Letter 1978: Difference between revisions

Tchaikovsky Research
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m (Text replacement - "any event" to "any case")
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It would be interesting to recount to you the story of renting and leaving the rooms at the villa ''Postiglione'', but I'd sooner tell you when we meet; firstly, I don't know how to explain it properly in writing, and secondly, I'm incredibly tired from writing letters and proofreading.  
It would be interesting to recount to you the story of renting and leaving the rooms at the villa ''Postiglione'', but I'd sooner tell you when we meet; firstly, I don't know how to explain it properly in writing, and secondly, I'm incredibly tired from writing letters and proofreading.  

My God, I can't say anything about the fees for the [[Bortnyansky]] and the [[Vespers]], but it's better we decide this in [[Moscow]]. For now, golubchik, I ask you to send me a further 1000 francs. And naturally this is the last time I will pester you about money... until the next time. Hopefully, this won't be soon. I absolutely do not know whether my overture ("[[The Year 1812]]") is good or bad, but I rather think it is the former (pardon my immodesty). Incidentally. ''In the event that [[Nápravník]] takes part in the exhibition concerts, I should like him to be the one to conduct it''. In that event, kindly make this known to the appropriate person. Would you advise me to come for [[Anatoly]]'s wedding, or would it be better later? In any event I'll be in [[Moscow]]. Why isn't [[Tolya]] drinking? I don't like this. From his first letters I was quite ready to believe he was drunk!
My God, I can't say anything about the fees for the [[Bortnyansky]] and the [[Vespers]], but it's better we decide this in [[Moscow]]. For now, golubchik, I ask you to send me a further 1000 francs. And naturally this is the last time I will pester you about money... until the next time. Hopefully, this won't be soon. I absolutely do not know whether my overture ("[[The Year 1812]]") is good or bad, but I rather think it is the former (pardon my immodesty). Incidentally. ''In the event that [[Nápravník]] takes part in the exhibition concerts, I should like him to be the one to conduct it''. In that event, kindly make this known to the appropriate person. Would you advise me to come for [[Anatoly]]'s wedding, or would it be better later? In any case I'll be in [[Moscow]]. Why isn't [[Tolya]] drinking? I don't like this. From his first letters I was quite ready to believe he was drunk!

Forgive me, my dear fellow, for replying to your interesting letter with these pitiful pages. Perhaps when I have more free time I'll write in more detail. Until we meet! Greeting and regards to all yours; naturally, [[Sofya Ivanovna]] most of all. Kiss [[Boris Jurgenson|Borka]].
Forgive me, my dear fellow, for replying to your interesting letter with these pitiful pages. Perhaps when I have more free time I'll write in more detail. Until we meet! Greeting and regards to all yours; naturally, [[Sofya Ivanovna]] most of all. Kiss [[Boris Jurgenson|Borka]].

Latest revision as of 11:23, 29 February 2024

Date 23 February/7 March–24 February/8 March 1882
Addressed to Pyotr Jurgenson
Where written Naples
Language Russian
Autograph Location Klin (Russia): Tchaikovsky State Memorial Musical Museum-Reserve (a3, No. 2372)
Publication П. И. Чайковский. Переписка с П. И. Юргенсоном, том 1 (1938), p. 240–241
П. И. Чайковский. Полное собрание сочинений, том XI (1966), p. 74–76
Notes Original incorrectly dated "22 February/7 March"

Text and Translation

Russian text
English translation
By Brett Langston
Неаполь  22 февр[аля]
7 марта

Начну письмо фразой подобной той, которая в одном из прошлых писем тебе показалась забавной. «Получил твоё чудное, большое письмо с целым коробом интересных новостей. Оно доставила мне громадное удовольствие; однако ж немалое удовольствие также ощутил я и при виде перевода». Нет, серьёзно говорю, что и то и другое весьма кстати. Письмо рассеяло меня от расстройства, в котором нахожусь до сих пор по поводу пакостей, сделанных мне хозяином виллы, в которой я сдуру остановился. Деньги же представляют существенное исправление моих финансов. Итак, благодарю, благодарю, благодарю.

Интересно было бы рассказать тебе историю нанятия и оставления помещения на вилле Postiglione, но лучше я расскажу тебе её при свидании; письменно, во-1-х, не умею хорошо рассказывать, во-2-х, я неимоверно сегодня устал от писания писем и корректур.

Насчёт гонорария за Бортнянского и Всенощную ей-Богу не могу ничего сказать, а лучше решим это в Москве. Теперь же, голубчик, попрошу тебя прислать мне ещё 1000 фр[анков]. И это уж, конечно, последние деньги, с коими к тебе пристаю до... следующего выспрашиванья. Надеюсь, что оно не скоро будет. Решительно не знаю, хорошо или дурна моя увертюра («1812 г[ода]»), но скорее (прости за нескромность) первое. Кстати. Я желал бы, чтобы, в случае если Направник будет участвовать в концертах выставки, именно он бы дирижировал ею. При случае потрудись это заявить кому следует. Как ты советуешь: приехать мне на свадьбу Анатолия или лучше потом? Во всяком случае в Москве я буду. Отчего Толя не упоен? мне это не нравится. По первым письмам я скорее готов был думать, что именно упоен!

Прости, милый мой, что на твоё интересное письмо я отвечаю этим жалким листикам. Авось, как будет посвободнее, напишу пообстоятельнее. До свиданья! Всем твоим приветствия и поклоны; разумеется, С[офье] И[вановне] больше всех. Борьку поцелуй.

П. Чайковский

Модест тебе очень кланяется. Корректуру высылаю завтра.

Р. S. До сих пор все гонорары, которые ты назначал сам за мои посильные труды, казались мне всегда преувеличенными, но по расточительности и безалаберности я имел всегда преступную слабость на них соглашаться. Так, напр[имер], теперь, если буду тебе говорить как твой друг, а не как продавец своих произведений, скажу, что назначенная тобою плата 500 р[ублей] за Трио чрезвычайно преувеличена. Однако ж я рад, что ты назначил её, ибо, быв затруднён, жажду доходов. Быть может, я злоупотребляю твоим Юргенсоновским великодушием? Как бы то ни было, но и теперь назначь сам. Ей Богу, спорить не буду, а уж если буду, то разве в том смысле, что слишком много, ибо ты всегда преувеличивал, а не наоборот. Этот Р. S. я прибавил ночью, страдая от бессонницы, вследствие подлостей, сделанных мне на Villa Postiglione коих никак забыть не могу.

П. Ч.

P. S. второй. Я отправляю тебе корректуру третью. Все остальное, т. е. старое издание с моими поправками и листы 2-ой корректуры, оставляю, ибо иду на почту сам и нахожу излишним тащить совершенно ненужные, годящиеся лишь на подтирку бумаги. К чему, голубчик, тебе вся эта макулатура? Отчего ты требовал оставшиеся от прошлой корректуры ненужные листы?

Всю эту дрянь я на всякий случай сохраню и привезу, но ей-Богу противно посылать через всю Европу подтирку твоим гравёрам...

Naples  22 February
7 March

I shall start this letter with a similar phrase to the one which seemed to amuse you in one of my previous letters. "I have received your wonderful, long letter with a whole box full of interesting news. It gave me great pleasure; however, I felt no little appreciation on seeing the remittance". No, I am seriously saying that about both of them. The letter dispelled the frustration I still feel concerning the dirty tricks played on me by the owner of the villa in which I foolishly stayed. While the money represents a significant redress to my finances. So thank you, thank you, thank you.

It would be interesting to recount to you the story of renting and leaving the rooms at the villa Postiglione, but I'd sooner tell you when we meet; firstly, I don't know how to explain it properly in writing, and secondly, I'm incredibly tired from writing letters and proofreading.

My God, I can't say anything about the fees for the Bortnyansky and the Vespers, but it's better we decide this in Moscow. For now, golubchik, I ask you to send me a further 1000 francs. And naturally this is the last time I will pester you about money... until the next time. Hopefully, this won't be soon. I absolutely do not know whether my overture ("The Year 1812") is good or bad, but I rather think it is the former (pardon my immodesty). Incidentally. In the event that Nápravník takes part in the exhibition concerts, I should like him to be the one to conduct it. In that event, kindly make this known to the appropriate person. Would you advise me to come for Anatoly's wedding, or would it be better later? In any case I'll be in Moscow. Why isn't Tolya drinking? I don't like this. From his first letters I was quite ready to believe he was drunk!

Forgive me, my dear fellow, for replying to your interesting letter with these pitiful pages. Perhaps when I have more free time I'll write in more detail. Until we meet! Greeting and regards to all yours; naturally, Sofya Ivanovna most of all. Kiss Borka.

P. Tchaikovsky

Modest sends his very best regards. I'll send the proofs tomorrow.

P.S. Hitherto, all the fees which you assigned to my best efforts always seemed to me to be extravagant, but due to my wastefulness and carelessness I have always been deplorably weak in agreeing to them. Thus, for example, if I now speak to you as a friend, and not as the purveyor of my goods, then I will say that your stipulated fee of 500 rubles for the Trio is incredibly extravagant. However, I am glad that you have stipulated it, because I'm embarrassingly thirsty for revenue. Perhaps I am abusing your Jurgensonian generosity? Be that as it may, you have still assigned it yourself. My God, I won't be haggling, and if I did it would be in the sense that this is too much, because you have always been extravagant, and not vice versa. I've added this P. S. at night, suffering from insomnia, brought on by the dirty tricks played on me at the Villa Postiglione, which I just cannot forget.

P. T.

P. S. Secondly. I'm sending you the third proofs. I'm leaving the rest, i.e. the old edition with my corrections and the 2nd proof pages, because going to the post office myself I find it redundant to haul along completely unnecessary sheets that are only fit for lavatory paper. What do you need all this waste paper for, golubchik? Why did you demand the unnecessary sheets left over from the last proofs?

Anyway I'll save all this rubbish and bring it with me, but my God it's horrible to cart your engravers' lavatory paper through the whole of Europe...