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I am guilty before you to such an extent that my conscience is tormenting me, and I'm compelled to write to you. You were probably unaware that I've been in [[Moscow]]. I spent precisely 3 days there without being with you! But that's not all! I literally didn't find a single free moment to visit. Generally, I was the unfortunate victim here, who was being forcibly dragged from one place to another. It isn't this that torments me, but the fact that I didn't furnish you with a seat at "''[[Yevgeny Onegin]]''". But I hope you'll forgive me if I tell you that I thought about you and wanted to acquire seats for you and Aleksandra Vladimirovna — but I was absolutely in no position to do this! Of course, I ought to have remembered this sooner, and I'm contrite before you for having been so inattentive to people so dear to me as you and your family. But I swear to you that having arrived in [[Moscow]], I immediately requested a seat for you, and despite [[Nikolay Rubinstein|Rubinstein]] and [[Albrecht]]'s good intentions to satisfy my request, there was nothing they could do. I wanted to put you in some box by one of our professors, but they had 15 people in a box, and my prayers were not answered. It was all I could do to find places in the boxes for my brothers!
I am guilty before you to such an extent that my conscience is tormenting me, and I'm compelled to write to you. You were probably unaware that I've been in [[Moscow]]. I spent precisely 3 days there without being with you! But that's not all! I literally didn't find a single free moment to visit. Generally, I was the unfortunate victim here, who was being forcibly dragged from one place to another. It isn't this that torments me, but the fact that I didn't furnish you with a seat at "''[[Yevgeny Onegin]]''". But I hope you'll forgive me if I tell you that I thought about you and wanted to acquire seats for you and Aleksandra Vladimirovna — but I was absolutely in no position to do this! Of course, I ought to have remembered this sooner, and I'm contrite before you for having been so inattentive to people so dear to me as you and your family. But I swear to you that having arrived in [[Moscow]], I immediately requested a seat for you, and despite [[Nikolay Rubinstein|Rubinstein]] and [[Albrecht]]'s good intentions to satisfy my request, there was nothing they could do. I wanted to put you in some box by one of our professors, but they had 15 people in a box, and my prayers were not answered. It was all I could do to find places in the boxes for my brothers!

However, I'll recount all this in detail to you when we meet. I'll be with you at the end of Holy Week, and I'll go down on my knees to beg your forgiveness. For the time being, please banish from your mind any notion that I didn't think about your, or that I don't love you enough.  
However, I'll recount all this in detail to you when we meet. I'll be with you at the end of Holy Week, and I'll go down on my knees to beg your forgiveness. For the time being, please banish from your mind any notion that I didn't think about you, or that I don't love you enough.  

Until we meet, my dear and good [[Yekaterina Peresleni|Katerina Vasilyevna]]. For God's sake forgive me!
Until we meet, my dear and good [[Yekaterina Peresleni|Katerina Vasilyevna]]. For God's sake, forgive me!

I kiss your hands and also the hands of Aleksandra Vladimirovna. I hug [[Dima]] and Zhenya.
I kiss your hands and also the hands of Aleksandra Vladimirovna. I hug [[Dima]] and Zhenya.

Latest revision as of 14:45, 10 July 2024

Date 20 March/1 April 1879
Addressed to Yekaterina Peresleni
Where written Saint Petersburg
Language Russian
Autograph Location Klin (Russia): Tchaikovsky State Memorial Musical Museum-Reserve (a3, No. 294)
Publication П. И. Чайковский. Полное собрание сочинений, том VIII (1963), p. 158–159

Text and Translation

Russian text
English translation
By Brett Langston
20 марта 1879

Дорогая Катерина Васильевна!

Я до такой степени виноват перед Вами, меня до того терзает совесть, что ощущаю потребность написать Вам. Вы, вероятно, уже знаете, что я был в Москве. Я провёл там ровно 3 суток и не был у Вас! Но это ещё ничего! Я буквально не нашёл ни единой свободной минутки, чтобы съездить. Вообще, я там был какой-то несчастной жертвой, которую таскали насильно из одного места в другое. Не это меня терзает, а то, что я не достал Вам место на «Евгения Онегина». Но я надеюсь, что Вы поверите мне, если я скажу Вам, что я думал о Вас и хотел доставить Вам и Ал[ександре] Влад[имировне] места — но решительно не в состоянии был этого сделать! Конечно, я должен был вспомнить об этом раньше, и я каюсь перед Вами в том, что оказал относительно столь дорогих для меня людей, как Вы и Ваше семейство, — так мало внимания. Но я клянусь Вам, что приехавши в Москву, я тотчас же попросил места для Вас, и несмотря на все желание Рубинштейна и Альбрехта удовлетворить мою просьбу, они ничего не могли сделать. Хотел я поместить Вас в какую-нибудь ложу к одному из наших профессоров, — но у них сидело по 15 человек в ложе и никто не внял моим мольбам. Я только кое-как мог разместить по ложам моих братьев!

Впрочем подробно обо всем этом я расскажу Вам при свиданье. На святой неделе, в конце, я буду у Вас и буду на коленях просить у Вас прощенья. А покамест, пожалуйста, изгоните из себя мысль, что я об Вас не думал или что недостаточно люблю Вас.

До свиданья, милая моя и дорогая Катерина Васильевна. Ради Бога простите!

Целую Ваши ручки и также ручки Ал[ександры] Вл[адимировны]. Диму и Женю обнимаю.

Ваш П. Чайковский

Боюсь, что переврал адрес.

20 March 1879

I am guilty before you to such an extent that my conscience is tormenting me, and I'm compelled to write to you. You were probably unaware that I've been in Moscow. I spent precisely 3 days there without being with you! But that's not all! I literally didn't find a single free moment to visit. Generally, I was the unfortunate victim here, who was being forcibly dragged from one place to another. It isn't this that torments me, but the fact that I didn't furnish you with a seat at "Yevgeny Onegin". But I hope you'll forgive me if I tell you that I thought about you and wanted to acquire seats for you and Aleksandra Vladimirovna — but I was absolutely in no position to do this! Of course, I ought to have remembered this sooner, and I'm contrite before you for having been so inattentive to people so dear to me as you and your family. But I swear to you that having arrived in Moscow, I immediately requested a seat for you, and despite Rubinstein and Albrecht's good intentions to satisfy my request, there was nothing they could do. I wanted to put you in some box by one of our professors, but they had 15 people in a box, and my prayers were not answered. It was all I could do to find places in the boxes for my brothers!

However, I'll recount all this in detail to you when we meet. I'll be with you at the end of Holy Week, and I'll go down on my knees to beg your forgiveness. For the time being, please banish from your mind any notion that I didn't think about you, or that I don't love you enough.

Until we meet, my dear and good Katerina Vasilyevna. For God's sake, forgive me!

I kiss your hands and also the hands of Aleksandra Vladimirovna. I hug Dima and Zhenya.

Yours P. Tchaikovsky

I'm afraid I may have misread the address.