Letter 4601

Tchaikovsky Research
Date 13/25 January 1892
Addressed to Aleksey Sofronov
Where written Paris
Language Russian
Autograph Location Saint Petersburg (Russia): National Library of Russia (ф. 834, ед. хр. 28, л. 10–11)
Publication П. И. Чайковский. Полное собрание сочинений, том XVI-Б (1979), p. 24–25

Text and Translation

Russian text
English translation
By Brett Langston
25 янв[аря]/13 янв[аря] [18]92

Алексей Иванович!

Я приеду гораздо раньше, чем думал, вероятно, около 23 или 24 янв[аря]. Поэтому, как получишь письмо, ступай сейчас же в Москву и получи у П. И. Юргенсона мои три тетради с черновыми набросками.

До свиданья!

Твой П. Чайковский

25 January/13 January 1892

I'll be arriving far earlier than I thought, around 23 or 24 January [1]. Therefore, immediately you receive this letter, go at once to Moscow and collect my three notebooks with the rough drafts from P. I. Jurgenson [2].

Until we meet!

Yours P. Tchaikovsky

Notes and References

  1. Tchaikovsky returned from Paris to Saint Petersburg on 21 January/2 February 1892, and reached Maydanovo exactly one week later.
  2. The sketchbooks for the ballet The Nutcracker (referred to in Letter 4600 to Aleksey Sofronov, written the previous day).