Bibliography (1949/19)

Tchaikovsky Research
ContributorsNápravník, Vladimir Eduardovich, 1869-1948 (author)
TitleМой воспоминания о Чайковском
InСоветская музыка [Moscow]
PartNo. 7
EditionJuly 1949
Extentp. 63-66 ; illus.
NotesThe author's recollections of Tchaikovsky in the 1880s and 1890s
Related ItemsReprinted as Мой воспоминания о Чайковском (1962)
Reprinted as Мой воспоминания о Чайковском (1973)
Reprinted as Мой воспоминания о Чайковском (1979)
Reprinted as Мой воспоминания о Чайковском (1980)
TranslationsAbridged English translation as Vladimir Napravnik (1993)
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