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Tchaikovsky Research
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|Translated text={{right|''[[Borzhom]]''<br/>20 June 1887}}
|Translated text={{right|''[[Borzhom]]''<br/>20 June 1887}}
{{centre|My dear [[Tonichka]] and [[Batasha]]!}}
{{centre|My dear [[Tonichka]] and [[Batasha]]!}}
If, when leaving [[Moscow]], you had left instructions to send letters addressed there to Kislovodsk, then you would have received the letter I sent you ages ago from [[Astrakhan]] or [[Baku]] (I don't remember precisely). Therein I briefly described my journey along the [[Volga]]. Now I'll briefly tell you everything that happened after I left off. Travelling along the [[Volga]] would have been far more pleasant had I boarded another ship, rather than the one that is considered the best, and consequently is always crowded with passengers. There was too much noise and commotion, and furthermore I was travelling in 2nd class, because 1st class was fully occupied. I fell in love with the Volga, but the famous right bank is very monotonous, and the left is deserted. I sailed across the Caspian Sea on a fine steam schooner. The first night there was an awful rocking; I couldn't shut my eyes from the noise, creaking and fear. then the rocking ceased, and it was very pleasant to swim. ''[[Baku]]'' made a most sympathetic impression on me. It's an original and charmingly nice little town in its own way. I went to ''Balkhany'' (where oil is extracted) and saw this sheer hell, in which, not to mention fountains of oil, there are entire oil rivers, oil lakes, oil air, oil people. By God, this is an utter nightmare, striking and majestic. I suffered ''awfully'' from the heat, to the point of tears. And in these African temperatures I had to attend ''Savina's'' performances in the theatre every day. But nevertheless, I still love [[Tiflis]] and gave my word to come back in November to conduct the 1st performance of "''[[The Enchantress]]''". I've been in [[Borzhom]] for 9 days now. My first impression, despite the striking beauty of the mountains surrounding on all sides, was ''dread''. The thought of having to live in this gorge for more than 2 months was terrible. But after my first walk, this feeling vanished altogether. It's impossible to describe how good the walks here are, how well-appointed everything is, how wonderful the air is, how cool it is at night, what divinely wonderful views I behold at every step of my walks. And the best thing of all is that, besides me, no one else is walking, so I meet no one. The entire population of [[Borzhom]] loiters around the mineral water building all day long, where they play music. Well this is all lovely. This affords me the opportunity to be alone on my walks, which is the only condition I need to enjoy nature. Do you know, [[Batasha]]? Often, from the totality of these impressions, in some corner of the forest, somewhere high up, I shed tears of delight, and am either moved or proud to recognise myself as one of the atoms of nature, which can be so inexpressibly good. Besides all the other delights of nature, there are excellent mineral waters here, and since one of the springs is altogether similar in composition to [[Vichy]], I approached a local doctor, who recommended me to take a six-week course. The doctor examined and prodded me very thoroughly; he diagnosed catarrh of the stomach, some sort of bold attempt by the liver to climb out of position, and instructed me drink 2 glasses of water twice a day, as well as to take mineral baths. For the time being, both of these are working splendidly for me. Our dacha is the best in [[Borzhom]]. It has a wonderful garden and a path leading up to the best park, Vorontsovsky. This park is, in essence, a large coniferous forest, situated very high up and furnished with countless convenient paths God, this is such a good park!
If, when leaving [[Moscow]], you had left instructions to send letters addressed there to Kislovodsk, then you would have received the letter I sent you ages ago from [[Astrakhan]] or [[Baku]] (I don't remember precisely). Therein I briefly described my journey along the Volga. Now I'll briefly tell you everything that happened after I left off. Travelling along the Volga would have been far more pleasant had I boarded another ship, rather than the one that is considered the best, and consequently is always crowded with passengers. There was too much noise and commotion, and furthermore I was travelling in 2nd class, because 1st class was fully occupied. I fell in love with the Volga, but the famous right bank is very monotonous, and the left is deserted. I sailed across the Caspian Sea on a fine steam schooner. The first night there was an awful rocking; I couldn't shut my eyes from the noise, creaking and fear. then the rocking ceased, and it was very pleasant to swim. ''[[Baku]]'' made a most sympathetic impression on me. It's an original and charmingly nice little town in its own way. I went to ''Balkhany'' (where oil is extracted) and saw this sheer hell, in which, not to mention fountains of oil, there are entire oil rivers, oil lakes, oil air, oil people. By God, this is an utter nightmare, striking and majestic. I suffered ''awfully'' from the heat, to the point of tears. And in these African temperatures I had to attend ''Savina's'' performances in the theatre every day. But nevertheless, I still love [[Tiflis]] and gave my word to come back in November to conduct the 1st performance of "''[[The Enchantress]]''". I've been in [[Borzhom]] for 9 days now. My first impression, despite the striking beauty of the mountains surrounding on all sides, was ''dread''. The thought of having to live in this gorge for more than 2 months was terrible. But after my first walk, this feeling vanished altogether. It's impossible to describe how good the walks here are, how well-appointed everything is, how wonderful the air is, how cool it is at night, what divinely wonderful views I behold at every step of my walks. And the best thing of all is that, besides me, no one else is walking, so I meet no one. The entire population of [[Borzhom]] loiters around the mineral water building all day long, where they play music. Well this is all lovely. This affords me the opportunity to be alone on my walks, which is the only condition I need to enjoy nature. Do you know, [[Batasha]]? Often, from the totality of these impressions, in some corner of the forest, somewhere high up, I shed tears of delight, and am either moved or proud to recognise myself as one of the atoms of nature, which can be so inexpressibly good. Besides all the other delights of nature, there are excellent mineral waters here, and since one of the springs is altogether similar in composition to [[Vichy]], I approached a local doctor, who recommended me to take a six-week course. The doctor examined and prodded me very thoroughly; he diagnosed catarrh of the stomach, some sort of bold attempt by the liver to climb out of position, and instructed me drink 2 glasses of water twice a day, as well as to take mineral baths. For the time being, both of these are working splendidly for me. Our dacha is the best in [[Borzhom]]. It has a wonderful garden and a path leading up to the best park, Vorontsovsky. This park is, in essence, a large coniferous forest, situated very high up and furnished with countless convenient paths God, this is such a good park!

I've started to orchestrate a long-planned suite from ''[[Mozart]]'s'' piano pieces. Besides this, I managed to squeeze out a few sketches for a future sextet. But I have no inspiration and generally no desire to work whatsoever. Indeed it's probably stupid of me to force myself to do something. I really should be sitting with arms folded. You are summoning me to Kislovodsk, but it's unlikely that I'll make it there, because I'll be leaving here via [[Batum]] by sea to [[Odessa]] and [[Kamenka]]. But you could come here! You will probably see Aleksandra Arkadyevna Davydova; she has been here; ask her if [[Borzhom]] was good. She was absolutely delighted. If you have too little money, would you like me to loan you some, and then you can gradually repay me? By God, I really, really advise you to travel. And how glad I'd be to see you.
I've started to orchestrate a long-planned suite from ''[[Mozart]]'s'' piano pieces. Besides this, I managed to squeeze out a few sketches for a future sextet. But I have no inspiration and generally no desire to work whatsoever. Indeed it's probably stupid of me to force myself to do something. I really should be sitting with arms folded. You are summoning me to Kislovodsk, but it's unlikely that I'll make it there, because I'll be leaving here via [[Batum]] by sea to [[Odessa]] and [[Kamenka]]. But you could come here! You will probably see Aleksandra Arkadyevna Davydova; she has been here; ask her if [[Borzhom]] was good. She was absolutely delighted. If you have too little money, would you like me to loan you some, and then you can gradually repay me? By God, I really, really advise you to travel. And how glad I'd be to see you.

Revision as of 17:06, 11 July 2024

Date 20 June/2 July 1887
Addressed to Nikolay Hubert and Aleksandra Hubert
Where written Borzhom
Language Russian
Autograph Location Klin (Russia): Tchaikovsky State Memorial Musical Museum-Reserve (a3, No. 96)
Publication П. И. Чайковский. Полное собрание сочинений, том XIV (1974), p. 125–126

Text and Translation

Russian text
English translation
By Brett Langston
20 июня [18]87

Милые мои Тоничка и Баташа!

Если бы, уезжая из Москвы, Вы сделали распоряжение о высылке адресованных туда писем в Кисловодск, то давно уже получили бы письмо моё к Вам, отправленное из Астрахани или из Баку (хорошенько не помню). В нем я вкратце описал своё путешествие по Волге. Теперь вкратце ещё раз расскажу все, что произошло после разлуки. Путешествие по Волге было бы гораздо приятнее, если б я сел на другой пароход, а не на тот, который считается лучшим и поэтому всегда переполнен пассажирами. Слишком шумно и суетливо было, да притом я ехал во 2 классе, ибо в 1-ом все было занято. Волга сама по себе влюбила меня в себя, но знаменитый правый берег очень однообразен, а левый пустынен. По Каспийскому морю я плыл на хорошей паровой шхуне. В первую ночь ужасно качало; я не мог глаз сомкнуть от шума, треска и страха. Потом качка прекратилась и плыть было очень приятно. Баку произвёл на меня весьма симпатичное впечатление. Оригинальный и в своём роде очаровательно милый городок. Ездил в Балханы (где нефть добывают) и видел этот сущий ад кромешный, в котором, не говоря о нефтяных фонтанах, целые нефтяные реки, нефтяные озера, нефтяной воздух, нефтяные люди. Ей Богу, — это совершенный кошмар, грандиозный и поражающий. В Тифлисе провёл почти 2 недели. Страдал ужасно от жары, просто до слез. И в эту африканскую температуру приходилось ежедневно бывать на представлениях Савиной в театре. Но тем не менее я продолжаю любить Тифлис и дал слово в ноябре приехать туда дирижировать 1-ым представлением «Чародейки». В Боржоме нахожусь уже 9-ый день. Первое ощущение, несмотря на по разительную красоту окружающих со всех сторон гор, было жуткое. При мысли, что более 2 месяцев нужно жить в этом ущелье, было страшно. Но после первой же прогулки, ощущение это исчезло совершенно. Невозможно описать, до чего прогулки здесь хороши, как все благоустроено, какой здесь чудный воздух, какая по ночам прохлада, какие божественно чудные виды я созерцаю на каждом шагу в моих прогулках. И главное хорошо то, что, кроме меня, никто не гуляет, так что я никого не встречаю. Вся боржомская публика целый день торчит около здания минеральных вод, где играет музыка. Ну и прекрасно. Это даёт мне возможность быть одному в моих прогулках, а я только при этом условии и наслаждаюсь природой. Знаете, Баташа! Нередко от полноты впечатления в каком-нибудь уголке леса, где-нибудь высоко, я проливаю слезинки восторга и не то умиляюсь, не-то горжусь, сознавая себя одним из атомов природы, которая может быть столь несказанно хороша. Кроме всех остальных прелестей природы здесь имеются превосходные минеральные воды, и так как один из источников совершенно сходен по составу с Виши, то я обратился к здешнему доктору, который и посоветовал мне выдержать шестинедельный курс. Доктор очень обстоятельно постукивал и пощупывал меня; нашёл катар желудка, какое-то дерзкое покушение печени залезать в чужое место и велел пить 2 раза в день по 2 стакана воды, да кроме того брать минеральные ванны. Покамест то и другое действует на меня превосходно. Дача наша лучшая в Боржоме. При ней чудесный сад и тропинка вверх, ведущая в лучший парк, Воронцовский. Этот парк есть, в сущности, большой хвойный лес, расположенный очень высоко и снабжённый удобными, бесчисленными дорожками. Боже! Как этот парк хорош.

Начал я инструментовать давно задуманную сюиту из моцартовских фортепианных пиэс. Кроме того, немножко, через силу, делаю эскизы для будущего секстета. Но вдохновения и вообще охоты работать никакой. Да я, впрочем, глупо делаю, что заставляю себя что-нибудь делать. Здесь именно следовало бы сидеть сложа руки. Вы зовёте меня в Кисловодск, но вряд ли я туда попаду, ибо уеду отсюда через Батум морем в Одессу и Каменку. А вот Вам бы приехать сюда! Вероятно, Вы увидите Ал[ександре] Арк[адьевне] Давыдову; она была здесь; спроситека её, хорош ли Боржом. Она в безумном восторге. Если у Вас денег мало, не хотите ли, чтобы я дал Вам взаймы, а вы потом понемножку отдадите. Ей Богу, очень, очень советую проехаться. А уж как я рад был бы повидать Вас.

Анатолий пробыл здесь недолго; он в Тифлисе, но скоро опять будет. Модест ещё не приехал. Он был задержан в Петербурге болезнью Кондратьева (ему выпустили воду, и он чувствует себя настолько хорошо, что едет за границу) и смертью Литке. Ждём его с часу на час. Обнимаю Вас обоих. Звереву кланяюсь. До свиданья, душки мои.

Ваш П. Чайковский

20 June 1887

My dear Tonichka and Batasha!

If, when leaving Moscow, you had left instructions to send letters addressed there to Kislovodsk, then you would have received the letter I sent you ages ago from Astrakhan or Baku (I don't remember precisely). Therein I briefly described my journey along the Volga. Now I'll briefly tell you everything that happened after I left off. Travelling along the Volga would have been far more pleasant had I boarded another ship, rather than the one that is considered the best, and consequently is always crowded with passengers. There was too much noise and commotion, and furthermore I was travelling in 2nd class, because 1st class was fully occupied. I fell in love with the Volga, but the famous right bank is very monotonous, and the left is deserted. I sailed across the Caspian Sea on a fine steam schooner. The first night there was an awful rocking; I couldn't shut my eyes from the noise, creaking and fear. then the rocking ceased, and it was very pleasant to swim. Baku made a most sympathetic impression on me. It's an original and charmingly nice little town in its own way. I went to Balkhany (where oil is extracted) and saw this sheer hell, in which, not to mention fountains of oil, there are entire oil rivers, oil lakes, oil air, oil people. By God, this is an utter nightmare, striking and majestic. I suffered awfully from the heat, to the point of tears. And in these African temperatures I had to attend Savina's performances in the theatre every day. But nevertheless, I still love Tiflis and gave my word to come back in November to conduct the 1st performance of "The Enchantress". I've been in Borzhom for 9 days now. My first impression, despite the striking beauty of the mountains surrounding on all sides, was dread. The thought of having to live in this gorge for more than 2 months was terrible. But after my first walk, this feeling vanished altogether. It's impossible to describe how good the walks here are, how well-appointed everything is, how wonderful the air is, how cool it is at night, what divinely wonderful views I behold at every step of my walks. And the best thing of all is that, besides me, no one else is walking, so I meet no one. The entire population of Borzhom loiters around the mineral water building all day long, where they play music. Well this is all lovely. This affords me the opportunity to be alone on my walks, which is the only condition I need to enjoy nature. Do you know, Batasha? Often, from the totality of these impressions, in some corner of the forest, somewhere high up, I shed tears of delight, and am either moved or proud to recognise myself as one of the atoms of nature, which can be so inexpressibly good. Besides all the other delights of nature, there are excellent mineral waters here, and since one of the springs is altogether similar in composition to Vichy, I approached a local doctor, who recommended me to take a six-week course. The doctor examined and prodded me very thoroughly; he diagnosed catarrh of the stomach, some sort of bold attempt by the liver to climb out of position, and instructed me drink 2 glasses of water twice a day, as well as to take mineral baths. For the time being, both of these are working splendidly for me. Our dacha is the best in Borzhom. It has a wonderful garden and a path leading up to the best park, Vorontsovsky. This park is, in essence, a large coniferous forest, situated very high up and furnished with countless convenient paths God, this is such a good park!

I've started to orchestrate a long-planned suite from Mozart's piano pieces. Besides this, I managed to squeeze out a few sketches for a future sextet. But I have no inspiration and generally no desire to work whatsoever. Indeed it's probably stupid of me to force myself to do something. I really should be sitting with arms folded. You are summoning me to Kislovodsk, but it's unlikely that I'll make it there, because I'll be leaving here via Batum by sea to Odessa and Kamenka. But you could come here! You will probably see Aleksandra Arkadyevna Davydova; she has been here; ask her if Borzhom was good. She was absolutely delighted. If you have too little money, would you like me to loan you some, and then you can gradually repay me? By God, I really, really advise you to travel. And how glad I'd be to see you.

Anatoly didn't stay here long; he is in Tiflis, but will be back soon. Modest hasn't arrived yet. He was delayed in Petersburg by Kondratyev's illness (he was taking the waters, and feels so well that he's going abroad), and by Litke's death. We're waiting for him at any moment. I hug you both. I bow to Zverev. Until we meet, my darlings.

Yours P. Tchaikovsky