Letter 4884
Date | 4/16 March 1893 |
Addressed to | Andrey Tchaikovsky |
Where written | Klin |
Language | Russian |
Autograph Location | Klin (Russia): Tchaikovsky State Memorial Musical Museum-Reserve (a3, No. 418) |
Publication | П. И. Чайковский. Полное собрание сочинений, том XVII (1981), p. 58 |
Text and Translation
Russian text (original) |
English translation By Brett Langston |
4 марта 1893 г[ода] Клин Голубчик Андрей! Письмо твоё застало меня за минуту до отъезда в Москву и Харьков, где мне предстоит дирижировать концертами. Вернусь я на шестой неделе и — даю тебе честное слово — сейчас же исполню твою просьбу. Спасибо за милое письмо и извещение о своём житье-бытье. Мне давно уже хочется навестить тебя и не раз об этом был разговор с Аней, — да всё как-то не приходилось, но в более или менее близком будущем я непременно исполню это желание. А покамест посылаю тебе и твоей семье тысячу приветствий. Крепко обнимаю, Твой П. Чайковский В конце шестой недели марш пришлю. |
4 March 1893 Klin Golubchik Andrey! Your letter has caught me just as I am about to leave for Moscow and Kharkov, where I'm due to conduct some concerts. When I return in six weeks — I give you my word of honour — I'll immediately carry out your request. Thank you for your nice letter and for the information about the events in your life. I've long wanted to visit you, and have discussed this more than once with Anya — yet somehow it has never happened, but more or less in the near future I will certainly fulfil this wish. And in the meantime I send you and your family a thousand salutations. I embrace you warmly. Yours P. Tchaikovsky You'll have the march in six weeks [1]. |
Notes and References
- ↑ In a letter of 28 February/12 March 1893, Andrey Tchaikovsky asked the composer to write a march for the infantry regiment of which he was the commander, explaining that "There should be three sections in all, with something melodic and increasingly noisy". Tchaikovsky wrote the Military March on 24 March/5 April, and added a trio on 5/17 May 1893 (see Letter 4903, 25 March/6 April 1893, and Letter 4928, 5/17 May 1893, to Andrey Tchaikovsky.