Letter 4798

Tchaikovsky Research
Date 5/17 November 1892
Addressed to Lev Kupernik
Where written Saint Petersburg
Language Russian
Autograph Location Saint Petersburg (Russia): Institute of Russian Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Pushkin House), Manuscript Department (No. 13957)
Publication П. И. Чайковский. Полное собрание сочинений, том XVI-Б (1979), p. 188

Text and Translation

Russian text
English translation
By Brett Langston
5 ноября
Гранд-отель, С[анкт] П[етер]б[ург]

Дорогой друг Лев Абрамович!

Насчёт гонорара, ей-Богу, не могу взять на себя роль решителя. Знаю, что и тот, и другая за наживой в данном случае не гонятся, но не имеют прямо возможности играть даром, ибо очень бедны (у Ментер, кроме бриллиантов, с коими она ни за что в мире не расстанется, — ничего нет). Итак рассчитайте, что может стоить дорога от Лейпцига до Одессы и обратно, положите подённую плату на пропитание и другие необходимые расходы, — вот и всё!

Мне даже удобнее и приятнее, если концерты перенесутся на 16 и 23. Обнимаю!

До свиданья,

П. Чайковский

5 November
Grand Hotel, Saint Petersburg.

Dear friend Lev Abramovich!

Regarding fees [1], my God, I cannot take on the role of negotiator. I know that the others [2] are not seeking to profiteer, but it is not right that they be asked to play for free, or next to nothing, because they are very rich (although there's nothing in the world apart from diamonds I would not part with for Menter). And so calculate the cost of travel from Leipzig to Odessa and back, include a daily allowance for food and other necessary expenses—and there you have it!

It would be even more convenient and pleasant if the concerts could be rescheduled for the 16th and 23rd [3]. I embrace you!

Until we meet.

P. Tchaikovsky

Notes and References

  1. Tchaikovsky is replying to a letter from Lev Kupernik that has been lost.
  2. The pianists Vasily Sapelnikov and Sophie Menter, who were scheduled to play at Tchaikovsky's Odessa concerts in January 1893.
  3. Tchaikovsky's two concerts with the Odessa branch of the Russian Musical Society did take place on 16 and 23 January [O.S.] 1893.