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Tchaikovsky Research
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{{centre|<br/>''Act I''}}
{{centre|<br/>''Act I''}}
Village girls, sitting around a cherished oak tree and decorating it with garlands, are singing a chorus. Enter ''Thibaut'' (Joan's father), ''Raimond'' (the suitor for her hand), and ''Joan''. Thibaut says that now is not the time for songs and games, the homeland is in danger — the enemy draws near. In such times, he says, it is better for a woman to have a courageous protector as her spouse, and therefore he expresses a desire for Joan to marry Raimond. She is silent. He presses again. Raimond asks that she should not be forced. Trio. Finally, Joan says that her fate is destined for another. Thibaut is angry. He is suspicious that she has been consorting with evil spirits, and showers her with reproaches. A fiery glow appears on the horizon, and the alarm is raised. Little by little, peasants from nearby, driven out and ruined by the English, come running. They are seeking shelter. The chorus expresses horror. Thibaut asks where the soldiers are, where the King is. The old man Bertrand explains the desperate situation in his land. Everyone is horrified and stunned. Orleans is besieged, and the siege is being led by the invincible Salisbury. Suddenly Joan emerges and gives a rousing speech saying that the disasters have come to an end, and predicts that France will triumph. The chorus is surprised and perplexed: "''In our time miracles do not happen''", they say. "There are miracles", Joan exclaims, "and a miracle has already happened — Salisbury has been killed!". No-one believes it. Thibaut finally decides that she is in league with the devil. A soldier appears from near Orleans, lagging behind the detachment that made its way through the besiegers. He is asked if it is true that Salisbury had been killed. "It is true". Everyone comes to believe Joan. Ensemble-prayer. After this, everyone leaves except Joan. She says that the hour has come and it is time to act. She is overcome by sadness at leaving her native village. Aria. The bell of the village church can be heard ringing. Her sadness becomes desperate, she hesitates. Suddenly a choir of angels is heard, saying that the time has come. She begs for the cup to pass from her. Inspired by the angels, she makes up her mind, falls into ecstasy and sings rousing prophecies.  
Village girls, sitting around a cherished oak tree and decorating it with garlands, are singing a chorus. Enter ''Thibaut'' (Joan's father), ''Raimond'' (the suitor for her hand), and ''Joan''. Thibaut says that now is not the time for songs and games, the homeland is in danger — the enemy draws near. In such times, he says, it is better for a woman to have a courageous protector as her spouse, and therefore he expresses a desire for Joan to marry Raimond. She is silent. He presses again. Raimond asks that she should not be forced. Trio. Finally, Joan says that her fate is destined for another. Thibaut is angry. He is suspicious that she has been consorting with evil spirits and showers her with reproaches. A fiery glow appears on the horizon, and the alarm is raised. Little by little, peasants from nearby, driven out and ruined by the English, come running. They are seeking shelter. The chorus expresses horror. Thibaut asks where the soldiers are, where the King is. The old man Bertrand explains the desperate situation in his land. Everyone is horrified and stunned. Orleans is besieged, and the siege is being led by the invincible Salisbury. Suddenly Joan emerges and gives a rousing speech saying that the disasters have come to an end, and predicts that France will triumph. The chorus is surprised and perplexed: "''In our time miracles do not happen''", they say. "There are miracles", Joan exclaims, "and a miracle has already happened — Salisbury has been killed!". No-one believes it. Thibaut finally decides that she is in league with the devil. A soldier appears from near Orleans, lagging behind the detachment that made its way through the besiegers. He is asked if it is true that Salisbury had been killed. "It is true". Everyone comes to believe Joan. Ensemble-prayer. After this, everyone leaves except Joan. She says that the hour has come and it is time to act. She is overcome by sadness at leaving her native village. Aria. The bell of the village church can be heard ringing. Her sadness becomes desperate, she hesitates. Suddenly a choir of angels is heard, saying that the time has come. She begs for the cup to pass from her. Inspired by the angels, she makes up her mind, falls into ecstasy and sings rousing prophecies.  

{{centre|''Act II''}}
{{centre|''Act II''}}
In Chinon Castle, the King sits sadly pensive with Dunois and Agnes. He distracts himself by listening to minstrels. When they have finished, he orders them to be rewarded and each given a gold chain. Dunois remarks that chains cannot be forged with words, that the treasury is empty. Agnes says that in this instance it is everyone's duty to give everything they have to pay the army. She leaves to gather up her jewellery. The King watches her and says that all manner of misfortunes may be endured with the love of such a woman. "Is now not the time for love?", says Dunois, and he persuades the King to take charge of his regiments to defend France. The King is not averse to going, but he is reluctant to part from Agnes. Duet. A wounded knight, ''Lauret'', runs in, accompanied by several soldiers, and announces that the battle is lost, all is lost, and the King must either flee or go to die on the field of honour. He then expires at the King's feet. The King, who before this had just decided to lead the fight, is so stunned that he loses heart and decides to flee. He gives orders to escape. Dunois is outraged — he renounces the King and leaves to compose himself. The King is left alone in a slough of despond. Agnes enters with a jewellery chest. The King tells her the news. She is downhearted, but attempts to console the King and expresses her love for him in an aria. A brief love duet. A fanfare is heard offstage. The stage begins to fill. Dunois runs in and says that a miracle has happened, victory has returned, the English are fleeing. The King does not believe it. The Archbishop enters, confirming the news, and tells how at a critical moment a maiden appeared and snatched victory from the hands of the enemy. The shouts of the people and ringing of bells are heard. Joan appears, accompanied by knights. Before she enters, the King orders Dunois to take his place on the throne, and he himself disappears into the crowd of courtiers. But she is not taken in by this deception, and makes straight for the King. He is amazed. Then (according to [[Schiller]]) she tells him what his 3 prayers were. The King and everyone come to believe her. "Who are you?", they ask her. She tells her story. When she finishes, everyone is moved to tears. Then loud enthusiastic singing starts up, and at the conclusion, the King entrusts her with the army, and everyone acclaims her rapturously.  
In Chinon Castle, the King sits sadly pensive with Dunois and Agnes. He distracts himself by listening to minstrels. When they have finished, he orders them to be rewarded and each given a gold chain. Dunois remarks that chains cannot be forged with words, that the treasury is empty. Agnes says that in this instance it is everyone's duty to give everything they have to pay the army. She leaves to gather up her jewellery. The King watches her and says that all manner of misfortunes may be endured with the love of such a woman. "Is now not the time for love?", says Dunois, and he persuades the King to take charge of his regiments to defend France. The King is not averse to going, but he is reluctant to part from Agnes. Duet. A wounded knight, ''Lauret'', runs in, accompanied by several soldiers, and announces that the battle is lost, all is lost, and the King must either flee or go to die on the field of honour. He then expires at the King's feet. The King, who before this had just decided to lead the fight, is so stunned that he loses heart and decides to flee. He gives orders to escape. Dunois is outraged — he renounces the King and leaves to compose himself. The King is left alone in a slough of despond. Agnes enters with a jewellery chest. The King tells her the news. She is downhearted, but attempts to console the King and expresses her love for him in an aria. A brief love duet. A fanfare is heard offstage. The stage begins to fill. Dunois runs in and says that a miracle has happened, victory has returned, the English are fleeing. The King does not believe it. The Archbishop enters, confirming the news, and tells how at a critical moment a maiden appeared and snatched victory from the hands of the enemy. The shouts of the people and ringing of bells are heard. Joan appears, accompanied by knights. Before she enters, the King orders Dunois to take his place on the throne, and he himself disappears into the crowd of courtiers. But she is not taken in by this deception and makes straight for the King. He is amazed. Then (according to [[Schiller]]) she tells him what his 3 prayers were. The King and everyone come to believe her. "Who are you?", they ask her. She tells her story. When she finishes, everyone is moved to tears. Then loud enthusiastic singing starts up, and at the conclusion, the King entrusts her with the army, and everyone acclaims her rapturously.  

{{centre|''Act III''<br/>''Scene 1''}}
{{centre|''Act III''<br/>''Scene 1''}}
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{{centre|''Scene 2''}}
{{centre|''Scene 2''}}
The Coronation (according to [[Schiller]]). March. the King announces to the people that Joan is the saviour of France. The old man ''Thibaut'' emerges. He tells that Joan's victory came not through an alliance with heaven, but an alliance with hell. Nobody believes him. Dunois and Lionel take up arms to prove her innocence. "Let her answer herself", says her father. She is silent. The Archbishop asks her three times. She, considering herself guilty, does not answer to the question "is she pure?". Thunder roars. An ensemble. Everyone leaves. She remains alone. Lionel approaches: "Everyone has left you", he says, "but I will not leave you". She turns to him and says that hatred that he is her worst enemy". She runs away.  
The Coronation (according to [[Schiller]]). March. the King announces to the people that Joan is the saviour of France. The old man ''Thibaut'' emerges. He tells that Joan's victory came not through an alliance with heaven, but an alliance with hell. Nobody believes him. Dunois and Lionel take up arms to prove her innocence. "Let her answer herself", says her father. She is silent. The Archbishop asks her three times. She, considering herself guilty, does not answer to the question "is she pure?". Thunder roars. An ensemble. Everyone leaves. She remains alone. Lionel approaches: "Everyone has left you", he says, "but I will not leave you". She turns to him and says with hatred that he is her worst enemy". She runs away.  

{{centre|''Act IV''<br/>''Scene 1''}}
{{centre|''Act IV''<br/>''Scene 1''}}

Latest revision as of 14:27, 3 July 2024

Date 20 January/1 February 1879
Addressed to Modest Tchaikovsky
Where written Clarens
Language Russian
Autograph Location Klin (Russia): Tchaikovsky State Memorial Musical Museum-Reserve (a3, No. 1530)
Publication Жизнь Петра Ильича Чайковского, том 2 (1901), p. 311–314 (abridged)
П. И. Чайковский. Письма к родным (1940), p. 514–518
П. И. Чайковский. Письма к близким. Избранное (1955), p. 209–212 (abridged)
П. И. Чайковский. Полное собрание сочинений, том VIII (1963), p. 59–62 (abridged)
Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Letters to his family. An autobiography (1981), p. 204–207 (English translation; abridged)

Text and Translation

Russian text
English translation
By Brett Langston
Clarens  1 февр[аля]
20 янв[аря]
 1879 г[ода]

Опера в 4-х действиях


Действие I

Деревенские девушки, сидя около заветного дуба и украшая его гирляндами, поют хор. Входит Тибо (отец Иоанны), Раймонд (претендент на её руку) и Иоанна. Тибо говорит, что не время теперь для песен и игр, отчизна в опасности — того и смотри враги придут. В такое время, говорит он, лучше всего для женщины иметь мужественного защитника в своём супруге, и поэтому он изъявляет желание, чтоб Иоанна вышла замуж за Раймонда. Она молчит. Он опять уговаривает. Раймонд просит не принуждать её. Трио. Наконец Иоанна говорит, что судьба ей назначена иная. Тибо в гневе. Он подозревает, что она завела шашни с нечистой силой, и осыпает её упрёками. На горизонте показывается зарево пожара, и слышен набат. Мало-помалу сбегаются соседние крестьяне, прогнанные англичанами и разорённые. Они ищут убежища. Хор выражает ужас. Тибо спрашивает, где войска, где король. Старик Бертран рассказывает, в каком отчаянном положении страна. Все в ужасе и оцепенении. Орлеан осаждён, и осаду ведёт вождь, непобедимый Салисбури. Вдруг выходит Иоанна и вдохновенно говорит, что бедствиям пришёл конец, и предсказывает торжество Франции. Хор удивлён и недоумевает: «В наше время чудес уж не бывает», — говорит он! «Есть чудеса», — восклицает Иоанна — «и чудо уж свершилось — Салисбури убит!» Никто не верит. Тибо решает окончательно, что она связалась с дьяволом. Является воин из-под Орлеана. отставший от отряда, пробившегося через осаждающих. Его спрашивают, правда ли, что Салибури убит. «Правда». Все уверовали в Иоанну. Ансамбль-молитва. После неё все уходят, кроме Иоанны. Она говорит, что час настал и пора действовать. Её берет тоска разлуки с родной деревней. Ария. Слышен звон колокола деревенской церкви. Тоска её делается отчаянная, она колеблется. Вдруг слышится хор Ангелов, говорящий, что пора настала. Она умоляет, чтоб чаша минула её. Ангелы воодушевляют её, она решается, приходит в экстаз и поёт вдохновенные пророчества.

Действие II

В замке Шинон. Король сидит в грустном раздумье вместе с Дюнуа и Агнесой. Он забавляется слушаньем менестрелей. Когда они кончили, он велит их угостить и дать каждому по цепи золотой. Дюнуа замечает, что цепи нельзя ковать словами, что казна пуста. Агнеса говорит, что в таком случае обязанность всякого имеющего отдать все для уплаты войску и всего, что нужно. Она уходит собрать свои драгоценности. Король смотрит ей вослед и говорит, что можно перенести всякие несчастья, будучи любимым такой женщиной. «До любви ли теперь», — говорит Дюнуа и уговаривает Короля идти впереди своих полков защищать Францию. Король и идти не прочь, и с Агнесой расстаться не хочется. Дуэт. Вбегает раненый рыцарь Лоре в сопровождении нескольких воинов и объявляет, что сражение проиграно, все погибло, Королю нужно или бежать или идти умереть на поле чести. Затем он умирает в ногах Короля. Король, перед этим только что решившийся идти сражаться, так поражён, что падает духом и решается бежать. Он отдаёт приказания к побегу. Дюнуа возмущён, он отрекается от Короля и уходит сложить голову. Король в мрачном отчаянье остаётся один. Входит Агнеса с ларчиком драгоценностей. Король сообщает ей известие. Она поражена, но старается утешить Короля и в арии высказывает свою любовь к нему. Маленький любовный дуэт. За сценой слышны фанфары. Сцена начинает наполняться. Вбегает Дюнуа и говорит, что совершилось чудо победа вернулась, англичане бегут. Король не верит. Входит архиепископ, подтверждает известие и рассказывает, как в критическую минуту явилась дева и исторгла победу из рук врагов. Слышны крики народа, звон колоколов, Является Иоанна в сопровождении рыцарей. Король перед её входом велел Дюнуа встать на королевское место, а сам скрылся в толпе придворных. Но она не поддаётся обману и прямо подходит к королю, Он удивлён. Потом (по Шиллеру) она говорит ему, в чем состояли его 3 молитвы. Король и все уверовали. «Кто ты?» — спрашивают её. Она рассказывает свою историю. Korда она кончила, все тронуты и плачут. Потом начинается восторженный громкий но певучий ансамбль, и в заключение Король поручает ей войско, все в восторге приветствуют её.

Действие III
Картина 1-я

Около Реймса на поляне. Встреча Иоанны с Лионелем. Они дерутся. Она побеждает его, но занося над ним меч, видит при свете яркого лунного луча его лицо. Она влюбляется в него, и он в неё. Дуэт. «Беги, — говорит она, — сейчас придут!» — «Я тебя никогда не покину», — отвечает он. Она умоляет. Входит Дюнуа. Лионель бежит к нему и говорит, что он переходит на сторону французов (он бургундский рыцарь). Дюнуа радуется, что знаменитый вождь переходит на их сторону, и именем Короля принимает его. Иоанна падает в обморок. Она ранена. «Рана лёгкая, но кровь течет — Пускай она с моею льётся жизнью» (по Шиллеру).

Картина 2-я

Коронация (по Шиллеру). Марш. Король объявляет народу, что спасительница Франции Иоанна. Выходит старик Тибо. Он рассказывает, что Иоанна победила не в союзе с небом, а в союзе с адом. Никто не верит. Дюнуа и Лионель берутся оружием доказать её невиновность. «Пусть она сама ответит», — говорит отец. Она молчит. Архиепископ троекратно спрашивает её. Она, считая себя преступницей, на вопрос «чиста ли она» ничего не отвечает, гремит гром. Ансамбль. Все уходят. Она остаётся одна. Подходит Лионель: «Все тебя оставили, — говорит он, — но я тебя не покину». Она поворачивается к нему и с ненавистью говорит, что он её злейший враг. Она убегает.

Действие IV
Карт[ина] 1-я

В Лесу. Лионель преследует Иоанну. Она сначала громит н проклинает его, но вдруг страсть обуяла её. Она забыла все и предаётся страсти. Дуэт. Слышны фанфары англичан. «Бежим», — говорит он. Она приходит в себя и снова проклинает его и себя. Хор ангелов говорит, что хотя она не исполнила условия и допустила проникнуть в сердце любовь земную и потому дела довершить не может, — но небо не проклинает её. Пусть она подчинится своей злосчастной судьбе без ропота — вечное блаженство будет наградой ей. Англичане все ближе. Иоанна не хочет бежать. Лионель умоляет. Англичане являются: её берут в плен, а Лионеля, пытающегося мечом защитить Иоанну, убивают.

Картина II-я

Руан. Костер. Марш. Ведут Иоанну. Хор тронут и хочет помешать казни. Велят поспешить. Она на минуту падает духом в виду костра. Хор ангелов, который не умолкает до конца, поддерживает её. Её взводят. Патер делает из палок крест и держит его перед лицом Иоанны. Костер зажигают. Занавес...

Первые действия уже готовы. Пишу теперь первую картину 3-го. Если тебе сценариум не нравится, то, пожалуйста, скрой это от меня, ибо переменять уже поздно, а смущаться мыслью, что либретто скверное, не хочется.

Милый Модя! За твоё последнее письмо изъявляю тебе монаршее благоволение. Я прочёл его с истинным наслаждением. О моей поездке в Женеву ты можешь узнать из письма к Толе. Какая мерзость эта Женева! Я с большим удовольствием вернулся сюда, домой.

Алёша очень усердно занимается французским языком. Я каждый день даю ему урок по Оллендорфу. Всего больше страдает выговор.Нет слов передать, до чего я был доволен Колиному письму. Я его целовал с наслаждением. Скажи ему, что я был ужасно рад.

Затем прощай, Модя мой милый.

Твой П. Чайковский

Clarens  1 February
20 January

Opera in 4 acts


Act I

Village girls, sitting around a cherished oak tree and decorating it with garlands, are singing a chorus. Enter Thibaut (Joan's father), Raimond (the suitor for her hand), and Joan. Thibaut says that now is not the time for songs and games, the homeland is in danger — the enemy draws near. In such times, he says, it is better for a woman to have a courageous protector as her spouse, and therefore he expresses a desire for Joan to marry Raimond. She is silent. He presses again. Raimond asks that she should not be forced. Trio. Finally, Joan says that her fate is destined for another. Thibaut is angry. He is suspicious that she has been consorting with evil spirits and showers her with reproaches. A fiery glow appears on the horizon, and the alarm is raised. Little by little, peasants from nearby, driven out and ruined by the English, come running. They are seeking shelter. The chorus expresses horror. Thibaut asks where the soldiers are, where the King is. The old man Bertrand explains the desperate situation in his land. Everyone is horrified and stunned. Orleans is besieged, and the siege is being led by the invincible Salisbury. Suddenly Joan emerges and gives a rousing speech saying that the disasters have come to an end, and predicts that France will triumph. The chorus is surprised and perplexed: "In our time miracles do not happen", they say. "There are miracles", Joan exclaims, "and a miracle has already happened — Salisbury has been killed!". No-one believes it. Thibaut finally decides that she is in league with the devil. A soldier appears from near Orleans, lagging behind the detachment that made its way through the besiegers. He is asked if it is true that Salisbury had been killed. "It is true". Everyone comes to believe Joan. Ensemble-prayer. After this, everyone leaves except Joan. She says that the hour has come and it is time to act. She is overcome by sadness at leaving her native village. Aria. The bell of the village church can be heard ringing. Her sadness becomes desperate, she hesitates. Suddenly a choir of angels is heard, saying that the time has come. She begs for the cup to pass from her. Inspired by the angels, she makes up her mind, falls into ecstasy and sings rousing prophecies.

Act II

In Chinon Castle, the King sits sadly pensive with Dunois and Agnes. He distracts himself by listening to minstrels. When they have finished, he orders them to be rewarded and each given a gold chain. Dunois remarks that chains cannot be forged with words, that the treasury is empty. Agnes says that in this instance it is everyone's duty to give everything they have to pay the army. She leaves to gather up her jewellery. The King watches her and says that all manner of misfortunes may be endured with the love of such a woman. "Is now not the time for love?", says Dunois, and he persuades the King to take charge of his regiments to defend France. The King is not averse to going, but he is reluctant to part from Agnes. Duet. A wounded knight, Lauret, runs in, accompanied by several soldiers, and announces that the battle is lost, all is lost, and the King must either flee or go to die on the field of honour. He then expires at the King's feet. The King, who before this had just decided to lead the fight, is so stunned that he loses heart and decides to flee. He gives orders to escape. Dunois is outraged — he renounces the King and leaves to compose himself. The King is left alone in a slough of despond. Agnes enters with a jewellery chest. The King tells her the news. She is downhearted, but attempts to console the King and expresses her love for him in an aria. A brief love duet. A fanfare is heard offstage. The stage begins to fill. Dunois runs in and says that a miracle has happened, victory has returned, the English are fleeing. The King does not believe it. The Archbishop enters, confirming the news, and tells how at a critical moment a maiden appeared and snatched victory from the hands of the enemy. The shouts of the people and ringing of bells are heard. Joan appears, accompanied by knights. Before she enters, the King orders Dunois to take his place on the throne, and he himself disappears into the crowd of courtiers. But she is not taken in by this deception and makes straight for the King. He is amazed. Then (according to Schiller) she tells him what his 3 prayers were. The King and everyone come to believe her. "Who are you?", they ask her. She tells her story. When she finishes, everyone is moved to tears. Then loud enthusiastic singing starts up, and at the conclusion, the King entrusts her with the army, and everyone acclaims her rapturously.

Scene 1

In a clearing near Reims. Joan encounters Lionel. They fight. She defeats him, but raising her sword over him, she sees his face illuminated by a bright shaft of moonlight. She falls in love with him, and he with her. Duet. "Run", she says, "they are coming now!". "I will never leave you", he replies. She pleads. Dunois enters. Lionel rushes to him and says that he's going over to the side of the French (he is a Burgundian knight). Dunois is overjoyed that the famous leader is coming over to their side, and he accepts him in the name of the King. Joan faints. She is injured. "The wound is slight, but the blood is flowing. Let it flow with my life" (according to Schiller).

Scene 2

The Coronation (according to Schiller). March. the King announces to the people that Joan is the saviour of France. The old man Thibaut emerges. He tells that Joan's victory came not through an alliance with heaven, but an alliance with hell. Nobody believes him. Dunois and Lionel take up arms to prove her innocence. "Let her answer herself", says her father. She is silent. The Archbishop asks her three times. She, considering herself guilty, does not answer to the question "is she pure?". Thunder roars. An ensemble. Everyone leaves. She remains alone. Lionel approaches: "Everyone has left you", he says, "but I will not leave you". She turns to him and says with hatred that he is her worst enemy". She runs away.

Act IV
Scene 1

In the forest. Lionel pursues Joan. At first she thunders and curses him, but suddenly passion overwhelms her. She forgets everything and gives way to her passion. Duet. An English fanfare is heard. "Let us run", he says. She comes to her senses and curses him and herself again. The choir of angels says that although she did not fulfil the conditions and allowed earthly love to enter her heart, and therefore cannot complete the task, heaven does not curse her. Let her submit to her ill-starred fate without complaint — eternal bliss shall be her reward. The English are near. Joan does not want to flee. Lionel pleads. The English appear: she is captured and Lionel, attempting to protect Joan with his sword, is killed.

Scene II

Rouen. A bonfire. March. Joan is brought in. The choir is moved and wants to stop the execution. They are told to hurry. She loses heart for a moment at the sight of the fire. The choir of angels, which does not fall silent until the end, supports her. She is lifted up. The priest makes a cross out of sticks and holds it front of Joan's face. The fire is lit. Curtain...

The first two acts are already drafted. I'm now on the first scene of the 3rd. If you don't like the scenario, then please hide it from me, because it's too late to change it, and I don't want to be flustered by the thought that the libretto is bad.

Dear Modya! I owe you a king's ransom for your last letter. I read it with genuine appreciation. You can learn about my trip to Geneva from my letter to Tolya. Geneva is such an abomination! It was with the greatest of pleasure that I returned home here.

Alyosha is studying the French language very diligently. I give him an Ollendorff lesson every day. His accent is worse than ever. There are no words to convey how pleased I was with Kolya's letter. I kissed him with pleasure. Tell him that I was awfully glad.

So farewell then, my dear Modya.

Yours P. Tchaikovsky