Letter 4913b

Tchaikovsky Research
Date 12/24 April 1893
Addressed to Vadim Peresleni
Where written Klin
Language Russian
Autograph Location unknown
Publication Tschaikowsky-Gesellschaft Mitteilungen (2012), p. 107 (original), p. 107 (German translation)
Notes Photocopy in Klin (Russia): Tchaikovsky State Memorial Musical Museum-Reserve

Text and Translation

Russian text
English translation
By Brett Langston
12 апр[еля 18]93
г. Клин

Бедненький! А я как раз перед получением твоего письма думал о тебе и даже помышлял не послать ли малую толику? Твоё письмо не лишено остроумия, но недостаточно подробно. Помилуй, — ведь это невероятно интересно, т. е. как, почему и что, и в каких выражениях тебе велели серьёзно! Пожалуйста пиши мне поподробнее. Доложи, что как скоро пожелаешь. Когда будешь в Москве? Не навестишь ли меня здесь? Посылаю только 25 р[ублей] да и [...] придётся занимать у меня теперь ни шиша.


П. Чайковский

Деньги я просил выслать от Юргенсона.

12 April 1893
Town of Klin

You poor thing! Can you believe that just prior to receiving your letter [1] I happened to think about you, and even considered sending you a tiny sum? Your letter is not devoid of wit, but it's lacking in detail. Forgive me, because it's incredibly interesting, namely, how, wherefore, why and what terms can you seriously expect! Please write to me in detail. Report back when you want. When will you be in Moscow? Could you not come and see me here? I'm sending 25 rubles [...] [2] have to borrow, I haven't even a kopek just now.

I hug you,

P. Tchaikovsky

I've asked Jurgenson to send money.

Notes and References

  1. Letter from Vadim Peresleni to Tchaikovsky, 9/21 April 1893, in which Vadim Peresleni reported that he had lost his job and suffered a leg injury. See the commentary by Ada Ainbinder in Vier unbekannte Briefe Čajkovskijs an Vadim Peresleni, p. 106-108.
  2. This portion of the original letter is illegible.