
Tchaikovsky Research
TH ČW Title Description Year
A Russian Musician: Pierre Tschaïkovsky Interview for Le Temps 1888
322 Tschaikowsky on Music in America Interview for the New York Herald 1891
323 595 With P. I. Tchaikovsky Interview for the Daily News 1892
596 Interview for the "New Time" Interview for the New Time 1892
324 597 A Conversation with P. I. Tchaikovsky Interview for Petersburg Life 1892
325 598 With the Author of "Iolanta" Interview for the Petersburg Gazette 1892
With P. I. Tchaikovsky Interview for the Odessa Leaflet 1893
326 With P. I. Tchaikovsky Interview for the Odessa Leaflet 1893
327 In Memory of P. I. Tchaikovsky Interview for the Odessa News 1893
328 Tchaikovsky on Odessa Interview for the Odessa Leaflet 1893