevgeny Onegin]]'' at the Bolshoi Theatre in [[Moscow]].
* October–November – He conducts his own music, and works by [[Mozart]], [[Glinka]], [[Taneyev]] and [[Anton Rubinstein]].
* 25 November/7 December – Premiere of the ''[[Pezzo capriccioso]]'' in [[Moscow]] with [[Anatoly Brandukov]], conducted by Tchaikovsky.
* 3 January/15 January – Premiere of ''[[The Sleeping Beauty]]'' at the Mariinsky Theatre in [[Saint Petersburg]].
* January–March – He stays in [[Florence]], where he sketches ''[[The Queen of Spades]]''.
* April–September – He returns to Russia, staying mainly at [[Frolovskoye]], with occasional visits to [[Moscow]], [[Lobynskoye]], [[Grankino]], [[Kamenka]], [[Kiev]] and [[Kharkov]].
* June–July – He writes the string sextet ''[[Souvenir de Florence]]''.
* 22 September/4 October – [[Nadezhda von Meck]] writes her last letter to Tchaikovsky.
* September–October – He sketches the symphonic ballad ''[[The Voyevoda (symphonic ballad)|The Voyevoda]]''.
* September–October – He visits [[Anatoly]] in [[Tiflis]].
* 20 October/1 November – He conducts his own works at an RMS concert in [[Tiflis]].
* 28 November/10 December – Premiere of ''[[Souvenir de Florence]]'' in [[Saint Petersburg]].
* 7 December/19 December – Premiere of ''[[The Queen of Spades]]'' in [[Saint Petersburg]].
* January – At the request of his actor friend [[Lucien Guitry]], he writes incidental music for ''[[Hamlet (incidental music)|Hamlet]]''.
* February – He starts work on the ballet ''[[The Nutcracker]]''.
* 9 February/21 February – Premiere of the incidental music to ''[[Hamlet (incidental music)|Hamlet]]'' in [[Moscow]].
* 24 March/5 April – He conducts a concert of his own works in [[Paris]].
* 29 March/10 April – Death of his sister [[Aleksandra Davydova|Aleksandra]].
* 5/17–14/26 April – He crosses the Atlantic Ocean on the steamship ''La Bretagne''.
* 14 April/26 April – He arrives in [[New York]] at the start of his American tour, which also takes him to [[Buffalo]], [[Niagara Falls]], [[Baltimore]], [[Washington]] and [[Philadelphia]].
* 23 April/5 May – He conducts his [[Coronation March]] at the opening concert of Andrew Carnegie's new Music Hall in [[New York]].
* 9 May/21 May – He leaves America bound for [[Hamburg]] on the ''Prince Bismarck''.
* 28 May/28 May – He returns to his former home at [[Maydanovo]].
* July–December – He works on the opera ''[[Iolanta]]''.
* 4 November/16 November – [[Moscow]] Premiere of ''[[The Queen of Spades]]''.
* 6 November/18 November – He conducts the premiere of the symphonic ballad ''[[The Voyevoda (symphonic ballad)|The Voyevoda]]'', and then attempts to destroy the score.
* 21 December/2 January 1892 – He conducts an all-Tchaikovsky concert in [[Kiev]].
* 2 January/14 January – He conducts an all-Tchaikovsky concert in [[Warsaw]].
* 7 January/19 January – He is impressed by a performance of ''[[Yevgeny Onegin]]'' in [[Hamburg]] conducted by [[Gustav Mahler]].
* February–March – He completes work on the ballet ''[[The Nutcracker]]'', from which he compiles a [[The Nutcracker (suite)|suite]].
* 7 March/19 March – Premiere of the suite from ''[[The Nutcracker]]'' in [[Saint Petersburg]] conducted by Tchaikovsky.
* 29 April/10 May – He moves from [[Maydanovo]] to his last home at [[Klin]].
* May – He begins sketches for a [[Symphony in E-flat major]].
* June – He visits [[Vichy]] with his nephew [[Vladimir Davydov]].
* September–October – He travels to [[Vienna]], [[Itter]] and [[Prague]].
* November – He abandons sketches for the [[Symphony in E-flat major]].
* 24 November/6 December – Premiere of the revised sextet ''[[Souvenir de Florence]]'' in [[Saint Petersburg]].
* 6 December/18 December – Premieres of ''[[Iolanta]]'' and ''[[The Nutcracker]]'' at the Mariinsky Theatre in [[Saint Petersburg]].
* 20 December/1 January 1893 – He visits [[Fanny Dürbach]] in Montbeliard, Switzerland.
* 2 January/14 January – He conducts an all-Tchaikovsky concert in [[Brussels]].
* 12 January/24 January – He arrives in [[Odessa]] to conduct a series of concerts of his own works, and to have his portrait painted by [[Nikolay Kuznetsov]].
* 25 January/6 February – He leaves [[Odessa]] for [[Kamenka]] and [[Kharkov]].
* 3 February/15 February – He returns to [[Klin]], where he starts to sketch the [[Symphony No. 6]].
* 11 March/23 March – He arrives in [[Kharkov]] to conduct concerts of his own works.
* 18 March/30 March – He returns to [[Klin]] and resumes work on the [[Symphony No. 6]].
* 13 May/25 May – He departs for England via Germany.
* 20 May/1 June – He conducts his [[Symphony No. 4]] at a Royal Philharmonic Society concert in [[London]].
* 31 May/12 June – He conducts ''[[Francesca da Rimini]]'' at a concert in [[Cambridge]].
* 1 June/13 June – He receives an Honorary Doctorate of Music at [[Cambridge]] University, together with Boito, [[Saint-Saëns]], Bruch, and [[Grieg]] (who is too ill to attend the ceremony).
* 18 July/30 July – He returns home to [[Klin]], where he begins converting the abandoned [[Symphony in E-flat major]] into the [[Piano Concerto No. 3]].
* August – He travels to [[Hamburg]] for a production of ''[[Iolanta]]''.
* 9 October/21 October – Premiere of the vocal quartet ''[[Night]]'' in [[Moscow]], in the presence of the composer.
* 10 October/22 October – He arrives in [[Saint Petersburg]] to stay at his brother [[Modest]]'s apartment at 13 Malaya Morskaya Street.
* 16 October/28 October – He conducts the premiere of the [[Symphony No. 6]] in [[Saint Petersburg]].
* 20 October/1 November – He dines out at Leiner's restaurant with friends.
* 21 October/2 November – He complains of stomach pains, and a doctor is called, who diagnoses cholera.
* 22 October/3 November – Treatment begins, and he feels better.
* 22 October/3 November–23 October/4 November – His condition gradually deteriorates.
* 25 October/6 November – Tchaikovsky dies around 3 am local time (around 00.30 GMT) from complications arising from the cholera infection (uræmia and œdema of lungs).
* 26 October/7 November–27 October/8 November – Requiem services and tributes are held throughout Russia.
* 28 October/9 November – His funeral takes place in the Kazan Cathedral in [[Saint Petersburg]]. He is buried in Tikhvinsky Cemetery at the Aleksandr Nevsky Monastery.

Revision as of 20:54, 7 January 2023

See also Chronological List of Works.

The following is adapted from the chronology published in The Tchaikovsky Handbook, volume 1 (2002), pages xxxi-xli.



  • 28 December/9 January 1842 – Birth of his sister Aleksandra ("Sasha").


  • 10 April/22 April – Birth of his brother Ippolit.




  • He begins to write poetry at school.


  • September – Fanny Dürbach leaves her position as governess, and the Tchaikovsky family moves from Votkinsk to Moscow.
  • November – His family moves to Saint Petersburg, where Tchaikovsky is sent to a boarding school and continues his music lessons with a private teacher.



  • 1 May/13 May – Birth of his twin brothers Anatoly ("Tolya") and Modest ("Modya").
  • 22 August/3 September – He sees a production of Mikhail Glinka's opera A Life for the Tsar, which makes a lasting impression.
  • September – He enrols in the Imperial School of Jurisprudence in Saint Petersburg.
  • October – He sees a production of Adolphe Adam's ballet Giselle, with Carlotta Grisi.



  • May – His family moves from Alapayevsk to join him in Saint Petersburg.
  • summer – He sings the soprano part of a coloratura duet from Rossini's Semiramide with his aunt Yekaterina Alekseyeva.
  • autumn – He takes part in a trio in the Liturgy at the School of Jurisprudence, and becomes an active participant in the School's choir.



  • January – Marriage of his half-sister Zinayda to Yevgeny Olkhovsky.
  • 13 June/25 June – Death of his mother Aleksandra from cholera.
  • August – The Anastasie-valse is his earliest known attempt at written-down composition.


  • He starts piano lessons with Rudolf Kündinger.


  • While boarding at the boys-only School of Jurisprudence, the first signs of his innate homosexual sensibilities become apparent, and he becomes infatuated with his schoolfriend Sergey Kireyev.
  • He makes the acquaintance of the Italian singer and voice teacher Luigi Piccioli, who is the first person to recognize his musical talent and significantly influences his musical development.


  • Under the influence of Piccioli, he becomes an enthusiastic admirer of Rossini, Bellini and Donizetti. Mozart's Don Giovanni also has a profound impact.


  • autumn – He makes his first attempt at conducting the school choir, at the request of singing master Gavryl Lomakin.


  • 13 May/25 May – He graduates from the Imperial School of Jurisprudence.
  • June – He begins work as a civil servant in the Ministry of Justice.


  • While employed at the Ministry of Justice, he becomes a ‘man-about-town', and enjoys operas, theatres and concerts in Saint Petersburg.
  • 6 November/18 November – His sister Aleksandra marries Lev Davydov and moves to her husband's family estate at Kamenka in the Ukraine.



  • 8 September/20 September – Birth of his eldest niece Tatyana ("Tanya"), to his sister Aleksandra.
  • He enrols as a student in the newly-opened Saint Petersburg Conservatory.
  • The song Mezza notte becomes his first published composition.


  • spring – He attends all six of Richard Wagner's concerts in Saint Petersburg.
  • 11 April/23 April – He resigns from the Ministry of Justice to concentrate on studying music.
  • 16 May/28 May – He is deeply impressed by a performance of Aleksandr Serov's opera Judith.
  • summer – He stays with Aleksey Apukhtin at Pavlodar.
  • autumn – He resumes his study of music theory under Zaremba and begins composition classes with Anton Rubinstein.
  • winter – He starts to give private piano lessons.


  • June–August – He spends his summer vacation from the conservatory with his society friend Aleksey Golitsyn at Trostinets in Ukraine. Here he writes his first orchestral piece, The Storm.
  • autumn – He meets the composer Aleksandr Serov in Saint Petersburg.
  • His brothers Anatoly and Modest learn of Tchaikovsky's homosexuality from their schoolfriends.






  • January – He learns of Désirée Artôt's marriage to Mariano Padilla-y-Ramos.
  • January–July – He writes his second opera, Undina.
  • 30 January/11 February – Premiere of The Voyevoda at the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow.
  • 15 February/27 February – Premiere of the symphonic fantasia Fatum in Moscow.
  • June – Marriage of his brother Ippolit to Sofya Nikonova.
  • autumn – He meets Mily Balakirev in Moscow, and under his influence writes the overture-fantasia Romeo and Juliet.
  • He begins a passionate friendship with the conservatory student Eduard Zak.


  • February – He starts work on his third opera, The Oprichnik.
  • 4 March/16 March – Premiere of Romeo and Juliet in Moscow passes almost unnoticed by the critics.
  • 16/28 March – Extracts from Undina are performed at a concert in Moscow's Bolshoi Theatre. The complete opera was never staged.
  • May – Undina is rejected by the directorate of the Imperial Theatres.
  • June–August – He revises Romeo and Juliet, at Balakirev's instigation.
  • June – He visits his sick friend Vladimir Shilovsky in Paris, then travels to Soden, and on to Mannheim for the Beethoven centennial festival.
  • July – He flees to Switzerland following the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian War.
  • August – After staying at Interlaken, he visits Munich and Vienna on his way back to Moscow.






















  • January – At the request of his actor friend Lucien Guitry, he writes incidental music for Hamlet.
  • February – He starts work on the ballet The Nutcracker.
  • 9 February/21 February – Premiere of the incidental music to Hamlet in Moscow.
  • 24 March/5 April – He conducts a concert of his own works in Paris.
  • 29 March/10 April – Death of his sister Aleksandra.
  • 5/17–14/26 April – He crosses the Atlantic Ocean on the steamship La Bretagne.
  • 14 April/26 April – He arrives in New York at the start of his American tour, which also takes him to Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Baltimore, Washington and Philadelphia.
  • 23 April/5 May – He conducts his Coronation March at the opening concert of Andrew Carnegie's new Music Hall in New York.
  • 9 May/21 May – He leaves America bound for Hamburg on the Prince Bismarck.
  • 28 May/28 May – He returns to his former home at Maydanovo.
  • July–December – He works on the opera Iolanta.
  • 4 November/16 November – Moscow Premiere of The Queen of Spades.
  • 6 November/18 November – He conducts the premiere of the symphonic ballad The Voyevoda, and then attempts to destroy the score.
  • 21 December/2 January 1892 – He conducts an all-Tchaikovsky concert in Kiev.



  • 2 January/14 January – He conducts an all-Tchaikovsky concert in Brussels.
  • 12 January/24 January – He arrives in Odessa to conduct a series of concerts of his own works, and to have his portrait painted by Nikolay Kuznetsov.
  • 25 January/6 February – He leaves Odessa for Kamenka and Kharkov.
  • 3 February/15 February – He returns to Klin, where he starts to sketch the Symphony No. 6.
  • 11 March/23 March – He arrives in Kharkov to conduct concerts of his own works.
  • 18 March/30 March – He returns to Klin and resumes work on the Symphony No. 6.
  • 13 May/25 May – He departs for England via Germany.
  • 20 May/1 June – He conducts his Symphony No. 4 at a Royal Philharmonic Society concert in London.
  • 31 May/12 June – He conducts Francesca da Rimini at a concert in Cambridge.
  • 1 June/13 June – He receives an Honorary Doctorate of Music at Cambridge University, together with Boito, Saint-Saëns, Bruch, and Grieg (who is too ill to attend the ceremony).
  • 18 July/30 July – He returns home to Klin, where he begins converting the abandoned Symphony in E-flat major into the Piano Concerto No. 3.
  • August – He travels to Hamburg for a production of Iolanta.
  • 9 October/21 October – Premiere of the vocal quartet Night in Moscow, in the presence of the composer.
  • 10 October/22 October – He arrives in Saint Petersburg to stay at his brother Modest's apartment at 13 Malaya Morskaya Street.
  • 16 October/28 October – He conducts the premiere of the Symphony No. 6 in Saint Petersburg.
  • 20 October/1 November – He dines out at Leiner's restaurant with friends.
  • 21 October/2 November – He complains of stomach pains, and a doctor is called, who diagnoses cholera.
  • 22 October/3 November – Treatment begins, and he feels better.
  • 22 October/3 November–23 October/4 November – His condition gradually deteriorates.
  • 25 October/6 November – Tchaikovsky dies around 3 am local time (around 00.30 GMT) from complications arising from the cholera infection (uræmia and œdema of lungs).
  • 26 October/7 November–27 October/8 November – Requiem services and tributes are held throughout Russia.
  • 28 October/9 November – His funeral takes place in the Kazan Cathedral in Saint Petersburg. He is buried in Tikhvinsky Cemetery at the Aleksandr Nevsky Monastery.