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Tchaikovsky Research
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As for myself, I'll say the following. To tell the truth, I'm enjoying myself very little at [[Brailov]] this time, and to my horror, I notice that, in essence, all my thoughts are directed towards one main aim, namely: how ''to kill time''.  And although there are ways to kill the time, and I'm accomplishing this successfully — it's not the same. It would be futile for me to search for reasons for my cooling towards [[Brailov]]. This has partly happened from the fact that I interrupted the work I had begun, and I'm lamenting the time lost, partly uncertainty about the future — and partly that I've simply seen enough of [[Brailov]]. I still have 5 more days left living here. It's very likely that your letter is now waiting for me in [[Kamenka]]. I planned this poorly and asked you to send only those letters that would arrive before the 6th, but it's already the 8th today.  
As for myself, I'll say the following. To tell the truth, I'm enjoying myself very little at [[Brailov]] this time, and to my horror, I notice that, in essence, all my thoughts are directed towards one main aim, namely: how ''to kill time''.  And although there are ways to kill the time, and I'm accomplishing this successfully — it's not the same. It would be futile for me to search for reasons for my cooling towards [[Brailov]]. This has partly happened from the fact that I interrupted the work I had begun, and I'm lamenting the time lost, partly uncertainty about the future — and partly that I've simply seen enough of [[Brailov]]. I still have 5 more days left living here. It's very likely that your letter is now waiting for me in [[Kamenka]]. I planned this poorly and asked you to send only those letters that would arrive before the 6th, but it's already the 8th today.  

In a letter that I received yesterday from [[Nadezhda Filaretovna]], she urges me to take the matter in hand and not to be coy regarding money. I myself am starting to want a divorce again, no matter the cost, and I don't even mind paying 10 thousand just to be rid of the viper forever. So, take this into consideration in the event that her attorney comes to you. Yesterday a new manager, a Pole, arrived here. I was very apprehensive that he might decide to pay me a visit — but, thank God, he's leaving me alone, even though he lives in a nearby outbuilding. [[Nadezhda Filaretovna]] probably made it known to him that he need not observe any pleasantries in relation to me. Recently, [[Nadezhda Filaretovna]] approached me with a request to learn various details concerning beet and sugar farming from [[Leva]]. I had a conversation with [[Leva]] regarding this, from which it became clear that he was very much not averse to becoming the general manager of [[Brailov]], if now, then in the more distant future. As if deliberately, she's now taken on some Poles at huge cost. Nevertheless, I've cast the bait, i.e. yesterday I wrote to [[Nadezhda Filaretovna]] that [[Leva]] is most interested in her farm, and in my soul I sometimes secretly dream that he will become its manager one day. Let's see what she has to say to this.
In a letter that I received yesterday from [[Nadezhda Filaretovna]], she urges me to take the matter in hand and not to be coy regarding money. I myself am starting to want a divorce again, no matter the cost, and I don't even mind paying 10 thousand just to be rid of the viper forever. So, take this into consideration in the event that her attorney comes to you. Yesterday a new manager, a Pole, arrived here. I was very apprehensive that he might decide to pay me a visit — but, thank God, he's leaving me alone, even though he lives in a nearby outbuilding. [[Nadezhda Filaretovna]] probably made it known to him that he need not observe any pleasantries in relation to me. Recently, [[Nadezhda Filaretovna]] approached me with a request to learn various details concerning beet and sugar farming from [[Lyova]]. I had a conversation with [[Lyova]] regarding this, from which it became clear that he was very much not averse to becoming the general manager of [[Brailov]], if now, then in the more distant future. As if deliberately, she's now taken on some Poles at huge cost. Nevertheless, I've cast the bait, i.e. yesterday I wrote to [[Nadezhda Filaretovna]] that [[Lyova]] is most interested in her farm, and in my soul I sometimes secretly dream that he will become its manager one day. Let's see what she has to say to this.

I'm sitting here without a penny. In order to come here I borrowed 60 rubles from [[Leva]], which, together with the 25 rubles I had, amounted to 85 rubles. Out of this, I now have ''30'' left, but I need to give out at least 30 as a tip and for the journey back. Therefore I've written to [[Lev]] so that he'll send me money. My God! When will I finally become a respectable person and always have money! I want to start economising and to live at [[Kamenka]] as long as possible this year. But how can I make plans when I'm at the mercy of the viper's whims?
I'm sitting here without a penny. In order to come here I borrowed 60 rubles from [[Lyova]], which, together with the 25 rubles I had, amounted to 85 rubles. Out of this, I now have ''30'' left, but I need to give out at least 30 as a tip and for the journey back. Therefore I've written to [[Lev]] so that he'll send me money. My God! When will I finally become a respectable person and always have money! I want to start economising and to live at [[Kamenka]] as long as possible this year. But how can I make plans when I'm at the mercy of the viper's whims?

I kiss you countless times. Bow to Volodya.
I kiss you countless times. Bow to Volodya.
{{right|Yours, P. Tchaikovsky}}
{{right|Yours, P. Tchaikovsky}}

Latest revision as of 11:07, 25 June 2024

Date 8/20 May 1879
Addressed to Anatoly Tchaikovsky
Where written Brailov
Language Russian
Autograph Location Klin (Russia): Tchaikovsky State Memorial Musical Museum-Reserve (a3, No. 1234)
Publication Жизнь Петра Ильича Чайковского, том 2 (1901), p. 289 (abridged)
П. И. Чайковский. Письма к родным (1940), p. 562–563
П. И. Чайковский. Полное собрание сочинений, том VIII (1963), p. 209–210 (abridged)

Text and Translation

Russian text
English translation
By Brett Langston
8 мая 1879 г[ода]

Толичка! Я сокрушаюсь, не получая известий от тебя. Мне столько нужно у тебя узнать! Когда твой отпуск состоится? Когда я что-нибудь решительное узнаю о степени серьёзности затеваемого бракоразводного дела? Что ты поделываешь? К чему привела окончательно твоё письмо к А[лександре] В[алерьяновне], т. е. был ли ты после тога у ней и совершилась ли свиданье? Все эта меня крайне интересует.

Про себя скажу следующее. По правде говоря, я на этот раз мало наслаждаюсь жизнью Браилова и, к ужасу своему, замечаю, что, в сущности, все помыслы мои устремлены к одной главной цели, а именно: как бы убить время. И хотя средства убивать время есть и я это исполняю с успехам, — но это уж не то. Тщетно стал бы я доискиваться причин моего охлаждения к Браилову. Отчасти эта происходит оттого, что я прервал начатую работу и сокрушаюсь о потере времени, отчасти неизвестность относительно будущего, — отчасти же я просто уже достаточно насмотрелся на Браилов. Мне осталось прожить здесь ещё 5 дней. Весьма вероятно, что твоё письмо дожидается меня теперь в Каменке. Я плохо сообразил и просил присылать мне только те письма, которые придут до 6-го числа, а сегодня уже 8.

В письме, которое я получил вчера от Н[адежды] Ф[иларетавны], она уговаривает меня приступить к делу и не стесняться насчёт денег. Я и сам начинаю, опять желать развода, во что бы та ни стало, и не прочь даже заплатить 10 тысяч, лишь бы отделаться от гадины навеки. Итак, прими эта в соображение на тот случай, что поверенный к тебе явится. Вчера сюда приехал новый управляющий, поляк. Я очень побаивался, как бы он не вздумал нанести мне визита, — но, слава Богу, он оставляет меня в покое, хотя и живёт во флигеле рядом. Вероятно, Н[адежда] Ф[иларетовна] сделала ему внушение, чтоб он не соблюдал относительно меня никаких учтивостей. Недавно Н[адежда] Ф[иларетовна] обращалась ко мне с просьбой узнать от Левы разные подробности касательно свекло-сахарного хозяйства. По поводу этого я имел с Левой разговор, из которого уяснилась, что он очень не прочь сделаться главноуправляющим браиловским если не сейчас, то в более отдалённом будущем. Как нарочно, она теперь взяла за огромную цену какого-то ляха. Тем не менее я запустил удочку, т. е. вчера написал Н[адежде] Ф[иларетовне], что Лева очень заинтересован её хозяйствам и что в тайне души я иногда мечтаю а том, что он когда-нибудь сделается её управляющим. Посмотрим, что она на это скажет.

Я сижу без денег. На проезд сюда я взял у Левы 60 р[ублей], которые вместе с бывшими у меня 25 р[ублей] составили сумму в 85 р[ублей]. Из них у меня теперь осталось 30, а нужно здесь более 30 раздать на чай и проехать назад. Поэтому я написал Леве, чтобы он прислал мне денег. Боже мой! когда я, наконец, сделаюсь порядочным человеком и буду иметь всегда деньги! Хочу начать экономничать и прожить в этом году как можно долее а Каменке. Но могу ли я делать планы, когда нахожусь в зависимости от капризов гадины?

Целую несчётно. Володе поклон.

Твой, П. Чайковский

8 May 1879

Tolichka! I'm upset not to have news from you. There's so much I need to know from you! When will you be on leave? When shall I hear anything definitive about how seriously the divorce case is proceeding? What are you doing? What was the final outcome of your letter to Aleksandra Valeryanovna, i.e. were you with her after that, and did your meeting take place? All of this is of extreme interest to me?

As for myself, I'll say the following. To tell the truth, I'm enjoying myself very little at Brailov this time, and to my horror, I notice that, in essence, all my thoughts are directed towards one main aim, namely: how to kill time. And although there are ways to kill the time, and I'm accomplishing this successfully — it's not the same. It would be futile for me to search for reasons for my cooling towards Brailov. This has partly happened from the fact that I interrupted the work I had begun, and I'm lamenting the time lost, partly uncertainty about the future — and partly that I've simply seen enough of Brailov. I still have 5 more days left living here. It's very likely that your letter is now waiting for me in Kamenka. I planned this poorly and asked you to send only those letters that would arrive before the 6th, but it's already the 8th today.

In a letter that I received yesterday from Nadezhda Filaretovna, she urges me to take the matter in hand and not to be coy regarding money. I myself am starting to want a divorce again, no matter the cost, and I don't even mind paying 10 thousand just to be rid of the viper forever. So, take this into consideration in the event that her attorney comes to you. Yesterday a new manager, a Pole, arrived here. I was very apprehensive that he might decide to pay me a visit — but, thank God, he's leaving me alone, even though he lives in a nearby outbuilding. Nadezhda Filaretovna probably made it known to him that he need not observe any pleasantries in relation to me. Recently, Nadezhda Filaretovna approached me with a request to learn various details concerning beet and sugar farming from Lyova. I had a conversation with Lyova regarding this, from which it became clear that he was very much not averse to becoming the general manager of Brailov, if now, then in the more distant future. As if deliberately, she's now taken on some Poles at huge cost. Nevertheless, I've cast the bait, i.e. yesterday I wrote to Nadezhda Filaretovna that Lyova is most interested in her farm, and in my soul I sometimes secretly dream that he will become its manager one day. Let's see what she has to say to this.

I'm sitting here without a penny. In order to come here I borrowed 60 rubles from Lyova, which, together with the 25 rubles I had, amounted to 85 rubles. Out of this, I now have 30 left, but I need to give out at least 30 as a tip and for the journey back. Therefore I've written to Lev so that he'll send me money. My God! When will I finally become a respectable person and always have money! I want to start economising and to live at Kamenka as long as possible this year. But how can I make plans when I'm at the mercy of the viper's whims?

I kiss you countless times. Bow to Volodya.

Yours, P. Tchaikovsky