Bibliography (1962/12)

Tchaikovsky Research
ContributorsBryullova, Alina Ivanovna, 1849-1932 (author)
TitleВоспоминания о П. И. Чайковском
InВоспоминания о П. И. Чайковском
PublishedMoscow : Государственное музыкальное издательство, 1962
Extent459 p. ; illus. (p. 299-319)
NotesThe author's recollections (written in 1929) from her first meetings with Tchaikovsky in the 1870s, up to his death in 1893
Related ItemsReprinted as П. И. Чайковский (1973)
Reprinted as П. И. Чайковский (1979)
Reprinted as П. И. Чайковский (1980)
TranslationsAbridged English translation as Alina Bryullova (1999)