Letter 3458

Tchaikovsky Research
Date 2/14 January 1888
Addressed to Ivan Vsevolozhsky
Where written Lübeck
Language French
Autograph Location Saint Petersburg (Russia): Russian State Historical Archive
Publication П. И. Чайковский. Полное собрание сочинений, том XIV (1974), p. 322
Notes Telegram

Text and Translation

French text
English translation
By Cristina Niculescu
Reconnaissance éternelle et sans bornes, complètement heureux. Veuillez transmettre expressions de profonde reconnaissance au ministre. Suis anéanti par l'excès de la magnificence auguste, qui me rend heureux et riche pour la vie.

Eternal and boundless gratitude, completely happy. Please convey deep appreciation to the Minister. I am overwhelmed by the great august magnificence, which makes me happy and rich for a lifetime. Am overwhelmed by surfeit of august magnificence, making me happy and rich for life.