Letter 4869

Tchaikovsky Research
Date 16/28 February 1893
Addressed to Vladimir Stasov
Where written Moscow
Language Russian
Autograph Location Saint Petersburg (Russia): National Library of Russia (ф. 738, ед. хр. 343, л. 65v–66)
Publication Русская мысль (1909), No. 3, p. 149
П. И. Чайковский. Полное собрание сочинений, том XVII (1981), p. 46

Text and Translation

Russian text
English translation
By Brett Langston
16 февр[аля 18]93 г[ода]

Многоуважаемый Владимир Васильевич!

Вдова Лауба имеет от Листа одно письмо (т. е. адресованное её покойному мужу). Письмо это Вы на днях получите. Она говорит, что могла бы многое порассказать о Листе, и готова, если пожелают, привести воспоминания свои в порядок. Если составители биографии того пожелают, то не угодно ли ей написать. Адрес ее: И. В. Гржимали, консерватория, Москва, для передачи А. Ф. Лауб.

Искренно преданный,

П. Чайковс[кий]

16 February 1893

Much esteemed Vladimir Vasilyevich!

Laub's widow has one letter from Liszt (i.e. addressed to her late husband) [1]. This is the letter you recently received. She says that she has many anecdotes about Liszt and is prepared, if you wish, to set down her reminiscences in order. If the compilers of the biography so desire they should feel free to write to her. Her address is: J. V. Hřímalý, the Conservatory, Moscow, for transmission to A. F. Laub.

Sincerely devoted,

P. Tchaikovsky

Notes and References

  1. On 12/24 February 1893 Vladimir Stasov wrote to Tchaikovsky on behalf of a German publishing firm, to ask whether the family of the late violinist Ferdinand Laub might have any autograph letters from Franz Liszt for a compilation they were intending to publish.