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Tchaikovsky Research
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Golubchik [[Tolya]]! I'm sorry for being so late in writing to you from [[Paris]], but my life here is even more packed than in [[Prague]]. There isn't a day when I'm not being invited to dinners, soirées, etc. I'm never out of my tailcoat, and besides, rehearsals, receiving visitors — all this has rendered me absolutely incapable of conducting any sort of proper correspondence. I won't say that it's been very difficult for me, because I was welcomed here exceptionally warmly, and have been looked after very well. The papers are full of news about me; in some, whole articles have appeared, reporting all manner of things that happened, and didn't happen, describing my appearance, and so on. On Tuesday 28/16 February, Mrs [[Marie de Benardaky|Benardaky]] hosted a grand concert at their luxurious home; I conducted the orchestra, there was a select audience of 300 people, and first-class artists sang and played exclusively my own compositions; it was an enormous success. I've made so many acquaintances that it's impossible to count them. The orchestra plays excellently at rehearsals; the musicians are extremely friendly towards me, and gave me a standing ovation when I first appeared at the rehearsal. In general, I cannot praise the courtesy of the Parisians enough. Nevertheless, I keep dreaming about how to quickly escape home, of course. I'm in [[London]] on 22/10 March, but it seems I'll have to come back to [[Paris]] again, because there are plans for me to conduct two or 3 concerts, which I promised out of weakness.  
Golubchik [[Tolya]]! I'm sorry for being so late in writing to you from [[Paris]], but my life here is even more packed than in [[Prague]]. There isn't a day when I'm not being invited to dinners, soirées, etc. I'm never out of my tailcoat, and besides, rehearsals, receiving visitors — all this has rendered me absolutely incapable of conducting any sort of proper correspondence. I won't say that it's been very difficult for me, because I was welcomed here exceptionally warmly, and have been looked after very well. The papers are full of news about me; in some, whole articles have appeared, reporting all manner of things that happened, and didn't happen, describing my appearance, and so on. On Tuesday 28/16 February, Mrs [[Marie de Benardaky|Benardaky]] hosted a grand concert at their luxurious home; I conducted the orchestra, there was a select audience of 300 people, and first-class artists sang and played exclusively my own compositions; it was an enormous success. I've made so many acquaintances that it's impossible to count them. The orchestra plays excellently at rehearsals; the musicians are extremely friendly towards me, and gave me a standing ovation when I first appeared at the rehearsal. In general, I cannot praise the courtesy of the Parisians enough. Nevertheless, I keep dreaming about how to quickly escape home, of course. I'm in [[London]] on 22/10 March, but it seems I'll have to come back to [[Paris]] again, because there are plans for me to conduct two or 3 concerts, which I promised out of weakness.  

How much more ''milya'' am I than you and [[Panya]]. In the midst of all my countless worries and fears, I still managed to write to you, but I haven't heard so much as a peep out from you for ages.  
How much more ''milya'' am I than you and [[Panya]]. In the midst of all my countless worries and fears, I still managed to write to you, but I haven't even heard a whisper from you for ages.  

Please, write as often as you can; anyway, I'm still dreaming of seeing you soon.  
Please, write as often as you can; anyway, I'm still dreaming of seeing you soon.  

Latest revision as of 14:30, 30 June 2024

Date 19 February/2 March 1888
Addressed to Anatoly Tchaikovsky
Where written Paris
Language Russian
Autograph Location Klin (Russia): Tchaikovsky State Memorial Musical Museum-Reserve (a3, No. 3181)
Publication П. И. Чайковский. Письма к близким. Избранное (1955), p. 394–395
П. И. Чайковский. Полное собрание сочинений, том XIV (1974), p. 371
Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Letters to his family. An autobiography (1981), p. 394–395 (English translation)

Text and Translation

Russian text
English translation
By Brett Langston
2 Mars 18[88]

Голубчик Толя! Прости, что я так поздно собрался написать вам из Парижа, но жизнь моя здесь ещё более переполнена, чем в Праге. Нет дня чтобы у меня не было приглашений на обеды, вечера и т. д. Из фрака я не выхожу, а кроме того репетиции, приём визитов — всё это сделало меня безусловно неспособным вести сколько-нибудь правильную корреспонденцию. Не скажу чтобы мне было очень тяжко, ибо меня встречают здесь. необыкновенно горячо и ухаживают очень. Газеты переполнены известиями обо мне; в некоторых появились целые статьи, где рассказывается всякая бывальщина и небывальщина, описывается моя наружность и т. п. Во вторник, 28/16 февраля у г-жи Бенардаки был большой концерт в их роскошном доме; я дирижировал оркестром, была избранная публика из 300 человек, пели и играли первоклассные артисты исключительно мои сочинения; успех был огромный. Знакомых у меня набралось столько, что пересчитать невозможно. Оркестр на репетициях играет превосходно; музыканты относятся ко мне чрезвычайно дружественно и при первом появлении на репетиции сделали овацию. Вообще нельзя достаточно нахвалиться любезностью парижан. Тем не менее я, конечно, все мечтаю об том, как бы поскорее удрать домой. 22/10 марта я в Лондоне, но, кажется, придётся вернуться опять в Париж, ибо затеваются два или 3 концерта с моим дирижёрством, и я имел слабость обещать.

Насколько я более миля, чем ты и Паня. Среди всех моих бесчисленных забот и страхов я всё-таки успел Вам написать, а об Вас уже сколько времени ни слуху, ни духу.

Пишите, пожалуйста, и как можно чаще; впрочем, я ведь все ещё мечтаю, что скоро Вас увижу.

Целую крепко!!!

П. Чайковский

2 March 1888

Golubchik Tolya! I'm sorry for being so late in writing to you from Paris, but my life here is even more packed than in Prague. There isn't a day when I'm not being invited to dinners, soirées, etc. I'm never out of my tailcoat, and besides, rehearsals, receiving visitors — all this has rendered me absolutely incapable of conducting any sort of proper correspondence. I won't say that it's been very difficult for me, because I was welcomed here exceptionally warmly, and have been looked after very well. The papers are full of news about me; in some, whole articles have appeared, reporting all manner of things that happened, and didn't happen, describing my appearance, and so on. On Tuesday 28/16 February, Mrs Benardaky hosted a grand concert at their luxurious home; I conducted the orchestra, there was a select audience of 300 people, and first-class artists sang and played exclusively my own compositions; it was an enormous success. I've made so many acquaintances that it's impossible to count them. The orchestra plays excellently at rehearsals; the musicians are extremely friendly towards me, and gave me a standing ovation when I first appeared at the rehearsal. In general, I cannot praise the courtesy of the Parisians enough. Nevertheless, I keep dreaming about how to quickly escape home, of course. I'm in London on 22/10 March, but it seems I'll have to come back to Paris again, because there are plans for me to conduct two or 3 concerts, which I promised out of weakness.

How much more milya am I than you and Panya. In the midst of all my countless worries and fears, I still managed to write to you, but I haven't even heard a whisper from you for ages.

Please, write as often as you can; anyway, I'm still dreaming of seeing you soon.

I hug you tightly!!!

P. Tchaikovsky