Letter 2839a

Tchaikovsky Research
Date 22 December 1885/3 January 1886
Addressed to Hugo Bock
Where written Maydanovo
Language French
Autograph Location unknown [1]
Publication Tchaikovsky Research Bulletin No. 1 (February 2011), p. 56 (extract only, with English translation)
Чайковский. Новые материалы к творческой биографии (2013), p. 292 (extract only, with Russian translation)

Text and Translation

Based on the extract in Stargardt's 1983 auction catalogue [2], which may contain differences in formatting and content from Tchaikovsky's original letter.

French text
English translation
By Luis Sundkvist
Maidanowo, bei Klin
22. XII. 1885/3. I. 1886

[...] Je Vous remercie de tout mon cœur pour l'extrème obligeance que Vous avez bien voulu me témoigner dans Votre bonne lettre. Je me suis empressé de faire savoir à M[onsieur] Mackar Votre décision et j'espere qu'il Vous en sera très reconnaissant [...]

Maydanovo, near Klin
22. XII. 1885 / 3. I. 1886

[...] I thank you most heartily for the extreme obligingness which you were so kind as to show me in your nice letter. I have hastened to let Monsieur Mackar know about your decision, and I hope that he will be very grateful to you for it [3] [...]

Notes and References

  1. Auctioned in 1983 at Marburg by J. A. Stargardt.
  2. J. A. Stargardt, Autographen aus allen Gebieten, Katalog-Nr. 601 (Marburg, 1983), p. 296, item no. 983.
  3. Hugo Bock had recently agreed to agreed to the composer's request to sell the Parisian music publisher Félix Mackar the rights to publish future editions of Tchaikovsky's overture-fantasia Romeo and Juliet in France.