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Tchaikovsky Research
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Date 18 February/2 March 1891
Addressed to Anna Merkling
Where written Saint Petersburg
Language Russian
Autograph Location unknown
Publication П. И. Чайковский. С. И. Танеев. Письма (1951), p. 243
П. И. Чайковский. Полное собрание сочинений, том XVI-А (1976), p. 59
Notes Manuscript copy in Klin (Russia): Tchaikovsky State Memorial Musical Museum-Reserve (signature omitted)

Text and Translation

Based on a handwritten copy in the Klin House-Museum Archive (omitting the signature) which may contain differences in formatting and content from Tchaikovsky's original letter.

Russian text
English translation
By Brett Langston
18 февраля 1891

Аня! Я приехал, но никуда не выхожу вследствие особенной усталости. Обедаю дома (я остановился у Модеста), вечером еду в Александринску. Разумеется, будем рады ужасно, если ты приедешь обедать; если же обедать неудобно, то не приедешь ли прямо в театр? Ложа 1-го яруса, с правой стороны, № 1-ый.

Целую ручки.

Петру Ивановичу и Любовь Петровне шлю приветствия.

18 February 1891

Anya! I've arrived, but am not going anywhere because I'm particularly tired. I'm dining at home (I've stopped off at Modest's), and this evening I'm going to the Aleksandrinsky [1]. Of course we should be terribly glad if you were to come to dinner; if dinner is inconvenient, then would you not come straight to the theatre? The box is in the first tier, No. 1 on the right hand side.

I kiss your hands.

I send greetings to Pyotr Ivanovich and Lyubov Petrovna.

Notes and References

  1. On 18 February/2 March 1891 a double bill of plays was performed at the Aleksandrinsky Theatre in Saint Petersburg: The Guest (Гость), a drama in two acts by the Danish playwright Edvard Brandes (1847-1931), in a Russian translation by Pyotr Ganzen (1846-1930), and Lev Gurych Sinichkin, a comedy-vaudeville by Dmitry Lensky (b. Vorobyev, 1805-1860).