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Tchaikovsky Research
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As I just wrote down the date, month and ''year'', I had occasion to remember that it will be precisely 20 years since my graduation. What an old man I am, [[Tolya]]! But (fingers crossed) the old man's health is very good, and you know what else is good? That he hasn't had heartburn for 3 weeks now. The Parisian doctor, whom I went to see with you last year, was right to say: ''j'ai un estomac capricieux''. After a long series of endless heartburns — they suddenly stopped, without rhyme or reason. How strange my life here is! I cannot complain about anything. The accommodation is good, the piano splendid, work is going more or less successfully, and my health, thank God, is good — and yet here I've never had such moments as I had in [[Clarens]], where several times a day I would say to myself: "''whatever you say, it's good to be alive!''". I understood the joy of living there. Here I'm vegetating, although the vegetation is very good in material terms. I've come firmly to the conclusion that for me the natural way of life is: ''countryside, wilderness, silence''. There's no doubt whatsoever that if we continue to travel abroad in the winter, [[Paris]] will have its share of 2 or 3 days.
As I just wrote down the date, month and ''year'', I had occasion to remember that it will be precisely 20 years since my graduation. What an old man I am, [[Tolya]]! But (fingers crossed) the old man's health is very good, and you know what else is good? That he hasn't had heartburn for 3 weeks now. The Parisian doctor, whom I went to see with you last year, was right to say: ''j'ai un estomac capricieux''. After a long series of endless heartburns — they suddenly stopped, without rhyme or reason. How strange my life here is! I cannot complain about anything. The accommodation is good, the piano splendid, work is going more or less successfully, and my health, thank God, is good — and yet here I've never had such moments as I had in [[Clarens]], where several times a day I would say to myself: "''whatever you say, it's good to be alive!''". I understood the joy of living there. Here I'm vegetating, although the vegetation is very good in material terms. I've come firmly to the conclusion that for me the natural way of life is: ''countryside, wilderness, silence''. There's no doubt whatsoever that if we continue to travel abroad in the winter, [[Paris]] will have its share of 2 or 3 days.

Anyway, yesterday I experienced a great artistic delight. I heard the entire "''Damnation de Faust''" by [[Berlioz]] — one of the artistic wonders. There were moments when I struggled to hold back the onslaught of tears choking me. Lord knows what a strange fellow this [[Berlioz]] was. His musical nature is generally rather antipathetic to me, and I can't reconcile myself at all to some of the ugliness of his harmony and modulations. But sometimes he reaches incredible heights. If you don't know the sort of thing I'm talking about, then ask [[Laroche]] — this is amongst the little music he admires. Since [[Alyosha]] is behaving splendidly, I promised yesterday, for the sake of Sunday, to take him to the circus, and, despite extreme fatigue, I had to fulfil my promise, the more so since yesterday was the last day of our Shrovetide. We only just obtained seats, and had to sit somewhere very high up, and to breathe in the tropical atmosphere. The nice clown ''Billy Hayden'' (whom you love) was very amusing. I couldn't bear it until the end, and returned home early. The greatest pleasure I experience living in [[Paris]] is when I sit at home in the evening and appreciate the wonderful silence in the yard. [[Nadezhda Filaretovna]] has sent me lots of books. Today I couldn't resist and bought myself a ticket to the ''Théatre {{sic|Fransais|Français}}'', where they're giving my favourite comedy, "''Le Gendre de M[onsieur] Poirier''". [[Modya]] and I saw it in 1876, and we both enjoyed it tremendously. Tell him that the actors are still the same. I'm just off to the ''Poste restante'' to find out if there any letters from one of you. I think there should be one from [[Modest]]. [[Tolya]]! It will be bliss for me to flee from here to go to meet you, my dears. Judging by the progress of my current work, I think that I'll be bringing the completed draft of the opera with me. I've around two weeks left to stay here. Have you read the story "''The Specialist''" in the ''European Herald''? If not, then find it and read it. It's about divorce proceedings. Most interesting. I kiss you hard.
Anyway, yesterday I experienced a great artistic delight. I heard the entire "''Damnation de Faust''" by [[Berlioz]] — one of the artistic wonders. There were moments when I struggled to hold back the onslaught of tears choking me. Lord knows what a strange fellow this [[Berlioz]] was. His musical nature is generally rather antipathetic to me, and I can't reconcile myself at all to some of the ugliness of his harmony and modulations. But sometimes he reaches incredible heights. If you don't know the sort of thing I'm talking about, then ask [[Laroche]] — this is amongst the little music he admires. Since [[Alyosha]] is behaving splendidly, I promised yesterday, for the sake of Sunday, to take him to the circus, and, despite extreme fatigue, I had to fulfil my promise, the more so since yesterday was the last day of our Shrovetide. We only just obtained seats, and had to sit somewhere very high up, and to breathe in the tropical atmosphere. The nice clown ''Billy Hayden'' (whom you love) was very amusing. I couldn't bear it until the end and returned home early. The greatest pleasure I experience living in [[Paris]] is when I sit at home in the evening and appreciate the wonderful silence in the yard. [[Nadezhda Filaretovna]] has sent me lots of books. Today I couldn't resist and bought myself a ticket to the ''Théatre {{sic|Fransais|Français}}'', where they're giving my favourite comedy, "''Le Gendre de M[onsieur] Poirier''". [[Modya]] and I saw it in 1876, and we both enjoyed it tremendously. Tell him that the actors are still the same. I'm just off to the ''Poste restante'' to find out if there any letters from one of you. I think there should be one from [[Modest]]. [[Tolya]]! It will be bliss for me to flee from here to go to meet you, my dears. Judging by the progress of my current work, I think that I'll be bringing the completed draft of the opera with me. I've around two weeks left to stay here. Have you read the story "''The Specialist''" in the ''European Herald''? If not, then find it and read it. It's about divorce proceedings. Most interesting. I kiss you hard.
{{right|Yours P. Tchaikovsky}}
{{right|Yours P. Tchaikovsky}}

Latest revision as of 14:27, 5 July 2024

Date 12/24 February 1879
Addressed to Anatoly Tchaikovsky
Where written Paris
Language Russian
Autograph Location Klin (Russia): Tchaikovsky State Memorial Musical Museum-Reserve (a3, No. 1219)
Publication П. И. Чайковский. Письма к родным (1940), p. 535–536
П. И. Чайковский. Письма к близким. Избранное (1955), p. 219–220 (abridged)
П. И. Чайковский. Полное собрание сочинений, том VIII (1963), p. 103–104
Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Letters to his family. An autobiography (1981), p. 213–214 (English translation; abridged)

Text and Translation

Russian text
English translation
By Brett Langston
24/12 февр[аля]

Сейчас я выписал число, месяц и год и по этому случаю вспомнил, что ровно 20 лет будет скоро со времени выпуска. Какой я старик, Толя! Но (тпфу, тпфу, тпфу) здоровье у старика очень хорошее, и знаешь, что хорошо: что у него уже недели 3 ни разу не было изжоги. Правду сказал парижский доктор, у которого я был с тобой в прошлому году: j'ai un estomac capricieux. После длинного ряда бесконечных изжог — вдруг ни с того ни с сего прекратились! Какая странная моя здешняя жизнь! Я не могу пожаловаться ни на что. И помещение хорошее, и фортепьяно отличный, и занятия идут более или менее успешно, и здоровье, слава Богу, хорошо, — а между тем со мной здесь никогда не бывает таких минут, как были в Clarens, где я несколько раз в день говорил себе: «что ни говорите, а хорошо жить на свете!». Я там сознал счастье жить. Здесь я прозябаю, хотя прозябание в матерьяльном отношении хорошее. Решительно прихожу к убеждению, что для меня нормальный образ жизни: деревня, глушь, тишина. Нет никакого сомнения, что если и впредь придётся по зимам бывать за границей, то на долю Парижа достанется 2, 3 дни.

Впрочем вчера я пережил большое художественное наслаждение. Я слышал весь целиком «Damnation de Faust» Берлиоза, — одно из чудес искусства. Были моменты, когда я через силу сдерживал подступ душивших меня слез. Черт знает, что за странный человек был этот Берлиоз. Вообще его музыкальная натура мне скорее антипатична, и я не могу никак примириться с некоторым уродством его гармонии и модуляций. Но иногда он достигает невероятных высот. Если ты не знаешь, о какой я вещи говорю, то спроси Лароша, — это одна из немногих любимых им музык. Так как Алёша отлично себя ведёт, тоя обещался вчера, ради воскресенья, повести его в цирк и, несмотря на крайнюю усталость, должен был исполнить обещанье, тем более что вчера по-нашему был последний день масляницы. Едва достали места, и пришлось сидеть где-то очень высоко и дышать тропической атмосферой. Милый клоун Билли Гайден (к[ото]рого ты любишь) был очень забавен. Я не выдержал до конца и вернулся домой рано. Наибольшее удовольствие, живя в Париже, я испытываю, когда сижу вечером у себя дома и наслаждаюсь на своём заднем дворе чудесной тишиной. Книг Н[адежда] Ф[иларетовна] прислала мне множество. Сегодня я не мог удержаться и взял себе билет в Théatre Fransais, где дают мою любимую комедию «Le Gendre de M[onsieur] Poirier». В 1876 г[оду] я с Модей видел её, и мы оба наслаждались отменно. Скажи ему, что актёры все те же самые. Сейчас хочу сходить на Poste restante — узнать, нет ли от одного из Вас писем. Думаю, что от Модеста должно быть. Толя! Я с блаженством выберусь отсюда, чтоб ехать на свидание с вами, моими милыми. Судя по ходу теперешних занятий, думаю, что привезу с собой готовую вчерне оперу. Мне осталось прожить здесь около двух недель. Читал ли ты в «Вестнике Европы" повесть «Специалист»? Если нет, то достань и прочти. Дело идёт о бракоразводном процессе. Очень интересно. Целую тебя крепко.

Твой П. Чайковский

24/12 February

As I just wrote down the date, month and year, I had occasion to remember that it will be precisely 20 years since my graduation. What an old man I am, Tolya! But (fingers crossed) the old man's health is very good, and you know what else is good? That he hasn't had heartburn for 3 weeks now. The Parisian doctor, whom I went to see with you last year, was right to say: j'ai un estomac capricieux. After a long series of endless heartburns — they suddenly stopped, without rhyme or reason. How strange my life here is! I cannot complain about anything. The accommodation is good, the piano splendid, work is going more or less successfully, and my health, thank God, is good — and yet here I've never had such moments as I had in Clarens, where several times a day I would say to myself: "whatever you say, it's good to be alive!". I understood the joy of living there. Here I'm vegetating, although the vegetation is very good in material terms. I've come firmly to the conclusion that for me the natural way of life is: countryside, wilderness, silence. There's no doubt whatsoever that if we continue to travel abroad in the winter, Paris will have its share of 2 or 3 days.

Anyway, yesterday I experienced a great artistic delight. I heard the entire "Damnation de Faust" by Berlioz — one of the artistic wonders. There were moments when I struggled to hold back the onslaught of tears choking me. Lord knows what a strange fellow this Berlioz was. His musical nature is generally rather antipathetic to me, and I can't reconcile myself at all to some of the ugliness of his harmony and modulations. But sometimes he reaches incredible heights. If you don't know the sort of thing I'm talking about, then ask Laroche — this is amongst the little music he admires. Since Alyosha is behaving splendidly, I promised yesterday, for the sake of Sunday, to take him to the circus, and, despite extreme fatigue, I had to fulfil my promise, the more so since yesterday was the last day of our Shrovetide. We only just obtained seats, and had to sit somewhere very high up, and to breathe in the tropical atmosphere. The nice clown Billy Hayden (whom you love) was very amusing. I couldn't bear it until the end and returned home early. The greatest pleasure I experience living in Paris is when I sit at home in the evening and appreciate the wonderful silence in the yard. Nadezhda Filaretovna has sent me lots of books. Today I couldn't resist and bought myself a ticket to the Théatre Fransais, where they're giving my favourite comedy, "Le Gendre de M[onsieur] Poirier". Modya and I saw it in 1876, and we both enjoyed it tremendously. Tell him that the actors are still the same. I'm just off to the Poste restante to find out if there any letters from one of you. I think there should be one from Modest. Tolya! It will be bliss for me to flee from here to go to meet you, my dears. Judging by the progress of my current work, I think that I'll be bringing the completed draft of the opera with me. I've around two weeks left to stay here. Have you read the story "The Specialist" in the European Herald? If not, then find it and read it. It's about divorce proceedings. Most interesting. I kiss you hard.

Yours P. Tchaikovsky