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Tchaikovsky Research
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Date 3/15 September 1893
Addressed to Aleksey Sofronov
Where written Saint Petersburg
Language Russian
Autograph Location Klin (Russia): Tchaikovsky State Memorial Musical Museum-Reserve (a3, No. 390)
Publication П. И. Чайковский. Полное собрание сочинений, том XVII (1981), p. 177–178

Text and Translation

Russian text
English translation
By Brett Langston
3 сент[ября]

Милый Алексей Иванович. Я приеду в Москву, вероятно, в понедельник утром. Привези мне на вокзал: 1) несколько белья чистого, а я тебе сдам все, что будет грязного; 2) партитуру Конюса, которая, кажется, лежит на рояле. Это большая переплетенная тетрадь писаных, а не печатных нот. Называется: «Из детской жизни». О дне и часе проезда во всяком случае буду телеграфировать.


П. Чайковский

Если можно, привези Егорку на вокзал, я хочу показать Модесту, который тоже проедет.

3 September

Dear Aleksey Ivanovich. I shall be going to Moscow, probably on Monday morning. Bring to me at the station: 1) some fresh linen, and I will hand over everything that will be dirty; 2) Konyus's full score, which should be on top of the piano. It's a large bound book, with handwritten rather than printed music. The title is "From a Child's Life" [1]. In any case I shall telegraph you with my time and date of travel.

I hug you.

P. Tchaikovsky

If possible, bring Yegorka [2] to the station, as I want to show him to Modest, who will also be passing through.

Notes and References

  1. Tchaikovsky was organising the first performance of Georgy Konyus's suite Scènes enfantines (Из детской жизни), Op. 1 (see also Letter 5060).
  2. The composer was godfather to Aleksey Sofronov's son Georgy (1892-1948), whom he knew affectionately as "Yegorka".