Letter 3245

Tchaikovsky Research
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Date 28 April/10 May 1887
Addressed to Bogomir Korsov
Where written Maydanovo
Language French
Autograph Location Moscow (Russia): Russian National Museum of Music (Ф. 88, No. 184)
Publication Советская музыка (1959), No. 1, p. 76 ("26 April" [O.S.]) (Russian translation)
П. И. Чайковский. Полное собрание сочинений, том XIV (1974), p. 102–103

Text and Translation

French text
English translation
By Brett Langston
28 Avril

Cher ami!

Jе viens d'expédier la lettre au Ministre. Malheureusement, je crois qu'on exagère l'influence qu'un mot de moi peut avoir sur ce potentat. Il n'a été que correct vis à vis de moi; pas l'ombre de simpathie ou de considération quelque peu prononcée. Enfin, nous verrons! Que le diable emporte ce Maikow et toute sa boutique, Kaschperoff en tête! А Vous de cœur,

Р. Тchaïkovsky

28 April

Dear friend!

I have just sent the letter to the Minister [1]. Unfortunately, I think you over-estimate the influence that a word from me can have on this potentate. He was merely polite to me; not a shadow of sympathy or of any particular consideration. We shall see eventually! To hell with Maykov [2] and all his cronies, with Kashperov [3] at the head! Affectionately yours,

P. Tchaikovsky

Notes and References

  1. See Letter 3244 to Illarion Vorontsov-Dashkov, 28 April/10 May 1887.
  2. Apollon Aleksandrovich Maykov (1826-1902), who had been appointed director of the Imperial Theatres in Moscow in 1886.
  3. Vladimir Nikitich Kashperov (1826-1894), Russian composer and vocal tutor.