Letter 3362

Tchaikovsky Research
Date 22 September/4 October 1887 [1]
Addressed to Karl Albrecht
Where written Moscow
Language Russian
Autograph Location Moscow (Russia): Russian National Museum of Music
Publication П. И. Чайковский. Полное собрание сочинений, том XIV (1974), p. 225

Text and Translation

Russian text
English translation
By Brett Langston
Два друга очень желают тебя видеть; они в «Эрмитаже» и ждут тебя.
Чайковский и Ларош

Two friends want to see you very much; they are waiting for you in the "Hermitage" [2]
Tchaikovsky and Laroche

Notes and References

  1. Dated according to a note by Karl Albrecht.
  2. The Hermitage restaurant on Trubnaya Square, which was one of Tchaikovsky's favoured places to dine in Moscow.