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Tchaikovsky Research
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Date 2/14 September 1887
Addressed to Sergey Taneyev
Where written Maydanovo
Language Russian
Autograph Location Moscow (Russia): Russian State Archive of Literature and Art (ф. 880)
Publication Письма П. И. Чайковского и С. И. Танеева (1874-1893) (1916), p. 149
П. И. Чайковский. С. И. Танеев. Письма (1951), p. 148
П. И. Чайковский. Полное собрание сочинений, том XIV (1974), p. 205

Text and Translation

Russian text
English translation
By Brett Langston
2 сент[ября]

Милый Сергей Иванович!

Симон мне передал, что Вы проедете 5-го числа в Петербург. Напишите мне, с каким поездом; я приеду на станцию. В Москву мне теперь не придётся съездить. Страшно хотелось бы остаться в Майданове как можно дольше; если меня не потребуют до 8 числа в театр на репетиции «Чародейки», я решительно не поеду на юбилей. Во 1-х, меня никто не зовёт, а во 2-х, я страшно нуждаюсь в отдыхе и в одиночестве.

До свидания, милый Сергей Иванович!

Я ужасно рад, что Аренскому лучше.

Ваш, П. Чайковский

2 September

Simon [1] informed me that you will be passing through Petersburg on the 5th. Write and tell me which train; I'll come to the station. I don't now have to go to Moscow. I should like to remain at Maydanovo for as long as possible; unless I'm required at the theatre for rehearsals of "The Enchantress" [2] before the 8th, I certainly won't be going to the jubilee [3]. In the first place, no-one has asked me to, and secondly, I'm terribly in need of rest and solitude.

Until we meet, dear Sergey Ivanovich.

I'm awfully glad that Arensky is better.

Yours, P. Tchaikovsky

Notes and References

  1. Anton Yulevich Simon (1850-1916), Russian composer. Tchaikovsky's diary entry for this date records: "With Simon. He told me news about Taneyev, Arensky (he's better) and about Moscow in general.
  2. The first general rehearsal for Tchaikovsky's new opera The Enchantress at the Mariinsky Theatre in Saint Petersburg.
  3. The silver jubilee celebrations on 8/20 September 1887 marking the 25th anniversary of the opening of the Saint Petersburg Conservatory, which Tchaikovsky had attended as a student in its early years.