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Tchaikovsky Research
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Date 3/15 September 1887
Addressed to Emiliya Pavlovskaya
Where written Klin
Language Russian
Autograph Location Klin (Russia): Tchaikovsky State Memorial Musical Museum-Reserve (a3, No. 282)
Publication Чайковский на Московской сцене (1940), p. 400
П. И. Чайковский. Полное собрание сочинений, том XIV (1974), p. 206
Notes Telegram

Text and Translation

Russian text
English translation
By Luis Sundkvist
Приеду понедельник утром. Потрудитесь сообщить Направнику, Кондратьеву.

Will arrive Monday morning [1]. Kindly inform Nápravník, Kondratyev.

Notes and References

  1. In a letter from Saint Petersburg on 2/14 September 1887 Emiliya Pavlovskaya informed Tchaikovsky that the official rehearsals for The Enchantress at the Mariinsky Theatre had been postponed until 18/30 September–20 September/2 October 1887. However, the chief director of the Imperial Theatres, Gennady Kondratyev, wanted Tchaikovsky to come to Saint Petersburg earlier in order to sort out some problems with the tessitura of the parts of the Prince and the Princess. Tchaikovsky duly set off from Maydanovo on 7/19 September and was present at a singers' rehearsal (without orchestra) of The Enchantress at the Mariinsky Theatre the following day. He returned to Maydanovo on 8/20 September. Although Tchaikovsky was to conduct the rehearsals and the premiere of his opera, Eduard Nápravník had agreed to be present at the early rehearsal stages because, as a far more experienced conductor, it was easier for him to pick up any mistakes made by the singers. Pavlovskaya's letter has been published in Чайковский на московской сцене (1940), p. 399–400.