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Date 2/14 June 1893
Addressed to George Henry Robinson
Where written London
Language French
Autograph Location unknown [1]
Publication Tschaikowsky-Gesellschaft Mitteilungen, Heft 20 (2013), p. 151 (original and German translation)
Notes Photocopy held at London (England): The British Library, Manuscripts Division. Manuscripts Division (MUS RP 3326/2)

Text and Translation

French text
English translation
By Brett Langston
14 Juin [18]93

Cher Monsieur!

Je Vous suis on ne peut plus reconaissant pour la lettre amicale que Vous avez bien voulu m'adreser. Je regrete infiniment de ne pouvoir accepter Votre trop aimable invitation; je ne demanderais pas mieux que de passer quelques heures et mêmes quelques jours chez Vous, mais, pour des raisons qu'il serait trop long d'expliquer, de Cambridge je dois partir directement pour la Russie. Soyez certain, cher Monsieur, que je conserverai un très agréable souvenir de la soirée du 2 Juin au Westminster-Club. Espérons que le sort me favorisera et que j'aurai encore une fois le plaisir et l'honeur de Vous revoir et de Vous serrer amicalement la main.

Votre tout dévoué,

P. Tschaïkovsky

14 June 1893

Dear Sir!

I am most grateful for the friendly letter that you were so kind as to address to me. I deeply regret that I am unable to accept your most kind invitation. I should like nothing better than to spend a few hours and even days with you, but, for reasons that would take too long to explain, from Cambridge I must leave directly for Russia. Be assured, my dear sir, that I will retain very fond memories of the evening of 2 June at the Westminster Club. I hope that circumstances will favour me and I shall once again have the pleasure and honour of seeing you again and shaking your hand cordially.

Your most devoted,

P. Tchaikovsky

Notes and References

  1. The autograph was auctioned on 29 May 1986 by Christie's, London. A scan from the auction catalogue was kindly provided by Thomas Venning, Christie's Books and Manuscripts, London.