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Date 19 June/1 July 1893
Addressed to Konstantin Koninsky
Where written Grankino
Language Russian
Autograph Location Moscow (Russia): Bakhrushin State Central Theatre Museum
Publication Русская музыкальная газета (1899), No. 1, p. 15–16 (facsimile of music only)
П. И. Чайковский. Полное собрание сочинений, том XVII (1981), p. 117

Text and Translation

Russian text
English translation
By Brett Langston
19 июня [18]93 г.
Полт[авской] губ[ериии],
Константиногр[адского] уезда
почт[овая] ст[анция] Ново-Николаевка

Многоуважаемый Константин Мартынович!

Я только что вернулся из поездки за границу; этим объясняется, что так поздно отвечаю на письмо Ваше. Так как писем набралось множество, то могу ответить Вам сегодня лишь вкратце.

Как сборник русских песен могу Вам рекомендовать сборники Прокунина и Римского-Корсакова. Направо найдёте ответ на Ваше желание.

Очень благодарен Вам за добрые чувства.

Искренно преданный,

П. Чайковский

19 June 1893
Poltava province
Konstantinograd district
Novo-Nikolayevka post office

I have only just returned from a journey abroad; this is the reason why I am so late in answering your letter [1]. Since I have a heap of letters accumulating, I can only answer you briefly today.

As for collections of Russian songs, might I recommend to you the collections by Prokunin [2] and Rimsky-Korsakov. You will find the response to your request overleaf.

I am most grateful to you for your kind sentiments.

Sincerely devoted,

P. Tchaikovsky


Notes and References

  1. Letter from Konstantin Koninsky to Tchaikovsky, 1/13 July 1893. "It would be very good of you to agree harmonize this melody...", Koninsky wrote. "I attempted it, but was truly lacking in 'divine inspiration'. I would have liked to have made such that the theme is repeated in the bass while the soprano line stands out on its own, but failed because I lack the talent and know-how, so is it possible for me to make this single request of you to help with my chorus?".
  2. Vasily Prokunin's collection of 65 Russian Folksongs was published under Tchaikovsky's editorship in 1872 and 1873.