Letter 3193
Tchaikovsky Research
Date | 8/20 March 1887 |
Addressed to | Vladimir Stasov |
Where written | Saint Petersburg |
Language | Russian |
Autograph Location | Saint Petersburg (Russia): National Library of Russia (ф. 738, No. 343, л. 61) |
Publication | Русская мысль (1909), No. 3, p. 146 П. И. Чайковский. Полное собрание сочинений, том XIV (1974), p. 57 |
Text and Translation
Russian text (original) |
English translation By Brett Langston |
Многоуважаемый Владимир Васильевич!
Ради Бога простите. Я ожидал Вас с 10½ до 11¼, и так как, по-видимому, Вы сегодня не зайдёте ко мне, то решился уйти из дому ввиду крайней необходимости. На выставке тоже быть не могу. Во всяком случае, надеюсь ещё повидаться с Вами. Ваш, П. Чайковский При сем кабинетный портрет мой. |
Most respected Vladimir Vasilyevich!
For God's sake forgive me. I waited for you from 10.30 until 11.15, and since, apparently, were you were not coming today, I then decided I had to go out owing to unforeseen circumstances. Nor can I be at the exhibition [1]. In any case, I still hope to see you. Yours, P. Tchaikovsky I enclose my cabinet portrait [2]. |
Notes and References
- ↑ Tchaikovsky was probably referring to the Association of Travelling and Art Exhibitions (Товарищества передвижных и художественных выставок), whose exhibition was on show in Saint Petersburg at this time.
- ↑ This photograph has survived in the archives of Institute of Russian Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Pushkin House), Manuscript Department, and bears the inscription: "To deeply respected Vladimir Vladimirovich Stasov. P. Tchaikovsky. Saint Petersburg, 8 March 1887" («Глубокоуважаемому Владимиру Васильевич Стасову. П. Чайковский. С. Петербург, 8 марта 1887 г.»).