Letter 331

Tchaikovsky Research
Date by 6/18 December 1873
Addressed to Karl Albrecht
Where written Moscow
Language Russian
Autograph Location Moscow (Russia): Russian National Museum of Music (ф. 37, No. 12)
Publication П. И. Чайковский. Полное собрание сочинений, том V (1959), p. 337

Text and Translation

Russian text
English translation
By Brett Langston
Милый Карлуша!

У первых скрипок есть две ошибки, повторенные в обоих имеющихся у меня экземплярах и значит во всех остальных.

1) второй и третий такты стр[анице] 54 партитуры пропущены вовсе. Они суть повторение двух предыдущих тактов и потому здесь стоит только поставить те знаки повторения, о которых ты так красноречиво написал в руководстве Рихтера.

0331 ex1.jpg

2) На последней странице квинты у всех струнных играются унисоном, а он поставил divisi для двух.

Нельзя ли, голубчик, эти две ошибки завтра утром до репетиции исправить.

П. Чайковский

Dear Karlusha!

You have two mistakes in the first violins, duplicated in both the copies I have, which means they're in all the rest.

1) The second and third bars of page 54 have been omitted altogether. They consist of a repetition of the two previous bars and therefore here it's only worth inserting repeat marks, about which you wrote so eloquently in your Richter manual [1].

0331 ex1.jpg

2) On the last page I have all the strings playing unison fifths, although it has divisi for two of them.

Is it possible, golubchik, for these two mistakes to be corrected before tomorrow morning's rehearsal? [2]

P. Tchaikovsky

Notes and References

  1. Ernst Richter (1808-1879) was a German musicologist and author of several text books on music theory. Karl Albrecht's remarks, alluded to by Tchaikovsky, are unknown.
  2. The first performance of Tchaikovsky's orchestral fantasia The Tempest took place on 7/19 December 1873 at the third symphony concert of the Russian Musical Society in Moscow, conducted by Nikolay Rubinstein.