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Date 9/21 January 1889
Addressed to Modest Tchaikovsky
Where written Frolovskoye
Language Russian
Autograph Location Moscow (Russia): Russian State Archive of Literature and Art (ф. 908)
Publication П. И. Чайковский. Полное собрание сочинений, том XV-А (1976), p. 25

Text and Translation

Russian text
English translation
By Brett Langston
9 янв[аря]

Модя! Напиши мне, как прошло твоё чтение в литературном Обществе? А также, 1) — в каком фазисе дело о Колином экзамене? 2) приехал ли Боб и каков он. 3) Вообще не плати мне злом за зло и продолжай от времени до времени уведомление о том, что происходит у Вас.

С Ларошем совершилось чудо: он пишет статью за статьёй в «Моск[овских] ведом[остях]», получает огромный гонорар, весел, жив и бодр. Я ведь и забыл тебе сказать, что ездил на один в Москву на свидание с Клименкой. Обнимаю!

П. Чайковский

9 January

Modya! Write to me how your reading went at the Literary Society?[1] And also, 1) where are matters up to concerning Kolya's examination?[2] 2) Did Bob come and how is he? [3] 3) In general, don't be inclined to repay me in kind, and keep letting me know from time to time what's happening with you.

Something miraculous has happened to Laroche: he's been writing article after article for the "Moscow Gazette" for which he receives an enormous fee, and is cheerful, lively and vigorous. I forgot to tell you that I went to Moscow one day to meet Klimenko. I hug you!

P. Tchaikovsky

Notes and References

  1. On 9/21 January 1889 Modest's Russian translation of Shakespeare's play Richard III' was given a successful reception by the Theatrical Literary Committee (Театрально-литературный комитет), which evaluated new plays for performance at the Imperial Theatres.
  2. Nikolay Konradi's application to sit an external examination for a diploma in one of the state schools was being delayed by bureaucratic formalities.
  3. The composer's nephew Vladimir Davydov ("Bob") had been spending the New Year in Moscow with his brothers and sister Anna.