Letter 342

Tchaikovsky Research
Date 24 March/5 April 1874
Addressed to Karl Albrecht
Where written Saint Petersburg
Language Russian
Autograph Location Moscow (Russia): Russian National Museum of Music (ф. 37, No. 13)
Publication П. И. Чайковский. Полное собрание сочинений, том V (1959), p. 345
Notes Telegram

Text and Translation

Russian text
English translation
By Brett Langston
Пришли немедленно партитуру «Бури». Адресуй Бесселю. Опера пойдёт пятницу на святой. Обнимаю.

Send the score of "The Tempest" immediately to Bessel's address. The opera [1] is set for Good Friday. I embrace you.
P. Tchaikovsky

Notes and References

  1. The Oprichnik was premiered at the Mariinsky Theatre in Saint Petersburg on 12/24 April 1874.