Letter 3506: Difference between revisions

Tchaikovsky Research
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Revision as of 12:19, 16 January 2020

Date 24 February/7 March 1888
Addressed to Francesco Berger
Where written Paris
Language German
Autograph Location unknown
Publication Tchaikovsky (1906), p. 120
Musical Times (1 January 1927), p. 39
П. И. Чайковский. Полное собрание сочинений, том XIV (1974), p. 374
Tschaikowsky-Gesellschaft Mitteilungen, Heft 20 (2013), p. 66

Text and Translation

German text
English translation
By Brett Langston
Paris 7 Mars 1888

Verehrter Herr Berger!

Ich komme in London am 19ten an und werde im Hotel Dieudonné, wie Sie mir es gerahten haben, absteigen. Die Violinsolopartie (sie ist im 1sten Geigenpartie gedruckt) schicke ich Ihnen heute. Auf baldigen Wiedersehen.

Ihr ergebener,

Р. Tschaïkovsky

Paris 7 March 1888

Most respected Herr Berger!

I am arriving in London on the 9th and will be at the Hotel Dieudonné, where you have advised me to tsop. I will send you the violin solo part (which is printed with the 1st violin part) today [1]. Until we see each other soon.

Your devoted,

P. Tchaikovsky

Notes and References

  1. Tchaikovsky was due to conduct his Serenade for String Orchestra, and the Theme and Variations from his Suite No. 3 at a Philharmonic Society concert the St. James's Hall in London on 10/22 March 1888. The latter work included one variation for solo violin and orchestra.