Letter 1463
Tchaikovsky Research
Date | 1/13 April 1880 |
Addressed to | Vasily Bessel |
Where written | Saint Petersburg |
Language | Russian |
Autograph Location | Moscow (Russia): Russian National Museum of Music (ф. 42, No. 260) |
Publication | П. И. Чайковский. Полное собрание сочинений, том IX (1965), p. 96 |
Text and Translation
Russian text (original) |
English translation By Brett Langston |
Василий Васильевич!
Я решительно не имел времени заехать сегодня к тебе и к нотариусу. Из Москвы напишу тебе. Корректуру Лароша возьму с собой и пришлю оттуда же, ибо тоже не имел времени. П. Чайковский |
I had absolutely no time to call on you or the notary today [1]. I'll write to you from Moscow. I'll take Laroche's proofs with me and send them from there, because I also didn't have the time [2]. P. Tchaikovsky |
Notes and References
- ↑ Tchaikovsky was negotiating a new contract with Bessel for publication of the revised version of his Symphony No. 2.
- ↑ Bessel had been publishing a set of Seven Romances by Tchaikovsky's friend Herman Laroche. It is not known whether Tchaikovsky had proof-read this edition himself, or had been asked to return the proofs on Laroche's behalf.