Letter 3237

Tchaikovsky Research
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Date 23 April/5 May 1887
Addressed to Pyotr Jurgenson
Where written Maydanovo
Language Russian
Autograph Location Klin (Russia): Tchaikovsky State Memorial Musical Museum-Reserve (a3, No. 2565)
Publication П. И. Чайковский. Полное собрание сочинений, том XIV (1974), p. 97

Text and Translation

Russian text
English translation
By Brett Langston
23 апр[еля]

Я дирижировал ариозо по театральному клавираусцугу, и никакой партитуры не было. Это могут засвидетельствовать Вурм, Христофорова, Панаева и множество лиц. Оркестровые голоса я дал певице Сионицкой.

Необходимо переписать ещё, ибо на меня надеяться нельзя—у меня положительно нет партитуры.

П. Чайковский

Панаева в Петербурге. Адресовать ей можно в Мар[иинский] театр.

23 April

I conducted the arioso from the theatre's piano reduction, and there was no full score[1]. Wurm [2], Khristoforov [3], Panayeva and any number of people can attest to this. I gave the orchestral parts to the singer Sionyskaya [4].

If it's necessary to copy out another, then I couldn't be expected to do that—I certainly don't have the full score.

P. Tchaikovsky

Panayeva is in Petersburg. She can be addressed via the Mariinsky Theatre.

Notes and References

  1. On 5/17 March 1887 Tchaikovsky himself conducted Kuma's Arioso (Act I, No. 4) and the Tumblers' Dance (Act I, No. 7) at a Philharmonic Society concert in Saint Petersburg, with Aleksandra Panayeva-Kartsova as Kuma.
  2. Vasily Vasilyevich Vurm (1826-1914), a director of the Saint Petersburg Philharmonic Society.
  3. Nikolay Osipovich Khristoforov (1836-1892), director of the central music library of the Imperial Theatres.
  4. Mariya Adrianovna Deysha-Sinoitskaya (1859-1932), soprano with the Mariinsky Theatre in Saint Petersburg.