Letter 3800a

Tchaikovsky Research
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Date 17 February/1 March 1889
Addressed to Paul Dultier
Where written Leipzig
Language French
Autograph Location unknown [1]
Publication Tchaikovsky Research Bulletin No. 2 (April 2011), p. 43 (excerpt only)

Text and Translation

This incomplete text is taken from the extracts published in Swann Auction Galleries catalogue [2], which may contain differences in formatting and content from Tchaikovsky's original letter.

French text
English translation
By Luis Sundkvist and Brett Langston
[...] en été j'étais plonge dans un travail qui me prenait tout mon temps et maintenant je voyage et suis toujours empêche de répondre aux lettres que je reçois. Bientôt je serai a Paris [...] et Vous demanderai de vive voix pardon pour mon inexactitude et mon peu d'empenerent a rèponde à Vos bonnes lettres.

Au revoir! Je Vous écris où viendrai V[ous] voir dès que je serai à Paris.

Je Vous embrasse.

P. Tchaïkovsky

[...] this summer I was engrossed in a task which took up all my time, and now I am travelling so that there is always something preventing me from replying to the letters I receive. I shall be in Paris soon [...] and I shall ask you in person to pardon my inexactitude and my lack of response to your kind letters.

Until we meet! I shall write to about where to come to see you as soon as I am in Paris.

I embrace you.

P. Tchaikovsky

Notes and References

  1. The autograph was sold on 26 November 2013 by Swann Auction Galleries in New York. It had also been previously auctioned in 1952 by W. R. Benjamin Autographs (New York).
  2. See https://catalogue.swanngalleries.com/asp/fullCatalogue.asp?salelot=2333+++++247+&refno=++679126&saletype= (including a facsimile of the last page).