Anna Merkling
Cousin of the composer (b. 1830; d. 1911), born Anna Petrovna Tchaikovskaya (Анна Петровна Чайковская); known during her first marriage as Anna Petrovna Yegorova (Анна Петровна Егорова), and after her second marriage as Anna Petrovna Merkling (Анна Петровна Мерклинг).
Anna was the oldest child of the composer's uncle Pyotr Petrovich Tchaikovsky (1789–1871) and his wife Yevdokiya (b. Berens). She married a Mr Yegorov when she was quite young, but they were not happy together, and after the death of an infant daughter they separated. Soon afterwards Anna married for the second time to a Guards' officer, Pyotr Ivanovich Merkling, by whom she had a daughter, Lyubov. However, she was not happy in this marriage either. Her new husband made no progress whatsoever in his military career, and he treated Anna badly. Because of his disagreeable character he was forced to leave his regiment, and on some whim he decided to join the police, accepting a lowly position. But even there he did not get on with his superiors, and he soon left the police as well. He eventually ended up working as a caretaker in a school in Saint Petersburg. Anna, who came from a highly cultured family, suffered greatly as she saw herself and her husband come down in the world, but she nevertheless retained a cheerful outlook on life and liked to take part in amateur theatricals and attend concerts [1].
Although Anna was ten years older than Tchaikovsky, they were inseparable companions from 1852 onwards, when Tchaikovsky's parents moved to Saint Petersburg, and especially after the death of his mother in 1854. They were united by a love of mischief and often devised practical jokes together. Anna would remain Tchaikovsky's favourite cousin all his life, since he valued her ability to rise above adversity thanks to her cheerful character. When her husband suffered financial problems Tchaikovsky lent them a hand [2].
In her memoirs of the composer, Aleksandra Panayeva-Kartsova reported the following conversation which took place between Tchaikovsky and his beloved cousin shortly after the concert in Saint Petersburg on 16/28 October 1893 at which he had conducted the premiere of his Sixth Symphony:
After the concert he saw home his cousin Anna Petrovna Merkling, with whom he had been on very friendly terms ever since his childhood. She was one of the first to appreciate him; she worshipped his talent, and he would constantly share with her his impressions, thoughts, and plans. On this occasion he asked her if she had understood what his new symphony expressed. She replied that the impression she had was that in it he had described his own life.
— Yes, you've guessed right! — he exclaimed joyfully and started to explain it to her — The first movement is childhood and vague strivings after music. The second is youth and merry high society life. The third is the struggle for existence and the achievement of glory. And as for the last movement, — he added cheerfully, — that is the De profundis, with which we all end, but for me that is still a long way ahead; I feel so much energy in me, so many creative impulses; I know that I shall yet create a lot of good things, and even better than those I have created so far" [3].
In 1882, Tchaikovsky dedicated his piano piece Menuetto scherzoso — No. 3 of the Six Pieces, Op. 51 — "à Madame Annette Mercling".
Correspondence with Tchaikovsky
79 letters from the composer to Anna Merkling have survived, dating from 1871 to 1893, of which those highlighted in bold have been translated into English on this website:
- Letter 245 – 16/28 December 1871, from Moscow
- Letter 350 – 25 April/7 May 1874, from Naples
- Letter 1602 – 27 September/9 October 1880, from Kamenka
- Letter 1920 – 27 December 1881/8 January 1882, from Rome
- Letter 1935 – 15/27 January 1882, from Rome
- Letter 2023 – 17/29 May 1882, from Kamenka
- Letter 2046 – 18/30 June 1882, from Grankino
- Letter 2153 – 2/14 November 1882, from Kamenka
- Letter 2194 – 10/22 January 1883, from Paris
- Letter 2207 – 24 January/5 February 1883, from Paris
- Letter 2212 – 29 January/10 February 1883, from Paris
- Letter 2232 – 1/13 March 1883, from Paris
- Letter 2276 – 27 April/9 May 1883, from Paris
- Letter 2324 – 8/20 August 1883, from Podushkino
- Letter 2329 – 16/28 August 1883, from Podushkino
- Letter 2360 – 6/18 October 1883, from Kamenka
- Letter 2477 – 27 April/9 May 1884, from Kamenka
- Letter 2590 – 12/24 November 1884, from Davos
- Letter 2665 – 28 February/12 March 1885, from Maydanovo
- Letter 2718 – 4/16 June 1885, from Maydanovo
- Letter 2732 – 6/18 July 1885, from Maydanovo
- Letter 2766 – 13/25 September 1885, from Maydanovo
- Letter 2769 – 20 September/2 October 1885, from Maydanovo
- Letter 2790 – by 10/22 October 1885, from Maydanovo
- Letter 2792 – 11/23 October 1885, from Maydanovo
- Letter 2831 – 9/21 December 1885, from Maydanovo
- Letter 2889 – 14/26 February 1886, from Maydanovo
- Letter 2895 – 20 February/4 March 1886, from Maydanovo
- Letter 2946 – 3/15 May 1886, from the Black Sea
- Letter 3046 – 12/24 September 1886, from Maydanovo
- Letter 3132 – 26 December 1886/7 January 1887, from Maydanovo
- Letter 3180 – 12/24 February 1887, from Maydanovo
- Letter 3208 – 25 March/6 April 1887, from Maydanovo
- Letter 3277 – 26 June/8 July 1887, from Borzhom
- Letter 3300 – 26 July/7 August 1887, from Aachen
- Letter 3592 – 14/26 June 1888, from Frolovskoye
- Letter 3601 – 22 June/4 July 1888, from Frolovskoye
- Letter 3606 – 1/13 July 1888, from Frolovskoye
- Letter 3691 – 8/20 October 1888, from Frolovskoye
- Letter 3762 – 9/21 January 1889, from Frolovskoye
- Letter 3810 – 28 February/12 March 1889, from Hamburg
- Letter 3889 – 27 June/9 July 1889, from Frolovskoye
- Letter 3890 – 30 June/12 July 1889, from Frolovskoye
- Letter 3924 – 21 August/2 September 1889, from Frolovskoye
- Letter 4025 – 6/18 February 1890, from Florence
- Letter 4028 – 7/19 February 1890, from Florence
- Letter 4033 – 13/25 February 1890, from Florence
- Letter 4042 – 19 February/3 March 1890, from Florence
- Letter 4059 – 5/17 March 1890, from Florence
- Letter 4082 – 27 March/8 April 1890, from Rome
- Letter 4093 – 7/19 April 1890, from Rome
- Letter 4143 – 12/24 June 1890, from Frolovskoye
- Letter 4162 – 2/14 July 1890, from Frolovskoye
- Letter 4223 – 28 September/10 October 1890, from Tiflis
- Letter 4235 – 16/28 October 1890, from Tiflis
- Letter 4293 – 6/18 January 1891, from Frolovskoye
- Letter 4333 – 18 February/2 March 1891, from Saint Petersburg
- Letter 4359 – 30 March/11 April 1891, from Rouen
- Letter 4367a – 15/27 April 1891, from New York
- Letter 4373 – 22 April/4 May 1891, from New York
- Letter 4390 – 2/14 June 1891, from Maydanovo
- Letter 4395 – 3/15 June 1891, from Maydanovo
- Letter 4401 – 11/23 June 1891, from Maydanovo
- Letter 4438 – 8/20 July 1891, from Maydanovo
- Letter 4463 – 2/14 September 1891, from Maydanovo
- Letter 4475 – 12/24 September 1891, from Maydanovo
- Letter 4478 – 22 September/4 October 1891, from Maydanovo
- Letter 4499 – 7/19 October 1891, from Maydanovo
- Letter 4591 – 4/16 January 1892, from Berlin
- Letter 4693 – 20 May/1 June 1892, from Klin
- Letter 4716 – 28 June/10 July 1892, from Vichy
- Letter 4733 – 17/29 July 1892, from Klin
- Letter 4751 – 12/24 August 1892, from Klin
- Letter 4838 – 31 December 1892/12 January 1893, from Brussels
- Letter 4850 – 24 January/5 February 1893, from Odessa
- Letter 4896 – 19/31 March 1893, from Klin
- Letter 4975 – 19/31 July 1893, from Klin
- Letter 4993 – 28 July/9 August 1893, from Klin
- Letter 5051 – 29 September/11 October 1893, from Klin
146 letters from Anna Merkling to the composer, dating from 1880 to 1893, are preserved in the Tchaikovsky State Memorial Musical Museum-Reserve at Klin (a4, Nos. 2845–2988 & 3103).
Notes and References
- ↑ See the introduction to П. И. Чайковский. С. И. Танеев. Письма (1951), p. 205.
- ↑ See the information provided by David Brown in Tchaikovsky remembered (1993), p.13-14, where the recollections of Anna Merkling are quoted as reported by Modest Tchaikovsky in Жизнь Петра Ильича Чайковского, том 1 (1997), p.71–72.
- ↑ This conversation between Tchaikovsky and Anna Merkling on the evening of 16/28 October 1893 is reported by Aleksandra Panayeva-Kartsova in her memoirs, included in Воспоминания о П. И. Чайковском (1980), p. 136. Here is Tchaikovsky's declaration in the original Russian: " — Да, ты угадала, — обрадовался он и начал ей объяснять её [симфонию]. Первая часть — детство и смутные стремления к музыке. Вторая — молодость и светская весёлая жизнь. Третья — жизненная борьба и достижение славы. — Ну а последняя, — добавил он весело, — это «De profundis», чем все кончаем, но для меня это ещё далеко, я чувствую в себе столько энергии, столько творческих сил; я знаю, что теперь создам ещё много, много хорошего и лучшего, чем до сих пор".