Letter 1975

Tchaikovsky Research
Date 22 February/6 March 1882
Addressed to Vincenzo Menghini [1]
Where written Naples
Language French
Autograph Location Klin (Russia): Tchaikovsky State Memorial Musical Museum-Reserve (a5, No. 7) (incomplete)
Publication П. И. Чайковский. Полное собрание сочинений, том XI (1966), p. 73

Text and Translation

Only the opening of this letter has survived.

French text
English translation
By Brett Langston
6 Mars 1882

Monsieur Vincenzo!

J'ai acheté [...]

6 March 1882

Monsieur Vincenzo!

I have bought [...]

Notes and References

  1. The identity of the correspondent had not been established when this letter was first published in the Soviet edition of the composer's letters, where the recipient was referred to simply as "Monsieur Vincenzo".