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|Translated text={{right|{{datestyle|''[[Clarens]]''|24 January|5 February]|1879}}}}
|Translated text={{right|{{datestyle|''[[Clarens]]''|24 January|5 February]|1879}}}}
Aren't you ashamed, [[Modya]], to think that I'm angry with you for ''uninteresting letters''? Nothing could be more welcome for me than your letters, but it's precisely because I'm accustomed to reading them with such indescribable pleasure, that I was once (when you wrote only a short note) rather disappointed and gently reproached you. I read your last letter today with delight again.  
Aren't you ashamed, [[Modya]], to think that I'm angry with you for ''uninteresting letters''? Nothing could be more welcome for me than your letters, but it's precisely because I'm accustomed to reading them with such indescribable pleasure that I was once (when you wrote only a short note) rather disappointed and gently reproached you. I read your last letter today with delight again.  

Do not be surprised if my missive today is somewhat careless. ''I'm awfully tired'' from work today. I've been writing the love duet from Act 4, and with such intensity that my brain is finding it hard to function at the moment. I went straight from the 1st scene of the 3rd act directly to the 4th, because it will be more difficult, and want to free myself of the burden of the most difficult scene between Lionel and Joan. I'm generally pleased with myself, but rather tired, and so in [[Paris]] I've decided to take refuge in the [[Suite No. 1|suite]], in order to write the 2 missing scenes of the opera back in Russia.
Do not be surprised if my missive today is somewhat careless. ''I'm awfully tired'' from work today. I've been writing the love duet from Act 4, and with such intensity that my brain is finding it hard to function at the moment. I went straight from the 1st scene of the 3rd act directly to the 4th, because it will be more difficult, and I want to free myself of the burden of the most difficult scene between Lionel and Joan. I'm generally pleased with myself, but rather tired, and so in [[Paris]] I've decided to take refuge in the [[Suite No. 1|suite]], in order to write the 2 missing scenes of the opera back in Russia.

I'm going to [[Paris]] for a week on the 30th, but I still don't know where I'll be staying. I don't want to go to the Hôtel de Hollande: it's very ''gloomy'' and sad there, although I like it for its pleasant memories. I've decided to stay at the first hotel I come across, and use the whole first day to seek out suitable accommodation. Furthermore, [[Nadezhda Filaretovna]] doesn't yet know where she'll be living, but she wants me to stay close by, and it's impossible not to comply with her wishes.  
I'm going to [[Paris]] for a week on the 30th, but I still don't know where I'll be staying. I don't want to go to the Hôtel de Hollande: it's very ''gloomy'' and sad there, although I like it for its pleasant memories. I've decided to stay at the first hotel I come across and use the whole first day to seek out suitable accommodation. Furthermore, [[Nadezhda Filaretovna]] doesn't yet know where she'll be living, but she wants me to stay close by, and it's impossible not to comply with her wishes.  

Yesterday's weather was astonishing. It was as warm as summer, the sun was so hot that I went walking in a frock coat and sat on the balcony, then Marie and I picked violets in the garden. Even though I loathe them, that's what happened: I thought to myself, well, why not!
Yesterday's weather was astonishing. It was as warm as summer, the sun was so hot that I went walking in a frock coat and sat on the balcony, then Marie and I picked violets in the garden. Even though I loathe them, that's what happened: I thought to myself, well, why not!

Latest revision as of 12:21, 4 July 2024

Date 24 January/5 February 1879
Addressed to Modest Tchaikovsky
Where written Clarens
Language Russian
Autograph Location Klin (Russia): Tchaikovsky State Memorial Musical Museum-Reserve (a3, No. 1531)
Publication Жизнь Петра Ильича Чайковского, том 2 (1901), p. 259–260 (abridged)
П. И. Чайковский. Письма к родным (1940), p. 520–521
П. И. Чайковский. Письма к близким. Избранное (1955), p. 212–213
П. И. Чайковский. Полное собрание сочинений, том VIII (1963), p. 68–69
Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Letters to his family. An autobiography (1981), p. 207–208 (English translation)

Text and Translation

Russian text
English translation
By Brett Langston
Clarens  24 я[нваря]
5 ф[евраля]

Как тебе не стыдно, Модя, вообразить, что я сержусь на тебя за неинтересные письма? Ничего не может для меня приятнее, как твои письма, но именно потому, что обыкновенно я их читаю с таким неописанным наслаждением, я был один раз (когда ты написал лишь коротенькое письмецо) несколько разочарован и слегка попрекнул тебя. Сегодняшнее и прошлое письмо я опять прочёл с восторгом.

Не удивись, если моё сегодняшнее послание будет несколько безалаберно. Я ужасно устал от сегодняшней работы. Писал я любовный дуэт 4 акта, и очень напряжённо, так что с трудом действую в эту минуту мозговыми способностями. Я прямо от 1-й картины 3-го акта перешёл к 4-ому, ибо он будет труднее и мне хочется поскорее спустить с плеч труднейшую сцену между Лионелем и Иоанной. Вообще я доволен собой, но немножко устал и в Париже решился для отдыха заняться сюитой, с тем чтобы 2 недостающие картины оперы написать уже в России.

Я еду в Париж через неделю 30-го, но до сих пор ещё не знаю, где поселюсь. В Hôtel de Hollande не хочется: там очень темно, грустно, — хотя я и люблю его за приятные воспоминания. Я решился остановиться в отеле первом попавшемся и употребить весь первый день на искание подходящего помещения. К тому же, Н[адежда] Ф[иларетовна] ещё не знает, где сама будет жить, а ей хочется, чтоб я жил поближе, и нельзя не сообразиться с её желанием.

Погода вчера была изумительная. Было тепло, как летом, солнце грело так, что я гулял в сюртуке и сидел на балконе, а в саду мы с Marie нарвали фиалок. Хоть я их и ненавижу, но уж так; что ж, думаю себе, отчего и не сорвать!

В моей жизни прибавилось одно удовольствие. Я купил в Женеве клавираусцуги разных квартетов Моцарта и Бетховена и ежедневно вечером проигрываю один из них. Ты не поверишь, какое это наслаждение и как это отрезвительное действует. Над[ежда] Ф[иларетовна] прислала мне оперу Гольдмарка «La reine de Saba», по-моему, вещь очень мало талантливая и полная претензий. Зато я совершенно влюблён в оперу Massenet «Le roi de Lahore». Советую тебе достать и поиграть. Чего бы я не дал, чтоб «Орлеанская дева» была не хуже этой оперы!

Так как мне мой будущий адрес неизвестен, то попрошу тебя писать мне Paris. Poste restante, и передай о том же Толе.

Знаешь, Модя, что если бы не Н[адежда] Ф[иларетовна], я бы не поехал в Париж, а остался бы здесь ещё недели 2 и потом понемножку стал бы двигаться в Россию!

Целую тебя несчётно.

Твой П. Чайковский

Не забудь, что на Poste restante нужно писать Tchaikovsky без s.

Clarens  24 January
5 February]

Aren't you ashamed, Modya, to think that I'm angry with you for uninteresting letters? Nothing could be more welcome for me than your letters, but it's precisely because I'm accustomed to reading them with such indescribable pleasure that I was once (when you wrote only a short note) rather disappointed and gently reproached you. I read your last letter today with delight again.

Do not be surprised if my missive today is somewhat careless. I'm awfully tired from work today. I've been writing the love duet from Act 4, and with such intensity that my brain is finding it hard to function at the moment. I went straight from the 1st scene of the 3rd act directly to the 4th, because it will be more difficult, and I want to free myself of the burden of the most difficult scene between Lionel and Joan. I'm generally pleased with myself, but rather tired, and so in Paris I've decided to take refuge in the suite, in order to write the 2 missing scenes of the opera back in Russia.

I'm going to Paris for a week on the 30th, but I still don't know where I'll be staying. I don't want to go to the Hôtel de Hollande: it's very gloomy and sad there, although I like it for its pleasant memories. I've decided to stay at the first hotel I come across and use the whole first day to seek out suitable accommodation. Furthermore, Nadezhda Filaretovna doesn't yet know where she'll be living, but she wants me to stay close by, and it's impossible not to comply with her wishes.

Yesterday's weather was astonishing. It was as warm as summer, the sun was so hot that I went walking in a frock coat and sat on the balcony, then Marie and I picked violets in the garden. Even though I loathe them, that's what happened: I thought to myself, well, why not!

My life has gained one more pleasure. In Geneva I purchased various quartets by Mozart and Beethoven in piano reductions, and I play through one of them each evening. You won't believe how enjoyable this is, and how it actually clears the mind. Nadezhda Filaretovna sent me Goldmark's opera "La reine de Saba" — in my opinion, a piece of very little talent and full of pretensions. But then I'm completely in love with the opera "Le roi de Lahore" by Massenet. I suggest you find it and play it through. What I wouldn't give for "The Maid of Orleans" to be no worse than this opera!

Since I don't know my future address, I'll ask you to write to me Poste restante in Paris, and let Tolya know to do the same.

You know, Modya, that if it weren't for Nadezhda Filaretovna I wouldn't have gone to Paris; I'd have stayed here for another 2 weeks instead, and then gradually started heading towards Russia!

I kiss you countless times.

Yours P. Tchaikovsky

Don't forget that for Poste restante you need to write Tchaikovsky without the s.