Letter 2004
Tchaikovsky Research
Date | between 5/17 April and 16/28 April 1882 |
Addressed to | Anna Avramova |
Where written | Moscow |
Language | Russian |
Autograph Location | Klin (Russia): Tchaikovsky State Memorial Musical Museum-Reserve (a3, No. 1) |
Publication | П. И. Чайковский. Полное собрание сочинений, том XI (1966), p. 101 |
Text and Translation
Russian text (original) |
English translation By Brett Langston |
Добрейшая Анна Константиновна!
Можете ли Вы сомневаться, что и Юргенсоны и я будем очень рады, если Вы приедете прослушать моё трио и провести с нами вечер. Искренне Вас уважающий, П. Чайковский |
Most kind Anna Konstantinovna!
Be in no doubt that both the Jurgensons [1] and I will be very glad if you come to hear my trio [2] and spend the evening with us. With sincere respect for you, P. Tchaikovsky |
Notes and References
- ↑ Tchaikovsky is referring to the brothers Pyotr Jurgenson and Osip Jurgenson.
- ↑ The first public performance of Tchaikovsky's Piano Trio in A minor, Op. 50, had taken place on 11/23 March 1882, while he was travelling abroad. This private performance, at Pyotr Jurgenson's apartment in Moscow, was given in the composer's honour sometime between 5/17 and 16/28 April 1882. Afterwards, Tchaikovsky made some revisions that were subsequently incorporated into the published score of the trio.