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Date 28 March/9 April 1892
Addressed to Albert Gutmann
Where written Saint Petersburg
Language German
Autograph Location Washington (District of Columbia, USA): The Library of Congress, Music Division
Publication П. И. Чайковский. Полное собрание сочинений, том XVI-Б (1979), p. 69

Text and Translation

German text
English translation
By Brett Langston
S[ain]t Petersburg
28/10 März 1892

Geehrter Herr

Die fur mich schmeichelhafte Einladung des Comites der Internationalen Ausstellung fur Musik etc, die Sie so freundlich waren mir zu übermitteln, nehme ich mit Dank an. Die passendste Zeit fur mich ware Ende August oder Anfang September.

Um ein Programm feststellen zu können, ware es mir angenehm, erst zu wissen: 1, welches Orchester ich die Ehre haben würde zu dirigieren; 2, ob ein Pianist eingeladen werden könnte, um eines meiner Concerte vorzutragen; 3, kann ich auf einen Sanger oder Sangerin rechnen für Vocal-No No meines Programmes?

Nach Empfang einer gefãlligen Antwort auf diese meine Fragen werde ich mein Programm einsenden.

Ein Stück für das interntionale Componisten-Album werde ich trachten, bald Ihnen einzuschicken.

Mit grösster Hochachtung,

P. Tschaikowsky

Briefe an mich bitte adressieren: entweder St. Petersburg zu Herrn J. Jürgenson. Grosse Morskaia, 9, oder Moscau zu Herrn P. Jürgenson.

Saint Petersburg
28/10 March 1892

Respected Sir

I am flattered by the invitation to the International Exhibition for Music, etc. that you were kind enough to send me [1], and please accept my thanks. The most suitable time for me would be the late August or early September.

In order to determine a programme, I should be obliged to know merely: 1, which orchestra I would have the honour of conducting; 2, whether a pianist might be able to play one of my concertos; 3, if I could expect a singer or singers for vocal numbers in my programme?

After receiving an appropriate answer to my questions, I shall send my programme [2].

I shall endeavour to send you a piece for the International Composer's Album soon [3].

With the greatest respect,

P. Tchaikovsky

Please address my letters to: either Saint Petersburg via Mr J. Jurgenson, Great Morskaya 9, or Moscow, to Mr P. Jurgenson.

Notes and References

  1. Gutmann was the chairman of the committee organizing the International Exhibition for Music and Drama Vienna in 1892. His letter of invitation has not survived.
  2. Gutmann sent Tchaikovsky a telegram on 30 July/11 August 1892, inviting him to come to Vienna that September. Despite the short notice, Tchaikovsky agreed (see his reply in Letter 4749a, 9/21 August 1892); however, after the first rehearsal on 9/21 September he was so dismayed by the cramped conditions of the concert venue that he cancelled his engagement and left the city at once.
  3. There is no record of Tchaikovsky having submitted a piece for this album; however, the piano piece Aveu passionné (based on an episode from the symphonic ballad The Voyevoda) seems to date from around this time, and it is possible that Tchaikovsky submitted it to the organising committee in Vienna for this purpose; the manuscript score (now in the Library of Congress in Washington), was purchased from a Viennese antiquarian in 1927.