Letter 1569

Tchaikovsky Research
Date 24 August/5 September 1880
Addressed to Karl Albrecht
Where written Kamenka
Language Russian
Autograph Location Moscow (Russia): Russian National Museum of Music (Ф. 37, No. 38)
Publication П. И. Чайковский. Полное собрание сочинений, том IX (1965), p. 245

Text and Translation

Russian text
English translation
By Brett Langston
Каменка. 24 ав[густа]

Милый Карлуша! Окажи твою протекцию подателю сего письма, священнику Тарнавичу, привёзшему дочь для помещения в Консерваторию. Я бы желал, чтобы девочку приняли в комплект, а если этого нельзя, то я беру на себя половину платы. Жить она будет у С. А. Бернард. Крепко тебя обнимаю, а также всех твоих.

Твой П. Чайковский

Kamenka. 24 August

Dear Karlusha! Render your patronage to the bearer of this letter, the priest Tarnavich, who is escorting his daughter [1] to accommodation at the Conservatory. I should have liked the girl to have been accepted into the complex, but if this wasn't possible then I shall bear half of the expense. She will be at S. A. Bernard's [2]. I hug you and all yours tightly.

Yours P. Tchaikovsky

Notes and References

  1. Lyubov Aleksandrovna Tarnavich, daughter of Aleksandr Tarnavich, the priest at Kamenka.
  2. Sofiya Alekseyevna Bernard (d. 1920), a lady in Moscow who ran various philanthropic enterprises, including the cheap flats that were made available to staff and students at the Conservatory.