Letter 4008a

Tchaikovsky Research
Date 18/30 January 1890
Addressed to Franz Rummel
Where written Florence
Language French
Autograph Location unknown [1]
Publication Not published

Text and Translation

This incomplete text is based on the facsimile of the last page published in Sotheby's 1983 auction catalogue.

French text
English translation
By Brett Langston
[...] amical que Vous m'avez fait à Berlin il y a un an ne s'effacera jamais de ma mémoire. Veuillez me rappeller au souvenir de M[ada]me Rummel et croire aux meilleurs sentiments de Votre bien dévoué,
P. Tschaïkowsky

[...] friendly [services?] that you did for me in Berlin a year ago will never be erased from my memory. Please remember me to Madame Rummel, and believe in the best regards of your most devoted,
P. Tchaikovsky

Notes and References

  1. The autograph was auctioned on 26 May 1983 by Sotheby's, London (lot 91), where the recipient was misidentified as Franz's son, Walter Morse Rummel (1887–1953). We are most grateful to Mr Guido Muehlemann for bringing this to our attention.