Letter 2003

Tchaikovsky Research
Date 5/17 or 12/24 April 1882 [1]
Addressed to Karl Albrecht
Where written Moscow
Language Russian
Autograph Location Moscow (Russia): Russian National Museum of Music (Ф. 37, No. 44)
Publication П. И. Чайковский. Полное собрание сочинений, том XI (1966), p. 100

Text and Translation

Russian text
English translation
By Brett Langston
Поне[дельник] 8½ час[ов] утра


Не можешь ли, голубчик, по старой памяти прислать мне 100 р[ублей] до следующего воскресенья. Я хотел завтра сам зайти, но вернулся домой лишь в 7 час[ов] утра; сейчас ложусь спать и Бог знает когда встану.

П. Чайковский

Monday 8.30 am

For old time's sake, golubchik, could you send me 100 rubles until next Sunday. I wanted to come over myself tomorrow, but I only returned home at 7 in the morning; I'm going straight to bed and God knows when I shall rise.

P. Tchaikovsky

Notes and References

  1. Dated to April 1882 according to a note by Karl Albrecht, which could only have been Monday 5/17 or 12/24, as Tchaikovsky was not in Moscow thereafter.