Letter 3238

Tchaikovsky Research
Date 24 April/6 May 1887
Addressed to Karl Albrecht
Where written Maydanovo
Language German
Autograph Location Moscow (Russia): Russian National Museum of Music (Ф. 37, No. 62)
Publication П. И. Чайковский. Полное собрание сочинений, том XIV (1974), p. 97

Text and Translation

German text
English translation
By Brett Langston
April 24 [18]87

Hochgeehrter Herr!

Seine Majestaet der Maidanowsche Kaiser, lässt sich entschuldigen dass er bis jetzt noch nicht geantwortet auf Ihren Brief hat. Allerhöchstderselbe wird die Роrtrаitеn mitbringen. Bald kommt er nach Moskau.

Der Secretaire
Baron von Tuhnnichtsgut

April 24 1887

Highly respected Sir!

His Majesty the Emperor of Maydanovo, apologises that he has not yet replied to your letter [1]. His eminence will bring the portrait with him. He shall shortly be arriving in Moscow.

The Secretary
Baron von Goodfornothing

Notes and References

  1. Letter from Karl Albrecht to the composer dated 15/27 April 1887, in which Albrecht joked that he had inadvertently forgotten Tchaikovsky's photographic portrait, which he had been given during his recent stay with him at Maydanovo.