Letter 4488

Tchaikovsky Research
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Date 30 September/12 October 1891
Addressed to Adolph Brodsky and Anna Brodsky
Where written Moscow
Language Russian
Autograph Location Manchester (England): Royal Northern College of Music, The Library
Publication П. И. Чайковский. Полное собрание сочинений, том XVI-А (1976), p. 217
Tchaikovsky in America. The composer's visit in 1891 (1986), p. 188 (English translation)
Воспоминания о русском доме (2006), p. 134

Text and Translation

Russian text
English translation
By Luis Sundkvist
30 сент[ября] 1891

Милый Адольф и дорогая
добрейшая Анна Львовна!

Поручаю вашему благосклонному вниманию моего милого, симпатичнейшего юного друга Юлия Конюса. Я уверен, что вы оба его полюбите и приласкаете.

Адольф, крепко тебя обнимаю и целую ручку Анны Львовны!

П. Чайковский

30 September 1891

Dear Adolph and cherished
most kind Anna Lvovna

I entrust to your gracious attention my ever so dear and most sympathetic young friend, Yuly Konyus [1]. I am certain that you will both come to love him and will treat him affectionately.

Adolph, I hug you tight, and I kiss Anna Lvovna's hand!

P. Tchaikovsky

Notes and References

  1. In the summer of 1891 Adolph Brodsky had taken up Walter Damrosch's offer to become leader of the New York Symphony Orchestra, and he and his wife Anna would live in America during the next three years (though returning to Europe and to Russia in the summer months). Thanks to Tchaikovsky's recommendation, the young violinist Yuly Konyus had secured an engagement with the same orchestra, and the composer hoped that the Brodskys would look after him during his time in America. See also Letter 4515 to Adolph Brodsky, 19/31 October 1891.