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Tchaikovsky Research
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I have various matters to discuss with you.
I have various matters to discuss with you.

1) I have finished the [[Violin Concerto|violin concerto]]. All that remains is five days' work on the instrumentation. Since the piano reduction is written very scrappily, and since I won't manage to write the violin part into the full score, then ''[[Kotek]]'', who happens to be here, will take all this to [[Berlin]] and give it to a copyist to be written out. Consequently, you will received a verified and cleanly written copy of the piano reduction and the manuscript of the full score. of course. I should like it if the concerto were printed as soon as possible in the form of the piano reduction and orchestral parts. But of course, you can't argue with the devil. It would be good if you had the opportunity to print it before the autumn, because if it's ready in time for the winter, then it will be catch on all the sooner, if indeed it is destined to catch on. Can't you write to ''[[Bock]]'' so that he'll take it upon himself to distribute the piano reduction and full score for you? In that case [[Kotek]], who's been entrusted with arranging all this, will take it to him. For the sake of speed, won't you find it possible to entrust [[Bock]] with the copying of the parts of the concerto in [[Berlin]]? Anyway, distribute it as you wish. Just know that the concerto is with [[Kotek]] in [[Berlin]], whose address [[Bock]] will know.
1) I have finished the [[Violin Concerto|violin concerto]]. All that remains is five days' work on the instrumentation. Since the piano reduction is written very scrappily, and since I won't manage to write the violin part into the full score, then ''[[Kotek]]'', who happens to be here, will take all this to [[Berlin]] and give it to a copyist to be written out. Consequently, you will received a verified and cleanly written copy of the piano reduction and the manuscript of the full score. of course. I should like it if the concerto were printed as soon as possible in the form of the piano reduction and orchestral parts. But of course, you can't argue with the devil. It would be good if you had the opportunity to print it before the autumn, because if it's ready in time for the winter, then it will catch on all the sooner, if indeed it is destined to catch on. Can't you write to ''[[Bock]]'' so that he'll take it upon himself to distribute the piano reduction and full score for you? In that case [[Kotek]], who's been entrusted with arranging all this, will take it to him. For the sake of speed, won't you find it possible to entrust [[Bock]] with the copying of the parts of the concerto in [[Berlin]]? Anyway, distribute it as you wish. Just know that the concerto is with [[Kotek]] in [[Berlin]], whose address [[Bock]] will know.

I played the concerto here many times, and each time it caused a unanimous, or better to say, double-headed furore, because the audience, consisting of [[Modest]] and [[Kotek]], sang unison hymns of praise to me during the concerto. [[Kotek]] assures me that it is not at all difficult.
I played the concerto here many times, and each time it caused a unanimous, or better to say, double-headed furore, because the audience, consisting of [[Modest]] and [[Kotek]], sang unison hymns of praise to me during the concerto. [[Kotek]] assures me that it is not at all difficult.

2) Have you received the violin and cello pieces? Have you written to ''Leückardt''? Do you consider it necessary for [[Kotek]] to go there? If required you could write to [[Kotek]], addressing a letter to [[Bock]].
2) Have you received the violin and cello pieces? Have you written to ''Leückardt''? Do you consider it necessary for [[Kotek]] to go there? If required, you could write to [[Kotek]], addressing a letter to [[Bock]].

3) Permit me to state that I should not wish for any of my works to be printed without my final proofreading. Therefore I ask you not to issue any opera, any symphony, any concerto, or any other pieces before they've been to me. Anyway, I believe that none of the them will be ready before September, and therefore, after my arrival in [[Moscow]], I'll be busy proofreading them. Speaking of proofreading. I reproached you in my last letter for mistakes, but I didn't mean to accuse you of them. You are least to blame for all this. Fate is to blame for not sending you good proof-readers. Anyway, ''[[Kashkin]]'' did well correcting the score of "[[Francesca]]". On a cursory review I didn't find a single error. There's nothing to say about the piano reductions of "[[Francesca]]". They are as impeccable as a dove. This was the first of my works to be printed in way that I was entirely satisfied with. Please, when you meet [[Klindworth]] please convey to him my most sincere gratitude. I was so delighted that I wanted to write to him, but I don't have the German, and he wouldn't be interested in French. I also thank dear [[Kashkin]].
3) Permit me to state that I should not wish for any of my works to be printed without my final proofreading. Therefore I ask you not to issue any opera, any symphony, any concerto or any other pieces before they've been to me. Anyway, I believe that none of them will be ready before September, and therefore, after my arrival in [[Moscow]], I'll be busy proofreading them. Speaking of proofreading. I reproached you in my last letter for mistakes, but I didn't mean to accuse you of them. You are least to blame for all this. Fate is to blame for not sending you good proof-readers. Anyway, ''[[Kashkin]]'' did well correcting the score of "[[Francesca]]". On a cursory review I didn't find a single error. There's nothing to say about the piano reductions of "[[Francesca]]". They are as impeccable as a dove. This was the first of my works to be printed in a way that I was entirely satisfied with. Please, when you meet [[Klindworth]], please convey to him my most sincere gratitude. I was so delighted that I wanted to write to him, but I don't have the German, and he wouldn't be interested in French. I also thank dear [[Kashkin]].

In the event that one of my aforementioned creations has been proofread before September, then I ask you to send the final proofs to me at [[Kamenka]] (''Fastov railway line, [[Kamenka]] station, [[Kiev]] province''). As for the first two sets of proofs, if I were you then I would give the opera to [[Kashkin]] and the symphony to [[Taneyev]]. But the concerto ''certainly'' must be corrected by [[Kotek]] and no-one else, because, as well as being a fine musician he is also a fine violinist.  
In the event that one of my aforementioned creations has been proofread before September, then I ask you to send the final proofs to me at [[Kamenka]] (''Fastov railway line, [[Kamenka]] station, [[Kiev]] province''). As for the first two sets of proofs, if I were you then I would give the opera to [[Kashkin]] and the symphony to [[Taneyev]]. But the concerto ''certainly'' must be corrected by [[Kotek]] and no-one else, because, as well as being a fine musician he is also a fine violinist.  

Latest revision as of 15:01, 28 May 2024

Date 27 March/8 April 1878
Addressed to Pyotr Jurgenson
Where written Clarens
Language Russian
Autograph Location Klin (Russia): Tchaikovsky State Memorial Musical Museum-Reserve (a3, No. 2193)
Publication Жизнь Петра Ильича Чайковского, том 2 (1901), p. 149–151 (abridged)
П. И. Чайковский. Переписка с П. И. Юргенсоном, том 1 (1938), p. 37–38
П. И. Чайковский. Полное собрание сочинений, том VII (1962), p. 202–204

Text and Translation

Russian text
English translation
By Brett Langston
Clarens  27 марта
8 [апреля]

Милый Пётр Иванович!

Получил сегодня твоё письмо. Merci, душа моя, за твои хорошие, дружеские, милые письма. Я их тем более ценю, что ты единственный из моих друзей, ведущий со мной настоящую переписку. Только из твоих писем я узнаю, что делается в Москве, с которой меня соединяет неразрывная связь и к которой, как магнит к северу*, я постоянно обращаюсь мыслями. Люблю я эту грязную старуху, ужасно люблю и вне её не могу жить.

Поговорю с тобой о разных делах.

1) Концерт скрипичный я кончил. Осталось только поработать дней пять над инструментовкой. Так как клавираусцуг написан очень грязно и так как в партитуру я не успею вписать скрипичного голоса, то Котек, который находится здесь, отвезёт все это в Берлин и отдаст для переписки копиисту. Ты, следовательно, получишь проверенную и чисто написанную копию клавираусцуг а и рукопись партитуры. Я желал бы, конечно, чтоб концерт был напечатан как можно скорее в виде клавираусцуга и оркестровых голосов. Но, разумеется, нельзя против рожна прати. Имеешь ли ты возможность напечатать его к осени, а это было бы хорошо, ибо если он поспеет к зимнему сезону, то скорее распространится, если только суждено ему распространяться. Не можешь ли ты написать Боку, чтоб он принял на себя отсылку к тебе клавираусцуга и партитуры. В таком случае Котек, которому поручено все это устроить, отнёс бы их к нему. Не найдёшь ли ты возможным для скорости поручить Боку переписку концерта на голоса в Берлине. Впрочем, распоряжайся как хочешь. Знай только, что концерт в Берлине у Котека, адрес которого будет известен Боку.

Концерт я здесь много раз играл, и он производил каждый раз единодушный или, лучше сказать, двоедушный фурор, ибо публика, состоящая из Модеста и Котека, в унисон поёт мне за концерт хвалебные гимны. По уверению Котека, он не труден нимало.

2) Получил ли ты скрипичную и виолончельную пиэсы? Написал ли ты Leückardt'у? Не находишь ли ты нужным, чтобы Котек сходил. Ты можешь вообще в случае нужды написать Котеку, адресовав письмо к Боку.

3) Я позволю себе заявить, что я не желал бы, чтобы какое бы то ни было моё сочинение печаталось без моей окончательной корректуры. Поэтому ни оперу, ни симфонию, ни концерт, ни другие пиэсы прошу тебя не выпускать в свет, прежде чем они не побывают у меня. Полагаю, впрочем, что ни одно из них не будет готово ранее сентября, и поэтому я, уже приехавши в Москву, займусь их корректурой. Кстати о корректурах. Я попрекнул тебя в прошлом письме за ошибки, но я не имел в виду обвинять тебя в них. Ты в этом всего менее виноват. Виновата судьба, не посылающая тебе хороших корректоров. Впрочем, Кашкин хорошо корректировал партитуру «Франчески». При беглом обзоре я не нашёл ни одной ошибки. Об клавираусцугах «Франчески» и говорить нечего. Они безупречны, как голубица. Это первое моё сочинение, напечатанное так, что я был вполне удовлетворён. Пожалуйста, при случае передай от меня Клиндворту мою благодарность самую искреннюю. Я был в таком восторге, что, хотел ему писать, но по-немецки не умею, а по-французски ему было бы скучно. Милого Кашкина тоже благодарю.

В случае, если бы одно из вышепоименованных творений было прокорректировано ранее сентября, то я попрошу тебя для моей окончательной корректуры прислать его ко мне в Каменку (Фастовская железная дорога, ст[ация] Каменка, в Киевской губернии). Что касается первых двух корректур, то оперу я бы на твоём месте отдал Кашкину, а симфонию Танееву. Концерт же непременно должен быть корректирован Котеком и никем иным, ибо, будучи хорошим музыкантом, он в то же время и хороший скрипач.

4) На заглавном листе симфонии должно стоять: Посвящается моему лучшему другу.

Так как через неделю я еду в Россию, то отныне прошу тебя писать мне письма в Каменку.

Засим мне остаётся заключить тебя письменно в свои объятия и, попросив тебя передать мой нежный поклон Софье Ивановне и не менее нежные поцелуи детям, сказать, что я есмь твой друг.

П. Чайковский

Merci за 100 р[ублей], посланные А[нтонине] И[вановне]. Более я тебя, вероятно, не буду беспокоить, а впрочем, не знаю.

* Из чего, однако, не следует заключать, что у магнита есть мысли.

Clarens  27 March
8 April

I received your letter today. Merci, my dear chap, for your good, friendly and kind letters. I appreciate them all the more because you are the only out of all my friends who keeps up a genuine correspondence with me. It's only from your letters that I know what's happening in Moscow, to which I am attached by an unbreakable bond, and to which my thoughts constantly turn, like a magnet to the north *. I love to wallow in the old lady, I'm awfully in love with her, and cannot live away from her.

I have various matters to discuss with you.

1) I have finished the violin concerto. All that remains is five days' work on the instrumentation. Since the piano reduction is written very scrappily, and since I won't manage to write the violin part into the full score, then Kotek, who happens to be here, will take all this to Berlin and give it to a copyist to be written out. Consequently, you will received a verified and cleanly written copy of the piano reduction and the manuscript of the full score. of course. I should like it if the concerto were printed as soon as possible in the form of the piano reduction and orchestral parts. But of course, you can't argue with the devil. It would be good if you had the opportunity to print it before the autumn, because if it's ready in time for the winter, then it will catch on all the sooner, if indeed it is destined to catch on. Can't you write to Bock so that he'll take it upon himself to distribute the piano reduction and full score for you? In that case Kotek, who's been entrusted with arranging all this, will take it to him. For the sake of speed, won't you find it possible to entrust Bock with the copying of the parts of the concerto in Berlin? Anyway, distribute it as you wish. Just know that the concerto is with Kotek in Berlin, whose address Bock will know.

I played the concerto here many times, and each time it caused a unanimous, or better to say, double-headed furore, because the audience, consisting of Modest and Kotek, sang unison hymns of praise to me during the concerto. Kotek assures me that it is not at all difficult.

2) Have you received the violin and cello pieces? Have you written to Leückardt? Do you consider it necessary for Kotek to go there? If required, you could write to Kotek, addressing a letter to Bock.

3) Permit me to state that I should not wish for any of my works to be printed without my final proofreading. Therefore I ask you not to issue any opera, any symphony, any concerto or any other pieces before they've been to me. Anyway, I believe that none of them will be ready before September, and therefore, after my arrival in Moscow, I'll be busy proofreading them. Speaking of proofreading. I reproached you in my last letter for mistakes, but I didn't mean to accuse you of them. You are least to blame for all this. Fate is to blame for not sending you good proof-readers. Anyway, Kashkin did well correcting the score of "Francesca". On a cursory review I didn't find a single error. There's nothing to say about the piano reductions of "Francesca". They are as impeccable as a dove. This was the first of my works to be printed in a way that I was entirely satisfied with. Please, when you meet Klindworth, please convey to him my most sincere gratitude. I was so delighted that I wanted to write to him, but I don't have the German, and he wouldn't be interested in French. I also thank dear Kashkin.

In the event that one of my aforementioned creations has been proofread before September, then I ask you to send the final proofs to me at Kamenka (Fastov railway line, Kamenka station, Kiev province). As for the first two sets of proofs, if I were you then I would give the opera to Kashkin and the symphony to Taneyev. But the concerto certainly must be corrected by Kotek and no-one else, because, as well as being a fine musician he is also a fine violinist.

4) You must put on the title page of the symphony: Dedicated to my best friend.

Since I'm going to Russia in a week, henceforth I ask you to address my letters to Kamenka.

Whereupon, it only remains for me to enclose you in my written embrace and, asking you to convey my gentle bow to Sofya Ivanovna and no less gentle kisses to the children, say that I am your friend.

P. Tchaikovsky

Merci for the 100 rubles, sent to Antonina Ivanovna. I probably won't be bothering you any more, but you never know.

* From which, however, one should not conclude that a magnet has thoughts.