Letter 4136a
Tchaikovsky Research
Date | 4/16 June 1890 |
Addressed to | Ambroise Thomas |
Where written | Frolovskoye |
Language | French |
Autograph Location | unknown [1] |
Publication | Tschaikowsky-Gesellschaft Mitteilungen, Heft 6 (1999), p. 7 (partial) |
Text and Translation
This incomplete text is based on the extract and partial facsimile published in Sotheby's 1998 auction catalogue, which may contain differences in formatting and content from Tchaikovsky's original letter.
French text (original) |
English translation By Brett Langston |
[...] Son père me prie, à cette occasion d'intercéder auprès de Vous, cher grand maitre, pour attirer Votre bienveillante attention sur ce jeune homme plein de talent. Et c'est ce que j'ose faire tout en Vous suppliant de me pardonner si dans cette demarche il y a quelque chose d'indelicat et d'indiscrèt. Veuillez agreer, maitre, l'expression de mon profond respect.
P. Tchaïkovsky |
[...] His father begged me, on this occasion, to intercede with you, dear grand maestro, to draw your kind attention to this most talented young man. And this is what I have ventured to do, wile begging your pardon if doing so is somehow indelicate or indiscreet. Please accept, maestro, the expression of my profound respect.
P. Tchaikovsky |
Notes and References
- ↑ The autograph was auctioned on 4 December 1998 by Sotheby's, London, where it was described as a letter of recommendation for the violinist Jules Conus.