Letter 539

Tchaikovsky Research
Date 29 January/10 February 1877
Addressed to Sergey Taneyev
Where written Moscow
Language Russian
Autograph Location Moscow: Russian State Archive of Literature and Art (ф. 880)
Publication Жизнь Петра Ильича Чайковского, том 1 (1900), p. 517 (abridged)
Письма П. И. Чайковского и С. И. Танеева (1874-1893) [1916], p. 12
П. И. Чайковский. С. И. Танеев. Письма (1951), p. 16
П. И. Чайковский. Полное собрание сочинений, том VI (1961), p. 111

Text and Translation

Russian text
English translation
By Luis Sundkvist
Янв[аря] 29 1877 г[ода]

Милый Серёжа!

Мой концерт не состоится. Несмотря на все гигантские мои усилия и на твёрдую уверенность, — я потерпел неудачу относительно добытия нужных мне сумм.

Я в глубоком отчаянии.

Ничего более я не в состоянии писать Вам сегодня. Простите за многие беспокойства, которые я причинил Вам своим неудавшимся планом.

Merci за письмо

Искренно преданный Вам,

П. Чайковский

January 29 1877

Dear Serezha!

My concert isn't going to take place [1]. In spite of all my gigantic efforts and my strong certainty that it would work out, I have been unsuccessful as regards raising the necessary sums of money.

I am in profound despair.

I am unable to write anything more to you today. Forgive me for the great trouble which I caused you with my unsuccessful plan.

Merci for the letter [2].

Sincerely devoted,

P. Tchaikovsky

Notes and References

  1. Tchaikovsky had been hoping to organise a concert of his works in Paris at some point between January and March 1877, for which purpose he had enlisted the services of Édouard Colonne and his orchestra. See Letter 518 to Taneyev, 5/17 December 1876, and Letter 528a to Colonne, 25 December 1876/6 January 1877.
  2. This letter from Taneyev has not survived in Tchaikovsky's archives at Klin — note by Vladimir Zhdanov in П. И. Чайковский. С. И. Танеев. Письма (1951), p. 16.